Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Hide and Seek

I woke up and Joe and Nick were still sleeping. I detangled myself from Nick with out waking him up surprisingly. I stretched and walked over to the bay window and sat down on it, the view was amazing. I love the city, this is where I want to live one day, I love the rush and the noises, I don’t know why but I do. I was sitting there with my knees to my chest just starring out at the amazing city. I didn’t even hear Joe get out of bed and come over and look out the window with me, “What are you looking at?” Joe asked yawning, I turned around and then looked back out the window, “Nothing really just taking it in” “Oh” he said, “Want some food?” he asked walking over and putting on the TV. The video for Thunder by Boys Like Girls was on, “Do you even have to ask me?” I said laughing. “Guess not, my bad” Joe said all cautious and raising his hands while walking over to the phone I laughed at him and told him I wanted some pancakes, “Nick…” Joe said, I looked over, “Nick?” Joe said again poking him, I laughed standing up off my seat, I ran and jumped on the bed he started freaking out and fell off the bed, I laughed even harder. “Ally that hurt” he said sitting up “Aw I’m sorry stud muffin, but what do you want for breakfast?” I said putting my nose to his, “Um I want some waffles” then he kissed my nose, “And some fruit” then he kissed my nose again, I smiled and turned to Joe, “He wants some waffles and fruit” “Alright,” then Joe picked up the phone and ordered our food. Nick got up and walked over to the couches with me, Seven things came on again, “You can change it if you want” I said to Nick, “You know, that picture was us, on the tour bus when we were on tour together, I wasn’t even looking at the camera…I was looking at her” okay now what the hell am I suppose to say that?? “Oh” was all I said, “I remember we were laughing at something Joe had said, and then she posed to take the picture, doing one of her famous peace sign pouts. I was thinking, wow you are so gay.” He said still being so serious, I giggled a little “well if it makes you feel better, only you can pull off the dog tag look” I said still watching, “Thanks” he said laughing a little, Joe ran over and flipped on to the couch and landed next to me with his feet on Nick. “I love making an entrance” he said smiling up at me, “I know you do Joseph now get off of me” I said laughing he rolled over and off of me. we sat there watching music videos for about twenty minutes then there was a knock at the door, “Joe you going to get that?” I asked him, “Nick you got that” Joe said pointing to the door, I laughed. We were so lazy. Nick reluctantly got up and rolled his eyes, he walked over to the door and thanked the bell hop and gave him a tip. “Food!” I yelled and jumped off the couch and grabbed my plate once I found it.

“Hello?” I answered the phone, “Hi dear it’s Mrs. Jonas” “Oh hi Mrs. Jonas!” “Can you just remind Nick and Joe they have to be ready for the radio interview at one; we have to leave here at twelve thirty though. Then they have a signing at the MTV store for a few hours and by then it will be dinner time so we’ll eat somewhere and then it’s back on the tour bus!” I laughed, “Alright I’ll let them know, it is alright if I tag a long with the guys right?” “Of course, but I have to go our breakfast is here just don’t forget to tell the boys, we’ll meet you in the lobby” “Okay, bye!” “Bye dear” I hung up the phone, “So?” “You have a radio interview at one, then you have a signing at the MTV store for a few hours and then we have dinner and then we leave for the tour bus” “I thought we had four days here?” Joe said pouting, “I guess not” Nick said shrugging. “Oh we have to meet in the lobby with everyone at twelve thirty” I said while looking at my phone, it was ten thirty. “Alright” They both said. “What do you guys want to do till then?” I asked walking over to the couches, “Um we could” “Run around the hotel, sounds fun!” I said cutting Nick off, “YEA!” Joe said jumping up off the couch. “Alright” Nick said laughing, I ran out of the room with Joe and Nick following me. “Want to play hide and seek?” Joe asked us, “Joe there’s only three of us….” I said pointing to ourselves, “Four!” Kevin said popping out of no where, “Where did you come from!?” Nick yelled jumping, we all laughed at him, “Joe texted me” Kevin said holding up his phone. “Oh” He said. “Not it!” I yelled first putting my finger to my nose, the others followed suit and turned out Kevin has the slowest reactions because he was it. “I’m counting to sixty, and you can only go on floors on the last column of the button display thing in the elevator.” “Alright, You have to count in our room though” Nick said shoving him in and closing the door, with that we ran to the elevators, I presses a button for one and Joe pressed the other, Joe’s got there first, “Good luck suckers!” “Joe, don’t forget were meeting back at the room at eleven fifteen!” I shouted as his doors closed mine opened, and I hopped in, Nick was standing there waiting for another elevator bouncing on his toes, I saw our door start to open I grabbed Nick by the shirt and dragged him in. I pressed the close door button and saw Kevin trying to reach us; I stuck my tongue out at him and saw him flip us off as the door closed. “That was close, and we just started.” Nick said laughing “You were never good at this game” I said waiting till we got to the seventeenth floor, “Thanks, but if I remember I was always the one who could find you” he said back to me. It was true; he could always find me while the other guys could NEVER find me. “Yea well whatever” I said back, the doors opened and we got out, “Where to hide,” I said walking away from him he ran up and walked next to me, “Aha!” I pointed to the ice machine, “Al it’s the ice machine?” he questioned to me. “Um very good Nick” I said laughing at him, I inched in between the ice machine and the soda machine, once I got past them there was actually space to be able to stand. “How the hell did you fit back there!?” “Being skinny pays off in these types of situations!” I shouted back and he laughed, “Can you fit threw?” I asked, then I heard a lot of shuffling and some swearing, I laughed to myself. He finally popped out and into the space I was now standing in which had just become smaller, and cramped. I was against the wall and Nick was pushed up against me, I was breathing a little heavier now, all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him right now. I could feel Nick’s gaze on me, I looked up at him, “What?” I asked still breathing heavily, “You seem nervous?” he asked more then stated, I cleared my throat, “Why would I be nervous?” I asked, “I don’t know am I making you nervous?” he asked coming closer towards me then he already was if that was possible, “No” I laughed a little, “Your lying” he stated simply with a smile, “Am not” I said back, I know this boy can read me like a book, but he has been my best friend since we were like born so I guess it would be rather sad if he couldn’t read me by now. Nick’s lips crashing on mine broke my train of thought. Soon we were making out pretty roughly, I had my legs wrapped around his waist my hands were in his hair, and he had me pinned up against the wall with his hands on my sides. I felt his hands starting to go up my shirt and I smiled and pulled away for a quick second to breath, then we started back up again, until we heard Joe and Kevin. “Wow, there seems to be a lot of commotion behind this ice machine, I wonder if some one is getting a HICKEY” Joe shouted and my eyes shot open and Nick dropped his hands and stepped away from me, causing me to fall to the ground cause I had had my legs wrapped around him. I landed with a nice loud thud, “Oh shit, sorry Al, I didn’t realize” “Ouch”, I said rubbing my butt while Nick helped me up. I could here Kevin and Joe laughing, I waited for Nick to shimmy out first then I followed him out. “God we seriously can’t leave you two alone!” Joe said laughing, “Joe shut up” Nick said to him punching him in the arm. “Aw don’t worry Nick; he’s just jealous of you!” I said watching as Joe’s face fell, “Whatever” Joe said rolling his eyes and walking away, Kevin was still laughing, “We have to get ready now” he said to us and then turned around and made his way to the elevators, I looked to Nick and then he looked at me and we started to laugh.