Maybe It Wasn't Meant to Be.

The Confession.

Draco had went to the bathroom before Potions. He quickly combed his blond hair that reached below his eyes. He also rinsed his mouth and straightened his clothes. He took one last look in the mirror and smiled.

"Okay. I'm ready."

He puffed up his chest and gave a broad grin, but he quickly frowned and started pacing the room.

"No, I'm not."

Malfoy was nervous. He wanted to tell Hermione about his feelings, but he was scared. He didn't know what to do if she'd just laughed at him or just run away. He just couldn't handle that kind of rejection. He quickly look at his watch. He was five minutes late! He ran all the to the Potions and stopped at the door. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath like it was his last then turned the knob and entered the classroom.

"So nice of you to join us Mister Malfoy. That is one detention this afternoon. I will see you there."

Malfoy quietly nodded and sat down next to Hermione. He smiled, but she just gave him an angry look and turned away swishing her hair his face.

"Now that we have everybody let's go. We will go outside to read. I think it is a nice day so this is a little treat for you guys."

The class gave a little cheer and lined up in pairs with their partners and slowly walked out. They were headed out towards the lake. Miss Kim sometimes brought them there. Most of the times they sat in the stands around the Quidditch field and other times they were along the side of the forest picking out ingredients for their potions.

The path towards the lake was covered in little plants ,that sometimes grabbed onto your foot and caused you to fall, and branches of trees which hit most of the students along the way. On one side it would slope down quite steep. That side was obstacled with old trees and sharp rocks. No one ever dared to walk too close to that side.

"Now be careful students, a fall down there would be quite a dozy."

Draco and Hermione were at the back. Draco tried to get a little closer to Hermione, but she would move a little more to the side to get away. She thought he would try to push her or try to stick something on her so she kept a distance between them, but Draco still inched over. Hermione was so very frustrated and took a big step to her left. She slipped on a twig and fell. She gave a shrill scream, but Draco only heard it. He quickly jumped and slid down. Hermione was rolling violently down. He whipped out his wand and shouted, 'Wingardium leviosa!" Hermione floated up into the air shaking. He set her down onto a log and quickly slid down. His hands were dirty and bleeding, but he just wiped them on his robes and leaned against a tree, panting.

Nobody talked for a few minutes.Finally Hermione who seemed to be in a bit of shock asked, "Why did you save me?"

"No thank you?"

Hermione turned a pale red and looked down at her shoes like they were going to help her out of the awkward situation.

"It's okay. Being a little rude once awhile isn't so bad especially for someone that's usually so polite," Draco replied with a little smile.

"Did you just compliment me?"

"Well, yeah. I thought the smartest girl pretty much in the whole school would know that."

Hermione just stared blankly at Draco like something disgusting was on his face, but it was something that wasn't. His annoying little smirk was gone. His wrinkled nose was wiggling and nor was his arched eyebrows. A kind sweet smiled replaced his smirk and a innocent expression replaced the rest. Hermione did not know what was happening.

"Oh. This hinting is killing me!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Hermione, I love you! I loved you since we were eleven! I loved your beauty, intelligence, kindness, and bravery! I've been trying to get you to like me back! I'm the one who's been giving you all those gifts! I try so hard! But-but-but.."

Draco looked at Hermione's scared face. This hadn't worked out the way he had planned it. He gave a sigh and wiped a tear out of his eyes.

"Oh, what's the use?"

Draco slowly turned and leaned face down into a tree.Hermione look at her hands and thought how rude she was being. She was also confused. She didn't know what to do. She never had anyone like her. She never experienced love from someone.


She looked up, but Draco was no where to be seen.