Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl


I woke up and didn’t have my head ach anymore that I had had for the past week, and I was actually hungry. I sat up and smiled at the sleeping Nick next to me, I climbed over him and then tried to get out of the bunk on my own, I was still weak though and I kind of fell out but someone caught me, I whipped around, “Thanks Joe” I said with smile, “no problem sick ling” I smiled at him and he laughed, I walked in front of him to the table and sat with the rest of the Jonas family, minus Nick and Frankie they were still sleeping. “Ally you look like your feeling better!” Mrs. Jonas said cheerfully, “I do, I don’t have my head ach anymore and I’m actually hungry for food” I said smiling, “Oh good, the doctor did say it would last about a week, but you should stick to something light,” she said, “I think I’ll make some toast,” I said, “I’ll get it for you, sit back down” she ordered me I smiled and said thank you, “Your color is back” Kevin said to me, “Thanks” I said smiling, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever” Joe said I just smiled again then Mrs. Jonas sat my toast with jelly down and I ate it so fast. “Well you seem hungry” Kevin said laughing, “Kev I haven’t eaten in a week” I reminded him laughing, “True” Joe said smiling. The whole day we just watched movies, I threw up only once because I tried to eat some popcorn, I did good for long time but then it didn’t work out so well. I had a bagel for dinner, rest of the family had pizza. I took a shower and got ready for bed. Kevin put me up in my bunk and thanked him, he smiled and walked away, I put on the Notebook, I fell asleep about ten minutes into it. Nick woke me up again because I was punching him when he got into my bunk, I rolled back over after he kissed me on the far head and fell back asleep. Everyone was happy we were talking again; they didn’t know we were together yet though. After a few days on the bus, we were in Camden New Jersey for a concert; I was finally back to myself, though I had lost A LOT of weight. I kind of looked anorexic and I hated it, all my clothes were big on me now, I had to buy some belts in the last town we were in. “ALLY!!!!” I heard a familiar voice scream I turned around and saw Nicole in line with a thousand other girls screaming for the guys we were walking by them and into the back entrance, “NICOLE!!!!” I squealed and ran over to her I heard the guys yell after me but I kept running, we hugged over the barrier between us, and were screaming and laughing, “You look so skinny!!” she screamed, “I told you I was sick” I said to her, “Yea but shit ally you look like-“”I’m anorexic I know” I said laughing with her, I heard all the girls start screaming louder and I knew the guys were walking over here, I felt someone grab my hand, I looked behind me and saw Nick, “I found Nicole!!” I squealed again, “Hey Nicole” Nick said laughing a little, every girl around us were freaking out, “Hey Nick!” she said happily. “Sorry to break up the reunion but ba-I mean Al we have to get inside before my parents kill us” he said catching himself before he said babe in front of a huge crowd, I smiled at him, Nicole knew we were together, I mean of course I told my best friend. She smiled and I said I’d talk to her later. Nick pulled me away from her and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, “You know you almost slipped up back there” I said laughing, “I know but I caught my self” he said with a tone that said I’m so cool. “You can me back down now” I said laughing. He set me down and we walked inside to get ready.

Soon once we were all changed and looking good the security guy, Kyle, gave the list of girls with meet and greets to Mrs. Jonas, I looked it over to make sure he had given one to Nicole. So I cheated and told Kyle to give one to Nicole, he wasn’t going to at first but then Joe told him to and he said fine after about ten minutes of us begging. I looked myself over in the mirror next to Joe, “Looking sexy” he said to me, “Not so bad yourself Mr. Jonas” I said back at him, “Ally, are you hitting on me!? What about Nicholas!? We’ll just have to never speak of this again” he said faking a shocked act, I busted out laughing and then he did to, “Nah I’m just messing around” he said hugging me, “I know Joe” I said rolling my eyes at him. So as you can guess, we told the family about how were together now. Then we all gathered for a group prayer. After Mr. Jonas finished we all took our places, I sat in my spot off stage. The boys ran out on stage, Nick was the last and that’s because he stopped to kiss me and then go. “Hey I’m Kevin!” “Hey everyone I’m Joe!” “What’s up guys I’m Nick!” “And we are the Jonas Brothers!!” they all said together, the crowd went crazy, they started off with Goodnight and Goodbye, I was enjoying the concert it was really going well, then got to Nick’s part where he sang A Little Bit Longer, he started to tear up, and then I saw Joe wipe a stray tear from his eye and I awed off stage along with the thousands of other girls in the arena. They were about to play Underdog, I saw them all look off stage and smile at me, “We’d like to dedicate this to our very good friend, with out her we wouldn’t be the same guys!” Kevin shouted into the mic then Joe started the singing, I smiled out to them, they were the best. Soon the boys were taking there final bow after singing Burnin Up, they ran off stage and I handed them water bottles and towels, “Thank you towel girl” Joe said while taking a sip from his bottle, Nick whipped me with his towel, “Ow Nick that hurt!” “I like those jeans” he said with a grin, “Of course you do they show off her ass” Joe said laughing, Kevin slapped Joe upside the head for me, “Thank you” I said smiling to him, “Ready for your meet and greet boys?” Mr. Jonas called to us from further away, “Yep let’s do this thing!” Joe shouted and ran out with Frankie on his back, Nick gave me a piggy back ride to the room, “Alright boys and Ally, we’ll be in the dressing room, it’s over at eleven, so just come get us then, come on Frankie let’s go play guitar hero” Mrs. Jonas said us. I got to tag along with them for everything. “Alright bye mommy” Joe said they all hugged her including me, “Have fun” she said as we turned around and started down to the hallway, we could hear all the girls from down the hall, “Um wow” I said laughing, “I know, it sounds vicious in there” Kevin said, we were standing outside the door, we laughed, “Alright lets do this!” Joe said opening the door, him and Kevin walked in Nick closed it real quick and turned around to me, “What are-“ I was cut off by him kissing me. Once we pulled apart I smiled, “What was that for?” “In case I don’t come back from that” he said pointing to the door, I knew he meant the fans, I laughed, and then the door opened up again, “Let’s go Nick!” Joe yelled to us while covering his eyes, ever since the hickey incident he always covers his eyes when me and Nick kiss or show any afection towards eachother.Nick laughed while rolling his eyesand walked in and I followed behind him, everyone went crazy, I found a chair in the corner and sat down, the guys all sat behind a table, well they stood the whole time basically signing stuff, taking pictures or videos, giving hugs and such. I smiled and watched from the whole time. “ALLY!!!” I heard Nicole scream over everyone I shot my head up and everyone looked at me, “NICOLE!!” I yelled just as loud I jumped up and we hugged, the guys smiled and shook there heads, then all the commotion started up again, Nicole sat with me in the corner and we caught up. She was going to come out to eat with us after this anyway so she wasn’t really paying attention to the guys. She told me about all our friends and all the drama, “Yea Kyle’s getting with Caroline now” “Wow who the hell isn’t getting with her seriously” I said practically yelling it, “I know right!? I like freaked at him when he told me. But he said wasn’t going to wait for you” she said, “Whatever I don’t care I’ve moved on”I said looking over towards Nick with a smile on my face, he was possing for a picture with Joe for some fan girl.“Obviously” she said laughing.