Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

a little illegal fun.

“Can you pass the ketchup?” I asked Joe. We were all in Applebees eating, including Nicole. We were all laughing and joking around and taking pictures. I showed her the pictures I had taken so far and we all took turns telling embarrassing stories that had happened to us so far. “Al, how’s your mom?” Nicole asked quietly as the guys were fighting over something, “I’m not sure I haven’t actually heard from my aunt in a while but last I heard she was diagnosed with breast cancer” I said quietly, it was true the doctors had diagnosed her with breast cancer, I knew she was probably going to die. “Aw I’m so sorry” she said hugging me, “Yeah me to” I said. Nick had heard what I told Nicole, the guys didn’t know just Mr. and Mrs. Jonas knew because they had talked with my aunt, he looked at me and put his hand on my knee and rubbed it comfortingly I just smiled to him. I was fine, I knew the moment would come soon when I wouldn’t have a mom anymore, I could handle it though, I got through not having a dad and then being beaten I was stronger now. I let out a sigh and then Nicole changed the subject to ask about Nick’s green converses. The night carried on with laughs and sharing of memories. Finally it was time to go; Nicole was going to sleep at the hotel with us tonight, I was so happy to be with my best friend well my GIRL best friend. So we ended up going crazy all night (some how we ended up with alcohol and I’m not to sure how). “Guys I want to go swimming!” I shouted randomly, “Al it’s two in the morning!” Kevin said laughing, “Sooooo” I said laughing, “LETS DO IT!” Nicole and Joe yelled at the same time, “Isn’t it closed?” Nick asked, him and Kevin were the only sober ones at the moment, well Kevin was a little buzzed but Nick only had one beer. “NNAHHHHH girlfriend!” Joe shouted flipping his hand like he was gay, I busted out laughing. “Come on lets gooooooo” Nicole said jumping up, we all ran out to the elevator and down to the pool. It was deserted and just the pool lights were on. “Ready!?” Joe yelled, “YES SERGENT!” I shouted while saluting him, everyone laughed and then I grabbed Joe’s hand and we ran to the pool and jumped in. Soon everyone else jumped in to, even Nick did. We were all splashing around and yelling, Nick and Kevin kept yelling at Me, Nicole and Joe to shut up and be quiet. Of course this only made us laugh and try to be quiet by whispering but once we had to get out, it was three in the morning and a security guard was heading our way, Nick jumped in and grabbed me by the waist and started running, I just kept saying “Run forest run!!” over and over again, and that’s all I remember.

I woke up with a massive head ach and on the bathroom floor in Nick’s lap. Joe was passed out in the shower. I looked around me and was so regretting last night and our idea of having “Fun”. “Hey” I heard someone say, I looked up in the doorway to Kevin, “Hi” I said sitting up more, I flinched because of my head ach. “Fun night followed by a rough day” he said with a smirk, I glared at him. “Where’s Nicole?” I choked out while tightening my eyes close and rubbing my temples, “She’s asleep on the bed, she wasn’t nearly as drunk as you and Joe.” He said, “Well lucky her” I said still rubbing my head. “my head is killing me!” I heard Joe complain from the shower, “Join the club” I said not moving, Kevin laughed a little, “Why don’t you guys shower and I’ll order us breakfast and then we can drive Nicole home” he said to us, “Okay” we both said, “Joe get out I’m first” I said, he got out of the bathroom and left with Kevin, Nick was still asleep on the ground I shoved him and he grunted, “Come on Nick I have to shower” I said pleading withhim while rubbing my head and sitting down on the now closed toilet seat, “Fine” he said, he seemed a little pissed but just as he was about to walk out he turned back around and turned on the shower for me and set out some towels for me then he walked out right by me. He was mad but I shrugged it off and got into the hot shower he had just set up for me. I sat in there for awhile praying that my hangover would just disappear. To bad it wouldn’t. After I had washed my body and hair and shaved I decided to get out so Joe could get in. I walked out after I brushed my teeth twice. “Joe I’m done” I said opening the door and walking over and grabbing some clothes, “Alright” he said getting up and walking in the bathroom slowly and carfuly like he may break at any second. “How are you feeling ally?” Nicole asked, she was already dressed and ready for the day sitting on one of the chairs and watching music videos with Kevin and a sleeping Nick. “Splendid” I said sarcastically as I real quick changed into a pair of jean shorts and just a long sleeved t-shirt that was tie dyed from a volleyball camp I had gone to last summer. By the time everyone was done and showered and we had eaten we all were moving around better though we did have our head aches. Nick hadn’t talked to me or looked at me today yet. Soon we were all in the car and Kevin was driving us to Nicole’s house. After I said bye to her and promised to keep in touch we parted and I got back into the car with the boys. “So back to the hotel we go” Kevin said driving back towards the hotel. I sighed and closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window. “Ally were here” Joe said lightly shoving me, I got out of the car and stretched and then the four of us headed back in, “Guys whatever you do, do not mention anything of last night” Kevin said to us, “Were not retards Kevin” Joe said while rolling his eyes, “Whatever just don’t say anything” Kevin said rolling his eyes back at him. “Um… do you remember last night?” I just asked out loud for one of them to answer, Joe shook his head no Kevin and Nick shook there head yes. “Do you?” Kevin asked, “No” I said shaking my head and widening my eyes a bit. “Well you had fun” Kevin said laughing, “Good to know I guess” I said as I noticed an eye roll from Nick, “Um did I do something last night to make you like this?” I asked they all looked at me but Nick, “Nick?” no answer. “Nick!!??” I said grabbing his arm and making him stop. “Oh are you sure you want me? Or do you want Kyle because last night you wanted Kyle not Me.” he said kind of yelling harshly and then ripping his arm out of my grip and continued to walk. I was shocked that he just yelled at me, which by the way did NOT help my head ach. Of course I had no idea what he was talking about. I stood there gapping at where he had just been standing. “Al” Kevin said softly from behind me, I turned around slowly still confused. “Come on I’ll explain to you on the way in” he said grabbing my hand and pulling me along, Joe was a little further up ahead of us with Nick.