Sequel: Beautiful Deception
Status: November 29th, 2009: First chapter of the Sequel will be posted on December 2nd so stay tuned :]

Deadly Perception

What Hurts the Most

I followed Nick through the lunchroom calling his name like a frantic lunatic. I could see heads turn as I went-every head except for his-and eyes follow me wondering just what the hell I was doing. I briefly spotted Jack, who was watching with an amused expression while Nate was snickering by his side. I didn't care about them, I didn't care about anyone except Nick.

I trailed Nick all the way outside to the tree shaded bench area where Brookdale had its after lunch co curricular. It was empty now except for the two of us. Nick finally stopped and sat down on one of the wooden tables his white and black sneaker clad feet resting on the bench in front of him. He was rubbing his temples and his expression looked annoyed.

"Nick please-" I began, but did not finish. I had been running to catch up to him, and I hadn't noticed the crack in the concrete. I pitched forward and smacked into the concrete. Instant pain shot up my leg and it didn't take an expert to figure out that I had a nasty gash on my knee.

That's not even what hurt the most. It's the fact that Nick saw and didn't comment or do anything. He didn't even give me a second glance. He was Doctor Nick like he had been before. That alone caused tears to fall freely from my eyes. I struggled to get up using my hands for balance so as to keep as much weight off of my injured knee as possible. When I as finally up, I made the mistake of putting pressure on my leg. I let out a strangled gasp and grabbed my knee-ignoring the bloody mess-waiting until the pain subsided.

Finally, it was over and I remembered I had a task to complete. I wiped my eyes unknowingly smudging blood all over my face walked over to Nick. He just sat there glaring at me the whole time.

"Nick, I-"

"What do you want, Riley? Huh?" He shouted at me. His raised voice caused me to flinch/ "Did you want me to help you pick out something to impress Nate Ryder?"

So this is what everything is about. He thinks that Nate and I are... Ew, I don't even want to go there. I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. "Do you even realize that he's legally your cousin?" I tried to speak, but once again Nick wouldn't let me. He was in a fit of rage. It will be hours before I get another word in. "Or perhaps it doesn't bother you since you're adopted." Okay, I'll admit that stung a little bit. I hated to be singled out because my real parents didn't want me.


"Or maybe..." He scoffed. "Maybe you have some weird screwed up incest threesome with him and Jack. After all, I always knew that the two of them were messed up in the head. I guess you're just as fucked up as the rest of them. Runs in the family, huh?"

Okay, that really hit home. My vision was blurred with so much tears that I could barely even see Nick anymore. All I saw was an orange, blue, and blonde blob; a blob that just chewed up my heart and shitted it out on the ground. Even though my self-esteem was ruined, there was no way I was going to let him get away with saying that. I had to fight back and tell him what I was feeling whether he cared or not.

"Family? Family! You want to tell me about family? Well, let me explain something to you, Nick. I don't have any family. I was dumped on the doorstep of an orphanage when I was just born. I don't even know my own birthday. For all I know my mother gave birth to me in the sink in a dingy motel room. For all I know I was just a result of a drunken midnight fuck.

"So don't you dare tell me that something as disgusting as incest runs in a family that I'm barely even apart of. I've never wanted anything to do with Jack or Nate for that matter. If anything, I'm scared.

"Do you know how many times I've stepped out of the shower and Jack's been right there? Do you know how uncomfortable that makes me feel? How scared? Do you know the things that he says to me? Do you know how perverted and disgusting they are? I know they're just words, but maybe one day he'll follow up on them with actions.

"I know you may not believe this considering that you think that I'm an incest driven whore, but I'm a virgin, Nick. A one hundred percent virgin. And every night I look my bedroom door because I'm afraid that Jack will come in and rape me in my sleep. Remember yesterday when you asked me who I would call to give me a ride? Well, at first I was scared about asking Jack. Why? Because I thought that he might pull over into some dark deserted forest, rape me, and throw my remains out of the car window.

"And now to add to that pile of shit, there's you, Nick. You, who actually caused me to fall head over heels on the first day. You, who made me believe that we were friends. You, who kissed me and then told me that we were never gonna work out afterward. You built me up just to knock me down, Nick. And now here you are accusing me of something that I don't have a part in. You broke my heart, Nick, and I can't take it anymore. You're my breaking point and you've exceeded your limit. So maybe the next time you judge somebody, you'll ask for the whole story first."

I was in full blown mental breakdown right now, on the ground crying hysterically holding my sides. All of me was put out in front of me; all my problems laid out in Nick's lap like an offering. He had the power to make or break me. I saw him coming toward me out of the corner of my eye.

What would he do?
♠ ♠ ♠
ooO0 me and my major cliff hangers... Shame on me!
Way to go Riley for finally standing up for herself!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of her *sniff sniff*
Anyway who wants to know Nick's reaction, you know what you have to do to find out.
Tell me what you think he's gonna do because your opinions are important to me
so COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT for another update
P.S. thanks for the new star, it made my day