Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Picking up and moving on

Well I never did cry, I just took everything of his that I had and put it in a box under my bed, all the pictures of us around my room I put in the box, his sweat shirt, his basketball shorts, the presents he had gotten me, all of it went in the box and under my bed. My phone kept ringing all that day from him, I watched them all get onto their tour bus from bedroom window, Nick looked up and saw me, I turned around and pretended I had never seen him. I could feel my heart breaking and it hurt. Well while they were on tour my mom and I ended up moving out of New Jersey and into Pennsylvania into a town right outside of Philly. I made lots of new friends. I never talked to Nick or Joe or Kevin ever again. My new friends here didn’t know I had used to live next door to the boys, that I had been Nick’s girlfriend, that I knew who all their songs were written about, they didn’t know anything and I was planning on keeping it that way. I didn’t delete his number but after a year he stopped calling and texting me. It really broke my heart to not return the calls and texts, but I had to get over him, and plus I have a new life now that it’s two years later.

So it doesn’t help at all that the boys are now more popular then ever, every where I go their faces are there. It feels like there taking over the world. Well in my new house it’s me and my mom and Jerk, oh sorry his real name is Brian, but I call him Jerk. I’m now fifteen years old; it was just my birthday the other day. Right now my friend Nicole is over, she’s obsessed with the Jonas Brothers and of course she says Nick is her future husband. So right now were watching an interview with the boys on E! with Ryan Seacrest. Lucky me.

“So guys tell me the song, Look Me In The Eyes, who is it about!?” Ryan asked. “Well you know it’s about that special someone, who just makes your heart beat faster whenever you see them” Nick answered, I snorted and Nicole looked at me “What!?! I think that was so cute!!” she said turning back to the TV. “Oh ha the cutest” I said with sarcasm.“Well Nick, is it about Miley Cyrus, rumor is you two are uh an item now” Ryan said next, “No were not an item, everyone keeps saying that, she’s a cool girl but not my type.” He said lying, I knew it was a lie because when Nick lies he licks his lips before he talks. He always has and probably always will. “Well then what is your type of girl?” Ryan pushed for an answer, “Um you know I like down to earth girls, and girls that can understand my schedule” he said, it was like he was saying that just for me to hear. I picked up my book that I was reading and threw it at the TV, almost hitting Nicole in the process. “JESUS! Ally you almost hit me!!” “Sorry I wasn’t aiming for you” I said “Why did you that anyway!?” she said handing me back my book, I just threw back at his face again. “No reason” I said with a fake big smile. She just laughed at me. I listened to my best friend answer more questions, then the question came that made my heart stop.