Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

I'm falling for you Mr. Jonas, and I'm falling for

“Well for one, she’s to girly, two she’s orange, three she hates getting dirty, four she always has to get her way, five she’s actually really shallow, six she isn’t nearly as pretty as you” he said and then I felt the butterflies in my stomach, I hadn’t felt those in so long. I looked at him and laughed a little “What!?” he said, “Your such a dork!” I said laughing even harder. “Well thanks for ruining my sentimental moment!” he said back to me, “Well you ruined mine first!” I said sticking my tongue out at him. “You know you act like a five year old” he said back to me, “Duh, I always have” I said and we both laughed. “What time is it?” I asked, “4:15” he answered. I sighed, “I guess we should head back” I said not wanting to, but Jerk would have a hissy fit and I would get hit. God I hated him. Nick could tell I was getting angry again, “What’s wrong? He said getting up and then putting out a hand to help me up, “Nothing I just don’t’ want to go home to Jerk and mom.” I said “Who?” he asked, “My mom’s man” I said. “Oh, why is he a jerk?” he asked me. “Well you know how much I dislike my mother?” he shook his head yes, “Well he’s like twenty times as annoying, and he thinks he like my dad or something, and he’s not, he always says I have to listen to him, which I don’t!, and he always yells at me for no reason and my mom doesn’t even do anything about it! And when he’s drunk he gets a HUGE temper problem and guess who he takes it out on!” “Oh my god Ally he doesn’t hit you or your mom does he!?” Nick said stopping and grabbing me by the arms, “No, he just yells and shouts and throws things, no hitting” I lied. Yea jerk hits me but my mom doesn’t know, he hugged me again. “Ally if he ever hits either of you-““I’ll call the cops on his ass, I know I’m not dumb” I lied again, I’m not sure why I haven’t told my mom or called the cops actually, I mean if I told my mom she probably wouldn’t even believe me. “Good” he said he put his arm around me and we walked home.

“Alright so where do you go next?” I asked Nick, we were at the bottom of my steps to my house, “Um next is Massachusetts." He said looking up at the stars; it was always our favorite thing to do together. “But that’s so far!” I said in a whiney voice, “I know but after our tour I’ll come back to visit” he said pulling me into a hug, “You wouldn’t have to visit if we never moved, I hate her for making us move” “stop it, I promise I’ll visit you okay?” he said looking down at me, “you can’t promise-“he covered my mouth with his hand. “We’ve had this conversation before, and then I didn’t get to talk or see you for two years, lets not have a replay of that” he said I laughed we stood there for awhile in each others arms then a flash went off. I turned to see paparazzi, running towards us. “Shit!” Nick yelled, I grabbed his hand and we ran into my house. “How did they find me!?” he said a little angrily, “Nick it’s fine” I said, “I’m so sorry Ally” “Nick its fine” I repeated laughing. Then he laughed to, “Ally!? Who are you talking to, and what are you doing up its only 4:30!!” Jerk yelled, “Jerk?” Nick whispered and I nodded my head.

I grabbed Nick’s hand and walked back to where my mom and Jerk were. My mom’s eyes were wide with joy when she saw Nick, jerk on the other hand saw our hand inner twined and looked like he was going to kill me. “NICHOLAS!!” My mom shouted and jumped off the couch and ran over to him and hugged him, “Hi Mrs. Windle” Nick said while laughing, I smiled and noticed jerk now had a very confused look as to why my mother wasn’t as upset as he was finding me at four thirty in the morning with a boy. “Oh Brian this is Nick Jonas! My daughters first love!” she said, she was so excited. “Oh so this is the boy ally’s in pictures with in the play pen!” Jerk said shaking Nick’s hand “Um mom, Nick came here to surprise me, and well the paparazzi found us and currently holding us captive in here is it alright if we go chill in my room for a little until they leave?” “Yes, Nick I’ll call your mom so she won’t worry,” “Oh no Mrs. Windle you don’t have to do that!” he said with his eyes getting wider, “Oh nonsense I will” she said I laughed because I knew nick had snuck out to come here. I dragged him up to my bedroom.

“Well I’m going to be dead.” He said with a sarcastic happy tone. I just laughed. “Your room looks the same as the one back in Jersey” he said, it was true though I painted it hot pink and orange and had and orange and pink comforter and black furniture and picture frames all around with pictures of me and my new friends, some of my old but only a few. Nick walked around looking at the pictures and making comments here and there, then he got to the one of me and my dad, I was eight and we were at a baseball game I was on his shoulders smiling with him, it was one of my favorites of us, I had a few other ones around my room of us. “You must really miss him” he said walking over and laying down on my bed. “Every day” I said quietly looking at another picture of us, but in this one he was holding me with one arm and I had my hands out wide with my head thrown back with laughter and he had his other arm out wide, we were on the beach, our favorite place. I put back the frame and Nick motioned for me to come lay down with him, I crawled in my bed and he put his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest. We both fell asleep like that, but before I did I remember thinking, I’m falling for you Mr. Jonas, and I’m falling for you again.