Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Giving into the loss.

Once we reached each other he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I did the same and snaked my arm around his waist. “Are you guys coming to the lunch?” “Yeah, it’s at the hotel isn’t it?” he asked looking down at me, “Yeah, I’ll see you there” I said, he hugged me one last time and kissed me on the head and opened my car door to Mark’s SUV he shut it and then walked back towards the rental car. I let out a heavy sigh and put my head back. “Your boyfriend?” George asked me, another cousin he was Mark’s twin. “Yea” I said back with my eyes still closed. “How long have you two been together?” Mark asked, protector mode was kicking in with both of them I rolled my eyes, “Guys he’s been my best friend since we were babies, my old next door neighbor and then I moved so we drifted but then I met up with them again and now I’m on tour with them” “On tour with them??” George questioned , “Yea haven’t you ever heard of the Jonas Brothers?” “No” they both answered, I let out a small laugh, why would they have I mean they are twenty nine year old men. “Well there a very popular boy band” “Oh” they both said. I rolled my eyes playfully and looked out the window at the rain.

During the reception so many people were saying sorry and that they were there for me. I would smile and say thank you though inside I just wanted people to leave me alone. I sat at the table sipping my water and thinking about how I could be going back to Michigan with my Aunt after today instead of back on the road with my other family. I was in a daze really, people just thought it was because of the fact my mom was gone so no one really said anything to me just the occasional why don’t you eat something. Soon people were starting to leave and giving me hugs goodbyes and telling me to not hesitate to call if I needed anything I would smile and say thank you for coming. Soon it was just the Jonases, me, my cousins, and my Aunt. “Ally honey why don’t you eat something?” I looked up and saw Mrs. Jonas pulling out a chair and sitting next to me. “No thanks, I’m not really that hungry” “Ally you haven’t eaten anything but apples for the past week, you need to eat something” I just shook my head and gave her a smile so she would believe that I was fine. She let out a sigh, “I’m going to go find Frankie” she told me standing up, she started to turn away when she twisted back around and leaned down so she could whisper in my ear, “I think Mr. Jonas is going to talk to your aunt now” she pulled away and I looked at her with a hopeful smile and she returned it. Soon she was gone, I was sitting at the table by myself, most of my cousins had left by now because well they could drive. Kevin, Joe, and Nick had been sitting with some of my other cousins. I got up from my chair and decided to go for a walk. “Al where are you going?” I heard Kev yell from behind me I just didn’t answer and kept going. I walked out of the conference room and then down the stairs to the lobby, I heard the doors open again. I kept walking until I found the pool. I walked through the door that led outside and over to the lounge chairs I picked one out in the open of the pouring rain and sat down on it I put my head in my hands and looked at the ground. I can not live with my aunt, I’ll go crazy. “Are you alright?” I saw Nick’s shoes come in to view. I just shook my head no and he crouched down in front of me. “Ally” he put his hand under my chin and lifted it up to look at him. “Ally” he said again, “What?” I said. “You aren’t going to leave us.” “But Nick I think I am.” I said finally admitting it. Who the hell was kidding I know my aunt is going to say no and make me live with her. “No I won’t let her take you” he said as he pulled me into a hug, “Nick, we can’t just keep saying that. I’m leaving and we can’t do anything to stop it” “No! Ally don’t say that!!” he somewhat shouted at me while pulling back from the hug. I looked away and to the pool watching it ripple from all the rain drops falling. “There not going to tear us apart, not again!!” he stood up and let go of me and his hands went to his head and through his hair, he was getting upset. “I’m sorry” I whispered. I stood up and started my way to the door to go back in, “Ally I can’t believe your giving up!! You never give up!!” “Nick, it’s nothing I can change! I’m tired of trying to fight God!! First he took my dad, then I moved, then I was abused every night for two years!! TWO YEARS NICK!! I prayed every night it would stop but it never did!!! Now my mom’s gone, Nick I’m loosing, so I’m taking what I have left and I’m quitting. I’m walking away while I’m still strong enough to” I said, it was raining so hard I could barley even see his face, we both had to scream so we could hear each other. “Why are you giving up on this?!?” he shouted back, “Nick I can’t win! No matter what I do, I always loose!!!” I turned around and opened the door I walked to the elevators and pressed the button a few times hopping it would speed up. I was going to cry and I didn’t want to in the middle of the lobby, then again I am already soaking wet and my make up is probably running all over my face. Finally the doors opened. I walked in and press four. They closed and I let out a frustrated sigh and slammed against the wall. The doors opened and I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, I walked quickly to our room. It was then I remembered I didn’t have a key. I slammed against the wall and slid down and started to cry.