Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

"I need a black outfit"

So for about a week things were back to normal and amazing, yea I got nightmares, but we did figure out that when Nick slept with me I didn’t get them. They played three shows and did as amazing as ever, though in this past one the one they just finished and we were sitting in a room for a meet and greet, Nick dropped his microphone into the audience and then jumped to retrieve it, he did but it stopped working. Of course they were in the middle of singing Burning Up, and it was right at his solo. He tried to sing into it anyway everyone back stage was freaking out, me? I was silently laughing at his shocked face. I know bad girlfriend right? Nah he was fine. Joe tried to recover for him but didn’t do so well so he pointed his mic to the crowds and they started singing Nick’s solo. “Nice cover Joseph” I said to myself from backstage. Finally after the meet and greet was over and we were heading back to the hotel, we all were making fun of Nick for dropping the mic and all. He was laughing along with us and rolling with the punches, we all had our retard moments. After I had showered, packed and got ready to leave the hotel for the bus, a very distressed looking Mrs. Jonas came in to our room, I was laughing with Joe about how the girl in the third row had a massive sign that had a picture of a chip monk with Kevin’s face glued over the head and Nick was in the shower. “Mom what’s wrong?” Joe asked sitting up straight noticing Mrs. Jonas, I turned around and saw her, she looked like she was going to cry. Nick opened the door, “Joe go ahead,” he said walking out in his towel, “Mom are you okay?” he asked serisouly and walking over towards her, “Um kids sit down,” she said, the two Jonas boys joined me on my bed, and Mr. Jonas now joined the room, this was bad. “What is it?” Joe asked, “Ally honey, I don’t know how to say this,” Mrs. Jonas started off strong but started to cry, Mr. Jonas pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back, “Honey, it’s your mother.” My heart sank. I rolled my lips inward as Mr. Jonas continued, “She past away earlier today” I looked down at the ground and took some deep breaths. So that was it. My mom was gone. Just like that. I felt Nick pull me into a hug with Joe and then Mr. and Mrs. Jonas joined. After a few minutes I excused myself to go walk for a second, they let go and I walked out into the hallway. I walked to the elevator and then I heard a door open from down the hall and saw someone throw there hand in between the closing doors, they parted and in walked Nick, he was wearing shorts and putting on a beater, his hair was soaking wet. The doors closed and I backed up against the wall and once I hit I slid down slowly. Nick pushed a button and then the stop elevator button. I closed my eyes and hit my head back on the wall, I repeated this a few times till Nick ran over and sat next to me and pulled me into a hug and rocked me back and forth. I didn’t cry though, as much I wanted to I couldn’t. “Nick” I said shakily, he looked down, “Yea?” “My mom, she’s gone” I said shuddering out the words. “I know Al; it’s okay though I promise.” He said rubbing my back, “Where will I go” I said quietly, “What do you mean?” “I mean I don’t have a family anymore. Do you think I’ll have to live with my aunt, in Michigan?” I asked starting to tear up now, I didn’t want to move to Michigan. I didn’t want to leave Nick again or any of the Jonas Family members. “I won’t let you” he said simply and hugging me tighter as I started to cry. My mom was gone.

After what felt like forever in the elevator I mustered up enough courage and we got onto the bus, they didn’t stop to sign autographs this time; the whole family was rather depressed. We were headed back towards Philly for the funeral; I was out of it really for the rest of the few days till we got there I didn’t eat much just an apple here and there. I had told Nicole and she called me every day and I would talk to her for about an hour, then we finally made it back to North Wales, I saw the 309 movie theater sign and knew we were here. I sighed and got ready, we were staying in the hotel, though my friends offered me to stay with them and such but I didn’t want to be apart from Nick, not now when I really needed him. My aunt was a mess, she was my mom’s sister. I don’t honestly like my aunt. She was just like my mother, but way worse. I did not now or ever want to live with her, I think I’d honestly kill myself if I had to. That is exactly what I told Mr. Jonas, he smiled and said he’d talk to her. She was staying in the same hotel as us. The boys were with me and never left my side. They were the best friends I could ever have. “Um guys” I said and they all looked over at me, “I need to go to the mall….I need to buy a black outfit” I said, they all nodded, The mall was right across the street from our hotel. “Boys, I don’t think you should all go, we don’t need fans running you down.” Mr. Jonas said from the table he was sitting at, “I’ll go with her” Nick said putting on his shoes. I smiled at him, “Okay, be safe” Mr. Jonas said to us, I gave him a smile as Nick closed the door behind us. “Ally you never stop surprising me” Nick said as he grabbed my hand and we walked across the busy road to the mall, “And why is that?” I asked with a smile, “Because you never let things get to you” “Well honestly, I was never that close with my mom Nick. I know it’s bitchy of me to say I don’t care, I do care, but I feel like it’s nothing compared to my dad’s death.” I said quietly he just pulled me into a side hug and we walked on in to the mall, Nick had on a hoodie and sunglasses. By the end of our trip I had gotten a black halter dress that fell at my knees from Forever 21. I picked up some black heels to go with it from Pay Less. After we finished we just walked around for a little, “Being around everyone so upset is killing me. I need to have fun” I said letting out a sigh, “Well want to go see a movie while were here?” Nick questioned pointing to the movie theater in the mall, “Yea” I said smiling he grabbed my hand and we ended up seeing Baby mama, I needed something funny. Through out the movie we were laughing and having a good time. Then the credits started rolling, “And back to reality” I said with a sigh and getting up, “Come on think about it though the faster everything goes the sooner we’ll be back on the road” Nick said pulling me into face him, I smile up at him and he kissed me and then I pulled away. “Let’s go” I said smiling, he grabbed my hand and we walked back towards the hotel.