Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

The birthday present from hell.

“So Nick tell me, have you ever been in love?” Ryan asked my eyes got wide, I didn’t want to hear him say his answer I could picture it now, “Oh yeah Ryan I thought I was but I was just being dumb and the girl turned out to be a complete bitch” I held my breath waiting for him to answer then it finally came, “Yes, I have been” Nick said. “Oh really!?!” Ryan said getting excited, “Who was the lucky gal!?” I rolled my eyes. “Um she used to live next door to me we grew up together, I’ve known her forever, we all have.” Nick answered motioning to Kevin and Joe to. “Dude you were in love with Ally?” Joe asked, I laughed out loud and Nicole turned around thinking I was laughing at Joe, well I was but because I actually knew him it was funnier. “Uh yea dude, I was” Nick said. Kevin smacked Joe on the arm and rolled his eyes. “So who was the girl next store!?” Ryan asked pushing Nick for more, God help him if he says my name on TV. “Um her name was Ally”. “Did you write any songs about her?” Ryan asked. “Uh no, I didn’t” he said licking his lips. “Lie” I blurted out, “What?” Nicole asked, oh shit, I had said that out loud, “I mean he has to have a song about the girl he first loved, all of their songs are about love!” I said for a cover up that was actually the truth. “True” Nicole said. The program ended, with the boys singing SOS.

About a week later Nicole was over my house again and she said she had a HUGE surprise for me. I was really excited she said it was for my birthday. “Nicole come on what is it!!” “Okay fine here” she said handing me a small box. I opened it inside was a Jonas Brothers concert ticket. My eyes widened and I dropped the box. Nicole laughed thinking I was shocked out of joy, when in reality I was shocked and about to throw up. “Wait that’s not even the best part look under the tissue!” she said getting really excited, I shook my head no and she laughed, “Fine I will then!” She held it up, a back stage pass and a meet and greet pass. My heart was beating so fast and I was seriously going to throw up now. Nicole just laughed. Then she hugged me and said she had to go. Then she left me there, with the ticket, backstage past, and the meet and greet. I can’t believe she did that, I can’t go. I can’t, they’ll so recognize me and say something and then it will so get awkward and then I’ll have to face Nick and shit load of questions about why I left and why I wouldn’t answer his calls or texts for a whole year. I started getting dizzy, and then I fainted.

I woke up on my bed with a wash cloth under my neck and over my far head. I opened my eyes and saw my mom sitting in my computer chair reading. “Mom?” I croaked out. “Oh good your up!” She said getting up and walking over towards my bed. I sat up and took the wash clothes off my neck and far head, “What happened?” She asked me, “What?” I questioned back. “I came up here with your laundry and you were passed out on the ground!” Everything came rushing back to me, Nicole, the tickets, the back stage passes, the meet and greet, and facing Nick. I felt the color drain from my face. “Honey, what happened?” My mom asked getting annoyed I wasn’t answering her. “I, Nicole, she got me tickets to the Jonas Brothers concert, and back stage passes, and a meet and greet.” I said putting my head in my hands. “That’s great!” My mom said getting excited, “Mom that is not great! I don’t want to see them! And better yet I’m going to be back stage AND have a meet and greet!!” I had gotten up off my bed and was pacing back and forth in my room throwing my arms up in the air. “Honey calm down, don’t worry you’ll have fun!” and then she left my room. Is she being serious?!? Go to the concert and have fun!?! GREAT ADVICE MOTHER, and people honestly wonder why I hate her, because she doesn’t even listen to me or care!!

Well the week went by and it came time for the concert, Nicole was over getting ready with me. I woke up this morning dreading going. “Ally!! Here’s your shirt!” she said throwing a black shirt at me. “What?” I said catching it and unfolding it. “I made them a few days ago” she said in a matter of fact tone. It was a black t-shirt that said I love Nick and then on the back it said When You Look Me In The Eyes Tour. “Nicole, are you really wearing this!?” I said kind of laughing, “Yes and so are you!” she said. I didn’t want to at all and tried to get out of it but failed horribly. Next thing I knew we were standing in line with thousands of screaming girls, me? I was trying to hide my face when the guys came over to sign autographs and talk to their fans. I had on the stupid shirt, faded ripped Hollister jeans and my hair was down and wavy and had my huge sun glasses on in attempt to cover up my face. Of course they came over to us and Nicole started freaking out. She even talked to them, me? Yea I stood there hiding my face, then Joe came over, “Hey want me to sign your shirt?” he asked with his dorky smile that I knew all too well, I just turned around he signed then Kevin then Nick did. I turned around and Nick was smiling at me. I just looked away and I could tell he was still standing there. “Oh my god!! Ally, turn around and talk to him!! He’s still there!” she said twisting me around. I looked every where but at him, “Hey do I, do I know you?” he asked, all the girls around us stopped talking and screaming immediately I just shook my head and turned around and walked past Nicole and threw the crowd.
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okay that's all i'm posting today, i have to get ready for dance now. Tell me what you think and like i said the story gets better along with the writing, i promise!