Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Being sick sucks.

“Okay, well she seems to have just a virus, it’s been going around” the doctor said from his stool, I was sitting in the check up room on the bed with that paper covering that always rip when you sit on it. I hate doctor’s offices, they smell weird, and they always seem depressing. Not to mention they just always remind me of death for some reason. I was so tired, I was leaning against the wall and trying to keep my eyes open. “Well how long till it’s gone?” Mrs. Jonas asked from her seat, “Um well the one she has, in a few days she’ll be feeling better, get her appetite back and all, it should fully leave her system with in the week, but she’ll need lots of rest and drink lots of fluids, you don’t want to get dehydrated from throwing up so much, because then that will just make things worse” he said to her and then me, I just sighed. “Um any medicine?” Mrs. Jonas asked while looking at me, “Um sad to say no, she’ll just have to wait it out really, I mean she’d just throw up anything you give her” “Alright, do you think we’ll catch it?” Mrs. Jonas asked looking at the doctor, “Usually you can get it from sharing drinks or kissing or things in that sort, she probably just got it from being in New York somewhere.” The doctor said nodding his head; “Alright” Mrs. Jonas said rubbing my knee. I really hate being sick, it sucks. Just then I hopped off the table and threw my head into the trashcan and threw up a few times, “Um once she’s done, you’re free to go” the doctor said, “Alright thank you” Mrs. Jonas said then I felt her hand on my back, “Get well soon Ally, remember fluids and rest” he said I just gave a thumbs up with my head still in the trash can. After a few minutes I was finished, I pulled up my head and Mrs. Jonas handed me a napkin, I wiped my mouth and threw it away. “This is going to be a tough week for you honey” she said, I just nodded my head. After we walked out and paid for my visit we got back on the road. Kevin put me up in my bunk, I couldn’t reach it, I didn’t have the energy. I passed out for a long time. Of course I had that freaking nightmare and was woken up by someone shaking me, I turned around, it was Kevin he just had a weak smile, “Sorry” I croaked out, “Don’t be” then he smiled at me again and walked on. I was so hot but cold at the same time, my head felt like it had been hit by a train, my muscles all were so sore I felt like I couldn’t even sit up.

The next days were basically just sleep, scream and cry from the nightmare, Nick would come and sleep with me at night, but then every time I woke up in the morning he’d be gone, I would throw up, try and drink then throw up some more. Though I got down a piece of toast today when I woke up at around three in the afternoon, the guys were at a sound check. I was freezing, so I had the blankets from the two beds, sweat pants and a sweat shirt on. Mrs. Jonas was in the room with me, someone was always with me, though Nick never was. I haven’t talked to him since our fight in the stair case. “Sorry” I said while taking a sip of water, “Don’t be silly dear it’s not your fault” Mrs. Jonas said from her seat, I felt horrible; she’d have to miss the concert because of me. “Mrs. Jonas I think you should go to the concert, I mean I’m just going to sit here.” I said, “No” was all she answered with, I sighed and put my water bottle down. I fell back asleep soon. “Ally dear, wake up your having a nightmare” I opened my eyes, they were watery and my throat hurt, I saw Mrs. Jonas sitting on my bed rubbing my back, I just rolled back over I was tired and just wanted to sleep. I did notice it was dark out. Next time I woke up was to the screaming fans and flashes, I had sunglasses on and I was wearing my sweat shirt and sweat pants but no shoes. “What’s going on?” I asked, “Were going back to the bus,” Nick was carrying me bridal style. “Nick?” I asked, he didn’t say anything. “I can walk” I said trying to get out of his arms. He wouldn’t let me down and just kept looking straight ahead and ignoring his fans. I gave up eventually, soon we were on the bus, he put me up in my bunk I muffled a thanks, and he didn’t say anything just kept going. I rolled over and fell asleep. I had the same dream, but this time it went a little further, jerk ripped open the closet door and pulled me out, I let out a squeal and he threw me across the room and into the wall, then it started. It he just kept hitting me over and over, I was screaming in my dream and trying to fight him off punching him over and over again. “Ally stop it!! It’s me Nick!!!” I opened my eyes, Nick was laying next to me, “What?” I said, “You were punching me” he said kind of coldly, I had tears streaming down my face and my throat was stinging from screaming, “I’m so sorry” I said crying a little harder, he just pulled me into a hug, “What happened?” he asked, I told him the whole dream and the new part, it was really a memory, the first time he ever hit me. “Ally he can’t get you now I promise,” he said into my ear and rubbing my back, “Nick” I said looking up at him, he looked down at me, “I’m sorry, I really am, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m so sorry. Jay was just a friend back home, that’s just how we are with each other. But I promise I won’t do it anymore, I’ll stop, I just don’t want to fight anymore.” I said starting to cry again, “Al it’s fine, I guess I over reacted really, I mean you are right, it’s not like were together, and I don’t own you. I was just kind of shocked you know?” I just shook my head yes. “I miss it when it was me and you together” he said stroking my hair, “Me to” I said back to him, “Do you want to be together again?” he asked me, “Yes” I said with out even thinking about it. “Me to” he said kind of laughing, “So boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked looking up, “If that’s what you want, because that’s what I want” he said smiling I smiled, he was leaning down for a kiss, “No” I said, he looked shocked, “You’ll get what I have if you kiss me” I said kind of laughing his shock expression softened, “I don’t care” he said, “Your fans will, Nick don’t, I’m getting better.” I said, he kissed me on the head, “Um Nick?” I said, “Yea?” “Can you help me down I’m going to be sick” I said really fast, “oh yea” he said jumping out and then helping me to the bath room, I threw up a few times and he sat there and rubbed my back and held back my hair. After I finished I brushed my teeth and washed my face, he helped me back into bed and jumped up with me, I fell asleep in my boyfriends arms peacefully.