Sequel: Beautiful Deception
Status: November 29th, 2009: First chapter of the Sequel will be posted on December 2nd so stay tuned :]

Deadly Perception

Pretty Little Present

I eyed the large gift box and then looked back at the guys. I glanced down at my outfit before turning my attention to Sean, who purposely ignored me.

"Well?" Blaze said impatiently. "Do you need an invitation or are you going to haul that sweet little ass of yours inside?" Blaze said cruelly. My mouth dropped open. Surely, he didn't expect me to get into that box. Suddenly, it all clicked- the outfit, the box, Nick's birthday in general. I was the present! I didn't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing yet. Obviously, I would be able to see Nick, but Jack said he had a plan. I was in no position to underestimate him.

"Looks like the little orphan finally realizes what's happening," Nate said cheerfully. "Now, get in or I will personally put you in myself," Nate promised. He seemed to really like the idea. Was this all a game to him? I didn't want to hold him to his promise so I gingerly climbed inside without a word, trying my hardest to keep my skirt down.

"So," Jack began pulling a hand gun from his pocket and tapping in rhythmically on his palm. God! Where did he get all these damn guns from? He started to pace back and forth in front of me. "I currently, hold both you and Nick's lives in my hand. I'm playing God if you will." He smirked and the other guys except for Sean snickered. "So if you're a good girl, this gun..." He waved it in the air in front of my face. The proximity of the closeness caused me to shudder. "Will be merciful to the two of you."

I swallowed over the lump in my throat. I would agree to this. Not because of my life, but because of Nick's. Selfless love I guess you could say. "What do I have to do?" I asked tentatively.

"Nothing too difficult. You just need to stand there and look like the pretty little present you are. The guys and I will do most of the work."

"What work?"

"You'll figure that out soon enough, princess," Jack said dismissively waving his hand in the air. "Now, crouch down and shut up. I think I hear him coming." I did as I was told. I really didn't have a choice because Jack roughly pushed my head down before putting on the lid. I crouched down on my toes with my arms wrapped around my legs, my back against the side of the box to balance myself. I buried my head in my arms trying to regulate my breathing as I listened to the silent murmurs outside.

I heard a loud bang on the front door and screams of 'Where is she?' Nick, he's here; he actually came. Already my hopes were lifting. As much as I wanted to jump up and hug him till he couldn't breathe, I didn't because Jack had the gun. The gun was running my life now or better yet my control over Nick's safety. If I had to remain still for hours just to ensure he walked out of here alive, I would do it.

"Calm down, kid," Jack said coolly. I could see the dent of pressure in the box that Jack made when he leaned on it. This little act was probably a show for Nick and a warning for me. "Come here, I have something for you."

I heard footsteps stop right smack next to the box and I held my breath. "What's in here?" Nick demanded kicking the box. I covered my mouth in order not to squeak aloud in surprise. Nonetheless, I wouldn't hold Nick to his actions because he had no idea that it was really me inside. He was angry and anxious and he had every right to be.

"Don't do that!" Jack scolded. I heard a shove and then a punch. Knuckle against skin has a sickly sound.

"You have no right to touch me," Nick snarled. "Now give me back Riley and I'll be on my way." Jack chuckled darkly.

"You want her? Well open the box."

I heard Nick sigh in defeat and saw the lid being slowly opened. He still didn't know it was me inside, but I was already coiled, ready to jump out at him like a spring any minute. Once the top was fully opened, Nick's spiked blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes peered down at me. I forgot how to move, how to speak, how to even think. Chances are by his shocked expression, he did too. So much for my plan.

Before I knew it, two strong arms picked me up bridal style and cradled me to their chest. I knew the scent of the person's cologne immediately and I wrapped my arms around his neck letting the tears stream down my face.

"Baby, it's okay. I'm here now, and I'll never let you out of my sight again.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is dedicated to IHeartAlexGaskarth, my 100th commenter!!!! Not only that, but the comment made me laugh :-)
WOW 100 comments, thanks guys!!!
BTW: I have a new story called We're Not Alone so please check it out and tell me wat you think
anyway comment comment comment 4 more!