Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

again with the nightmare.

We were all sitting in the lounge part of the bus, we had just finished unpacking our suitcase and I had changed and showered. I hadn’t even looked at Nick yet alone talked to him. In our hotel room I just ignored him and his rude comments that he would say every now and then. I pretended I didn’t see the eye rolls he was giving. He ignored the ones I would give in return. I was sitting on the complete opposite end of the couch from Nick. “I’m going to bed” I said standing up, I walked to the bath room and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I made my way to my bunk and got up on the second try, I was about to yell to the guys that it only took two tries, but saw Nick and decided against it and then I closed my curtain and got under my hot pink blanket. I fell asleep looking at the picture of me and my dad, man how I missed him.

I was sitting in the car with him, it was raining and we were singing to brown eyed girl but when it said brown we’d scream really loud blue, because I have blue eyes. It was our song. Then he looked at me smiling and then in the nightmare I heard screeching, lights and then in slow motion I watched my dad turn his head and try to turn the wheel….then I heard a horrible crashing noise and I kept trying to scream. My dad slammed into the other car, we started flipping and then finally stopped and I didn’t want to open my eyes and when I did my dad had his head against the wheel of the car, and blood was everywhere. I started to cry and tried to get out of the car but the door wouldn’t open so I had to climb out the window and I fell out, I staggered away from the car and sat down on the side of the road and started to cry even harder and shake and rock back and forth. Then I saw the driver of the other car, I recognized him right away. It was Jerk. I was so scared and crying and just kept screaming no over and over again. Soon there was an ambulance, fire fighters, and police every where. I was sitting there crying hysterically and no one even looked at me, not once. I watched the medics put my dad into the ambulance with a sheet over his body and face; I turned away from the awful sight. I saw head lights coming up the road and the car stop and my mom getting out. But instead of running to the ambulance or to me, she ran to jerk. He was sitting in the back of a cop car; she was crying and talking to him, like she knew who he was. I kept screaming mom over and over again. Then the ambulance doors shut and it pulled away, I chased after it for a few seconds crying, then stopped and stood there in the middle of the road, in the pouring rain, starring at nothing now. All of the sudden I was in my house, in my room. I saw the handle on my door start shaking and I ran to my closet and hid from him. The door busted open and he came in staggering with a beer bottle in his hand, I was in my closet, standing there holding mybreath. Then he yanked open my closet and I shrieked. And then next I shot open my eyes, I was crying and shaking, was this dream real?? Was jerk the one who had hit my dad?? Did my mom know him before the accident? How long had she been cheating on my dad?! I was crying even harder now and shaking uncontrollably, I heard my curtain open but I didn’t move, I just closed my eyes tighter. I felt someone get into my bunk and close the curtain, he wrapped his arms around me said soothing things to me, making me calm down, “Come on Ally it’s okay, it was just a nightmare” he said to me, but I didn’t answer. I fell asleep again in his arms, but they weren’t as welcoming as the other nights.

I woke up and Nick wasn’t with me anymore, I had a horrible head ach and felt so sick. I checked to see what time it was, twelve. Wow I slept so late! Then I heard voices from outside my bunk, “She’s still sleeping??” Joe asked with shock in his voice. “Nick do you know if she’s okay?” I heard Kevin ask, “She had a nightmare last night.” He said flatly and kept walking by. I opened my curtain and made Joe and Kevin whip around, “Oh Al, we didn’t know you were up.” They said looking at me, “I am” I said jumping down and going towards the bathroom. I changed into a pair of black sweat pants, and then wore two beaters, white and an electric blue. I put hair into a low messy bun and curled the pieces that had fallen out, I straightened my bangs, my eyes were red from crying last night, I put on my make up and they looked better. I brushed my teeth and then walked out and walked to the front and grabbed myself an apple. I went back to my bunk and made my bed and then jumped up in it and put in the Notebook and watched it. “Ally are you okay?” Joe asked looking in at me, I just nodded my head yes, and he sighed and moved on. Kevin was the one who got into my bunk and closed the curtain. “What’s wrong” he said, I just shrugged, “Ally, tell me” he said looking at me, I sighed, “Nick” I said so quietly that I didn’t think he heard it, “Ally come on you have to get happy, who cares about him! Come on you can still have fun, just because you two are fighting doesn’t mean you have to block yourself off from the rest of the world” he said, I looked up at him and smiled, “Thanks Kev” I said and he smiled back, he kissed me on the far head and hopped out of my bunk and closed the curtain again, I grabbed my Jonas box and opened it up and dug to the bottom and pulled out some of the papers.