Sequel: Beautiful Deception
Status: November 29th, 2009: First chapter of the Sequel will be posted on December 2nd so stay tuned :]

Deadly Perception

Fight to the Death

As much as I didn't want to, I called Jack. He had told me that he would pick me up at the street corner in around ten minutes. The whole time I waited in nervous anticipation. Why? Because I was getting into a car alone with my usually horny foster brother. The chances of him not raping me were... oh, maybe one in a billion.

Honestly, I doubt that's true, and it was a bit far-fetched. But, can you blame me?

I saw Jack's black Mercedes- yes, he and his family are filthy rich- make it's way around the corner. My breath hitched in my throat as he pulled up in front of me. Here goes nothing.

He rolled down the window and winked at me as he leaned over to open the door. Such a gentlemen... Not! "Get on in, sexy, I'm glad to see you've warmed up to me." I groaned and rolled my eyes, but got in nonetheless. Jack didn't talk to me until he had safely pulled away from the curb.

"So..." He raised and eyebrow.

"So..." I said back. This was so weird, awkward silence with Jack. Usually I was begging for him to shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

"I see you've met Nicholas Grant," Jack said after a while.

"Yeah, he's a nice guy," I said trying to hide the hurt in my voice. The last thing I needed was for Jack to see my weakness. I could tell that Jack noticed, but he completely ignored it. Apparently, it wasn't important enough for him to worry about. Such brotherly love.

"I knew his brother. We were in the same grade and all. I used to deal with him." I nodded absentmindedly picking at my nails until what Jack said actually clicked in my mind.

"Wait! Nick's brother? Isn't he dead?" I asked rather intrigued now. Maybe if I found out more about Nick's brother, I would know more about his aversion to me.

"Uh-huh, it's been over a year now. The kid got into trouble with the wrong people," Jack said nonchalantly as he turned onto our street.

"Wrong people? Who? How? Why?" I fired out each word like bullets, one after the other. Jack chuckled as he pulled into the drive way.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Too many question, princess," he said lightly. He though for a while before getting out. "Drugs and money, kid. Drugs and money." With that he slammed the door shut and came around to my side. I sat there open-mouthed trying to comprehend everything that Jack had said.

He pulled open my door, and grabbed my arm yanking me out. I stumbled and to his delight-and my chagrin-fell right into him, my hands pressed up against his chest for balance. He snaked his hands around my waist pulling me tighter up against him as he leaned down to my ear. "Let's put it this way," he began his voice low and mysterious. "Everybody has something that someone else wants."

I shivered when his teeth grazed over my ear as his mouth formed the words. When I didn't move or speak from shock, Jack chuckled softly. He gripped me tighter-to the point where breathing was hardly possible-and bit my earlobe gently.

"Jack..." I tried to pull away as I fought to breathe. I was only human, and I needed air. "Move," I pleaded as he wrapped a hand around my wrist.

"I want you to know something first," he said. I sighed with impatience and stood still hoping that he would take this as a sign that I wasn't going anywhere. Success! He let go of me, but only a little bit.

"All's fair in a game like that. You fight to the death."
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