Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Reunited and it feels so..sorta kinda awkward.

Nicole was freaking out the whole time that he had asked if he knew me, we were back stage actually sitting on the side and the boys were singing What I Go to School For. I remember when they wrote that song. We were all down the beach sitting in Joe and Kevin’s room. I was pulled from my memory by Mrs. Jonas coming up to us, “You girls must be the ones with the backstage passes!” She said coming over to us, once she saw my face she recognized me. “ALLY!?!” I gave a weak smile and she engulfed me in a hug I saw Nicole’s face and she was so confused I gave her a look saying I would explain later. “Paul!! Come over here!!” she yelled to Mr. Jonas “I can’t believe it you’ve gotten so big!! And you are absolutely gorgeous!! Did the boys see you yet!?! There going to be so thrilled you’re here!!” She was so excited and then Mr. Jonas came into view he stood their with his arms wide open I got off the stool I was sitting on and ran over to him and tackled him with a hug. “Allison! How have you been!?” “Alright, and what about you!?” I asked I decided it wasn’t Mr. and Mrs. Jonas I had to avoid, just Nick really. Well after I talked to the Mr. and Mrs. For awhile the boys noticed their parents talking to me and Nicole, I had explained to Nicole that they were my old neighbors when Mr. and Mrs. Jonas had turned around real quick to do something. She said she was going to kill me for not telling her but that she loved me because now we were going to get to spend time with them. I laughed and did tell her that me and Nick weren’t that friendly so she wouldn’t think it was weird that we would be weird around each other. She frowned but got over it as soon as the concert was over.

Well we had a meet and greet, though it was with a bunch of other girls so the boys didn’t really notice or if they did they didn’t say anything, until it was time for us to leave. Mr. Jonas told us to make sure we were the last ones to walk out of the door. So I did what I was told, and then I felt someone pull me and Nicole back, I looked up and saw Kevin with a huge smile on his face. I turned around and smiled and then he picked me up and started to spin me around I started to laugh “PAUL KEVIN JONAS PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!” I yelled while laughing he dropped me on the ground, I landed on my butt I looked up at him angrily, “You said to put you down” he said smiling and helping me up then Joe came running over and tackled me to the ground. “ALLY!!!” I started laughing more and then he lifted me up over his shoulder, “JOESPH PUT ME DOWN!” “NOPE” he replied. “IF YOU DON’T PUT ME DOWN I’LL MAKE YOU CRY!” I said threatening him, “OH PLEASE LIKE YOU COULD!” “I COULD WHEN I WAS SIX WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I CAN’T NOW!?” I said in between laughs because I knew he would drop me. He did, “Hey you never made me cry!” “Right Joe” Nick said laughing, talking for the first time, Nicole the whole time was star struck and in the corner. I avoided eye contact with him and grabbed Nicole by the arm, “Guys this is my best friend Nicole, Nicole these are the boys I grew up with” I said smiling she smiled and shook all there hands, I knew on the inside she was freaking out.

Well Mr. and Mrs. Jonas took us back to their hotel, I called my mom since she was the one that was going to pick me and Nicole up and let her know, she talked to Mrs. Jonas for a long time. We were all sitting in the boys room and Frankie walked in, “ALLY!” “FRANKIE!!” I scooped him up in a hug and twirled around with him and then put him down, he was my favorite Joe bro. I introduced him to Nicole and he blushed like crazy and ran away into his parent’s room again. “I think he has a crush on you” Joe said laughing causing us all to laugh. “What can I say?” Nicole answered making us all laugh more. “So Joe I have to ask rumors are going around your with AJ now!?” he blushed and I knew it was true we all laughed. “Well Kevin’s going out with a girl named Lindsey” “Really??” I asked, “Yeah we met last year” he said acting like Mr. cool till Nick punched him in the stomach playfully making him loose his breath and I laughed, I knew there were rumors about Nick and Miley all over the place but I wasn’t going to say anything, that’s when Nicole did, “Nick are you with Miley?” she asked we all looked at her and she laughed nervously, “What I wanted to know” she said and then we laughed, “well?” Joe asked shaking his knee. “No I’m not, were just friends” he licked his lips and I narrowed my eyes at him and he saw me “What?” he asked actually talking to me for the first time. “You’re so lying.” I said flatly. “What?” he asked again. “I said you’re lying” I said while repeating my self with a face that said are you retarded or something? “No I’m not.” He said, I laughed “ha you okay Nick” he rolled his eyes at me I did the same back shaking my head, yea things just got very awkward. “Okay well want to go get some ice?” Joe said jumping up, we all looked at him and I knew he was trying to get me and Nick alone, thing was though I may kill him if we get alone. “No but Joe can you drive me and Nicole home?” I asked standing up with Nicole. “I don’t have my license” he said lowering his head. “Still!?” I said laughing. “Shut up.” He said rubbing the back of his head I turned to Kevin with a questioning look. “Alright fine I will” he said.

I poked my head into the other room and said bye to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas and they gave me a hug bye. Then next thing I knew we dropped Nicole off at her house and we were on our way to mine, “Ally why did you stop talking to us?” Kevin asked looking at me at a red light, I knew this was coming. “It really wasn’t you I meant to stop talking to, just Nick.” I said avoiding him. “Why?” He asked. “We got into a fight, he said something that really hurt me” I said, the light turned green and we drove forward, “Enough to stop all communication and move while we were gone?” he said I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. “Enough to stop communication and break up with me, my mom moved because she met Jerk” “Met who?” he asked, “Oh his names Brian, I just call him Jerk because I hate him.” “Oh is he like your dad now?” he asked me, I looked at him like he was crazy for even asking, “God no he’s just the man in my mom’s life right now.” I said. “Oh” is what he said, and then I knew I better ask now before I wouldn’t be able to ask it again, “Kevin is Nick really dating Miley?” He looked at me a little sad, then shook his head yes. I could feel the anger boiling up in me. “So much for inseparable” I said with a sigh, I didn’t think Kevin heard me but he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. Then we pulled up to my house, “Well I guess this is goodbye” I said opening the door to get out, “Ally he was so upset that year, he wasn’t the same.” Kevin said to me, “Yea well looks like he’s gotten over it,” I said getting out and shutting the door, I walked up to my house and closed the door as I watched the rented Dodge Neon pull away.
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okay now that's the last one.