Maybe It Wasn't Meant to Be.

Secret Admirer.

Hey Ron!"

"Hey Harry!"

Ron gave his usual grin and waved at the young boy with long black hair draping over his lightning scar and a part of his eye. The smiling Harry waved back.

"So how's your summer been?"

"Like usual when I'm at the Dursely's. Utter torture!"

Ron gave a loud chuckle.

"Well, at least you're away from them now," said Ron, trying to comfort Harry.

"Yeah! And we're going to go to Hermione's house this time." Harry gave a smile.

Ron blushed a little. He fancied Hermione and the only person that knew was Harry. Harry saw the crimson on his best friend's face and patted him on the shoulder.

"Why are you so worried, Ron? We're just going to go stay at her place until it's time we have to go back to Hogwarts."

"I might embarrass myself like I usually do. I might trip and break something. I might say something stupid. I might make her hate me..."

"Ron. She would never hate you! And she thinks it's funny when you hurt yourself and she probably won't mind if you broke something accidentally. And you always say something stupid so that doesn't really matter."


They both laughed.

"Sorry to interrupt boys, but you're here!" called the Knight bus driver.

Ron and Harry gathered their belongings and walked out of the bus onto a nice, healthy lawn with wet morning dew sprinkled upon each individual strand of green.

"Wow," was all Harry said and Ron was speechless.

A huge mansion stood in front of the two gawking boys.If it didn't have a regular roof and amber coloured bricks it would've looked like a castle.

"Ron! Harry!" screamed a high pitched voice.

Hermione ran running across the lengthy lawn towards them. She wrapped her arms around them both. Harry gave a small laugh and Ron blushed. ( He was also jealous that Harry was part of the hug too.)

"Oh my Merlin! How have you guys been? I missed you guys so much!"

"We've been fine. We missed you too!"

With that Ron gave her another hug.

Harry rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling at his friend's inexperienced courting. What an amateur.

"Well come on guys. Lets get in."

They walked through the blue porch and into the huge front hall.

Harry and Ron noticed a huge pile of colourful flowers, wrapped presents with beautiful tinsel bows, elegant chocolates and singing cards.

Ron picked up a 'Beautiful Bubble' chocolate which was Hermione's favourite yet extremely expensive chocolate. He could smell the amazing aroma of the small treat and stuffed it in his mouth.

"You can have as many as you want of those chocolates. There are probably about like twenty more boxes of them."

"Wow. How come you have so many gifts?"

"She has a secret admirer," called a loud voice from the living room.

A beautiful woman walked into the front hall. She had long, luscious hair just like Hermione's. She was holding onto a vase filled with water and one blue sunflower.

"Hello. I'm Hermione's mother. And you guys must be Harry and Ron."

"Hey. Thank you for letting us stay here ''til it's time for school."

"Yeah, thanks!'

"No problem boys."

"Hermione honey, could you give me a hand and help me put all of you're boyfriend's flowers into some vases?"

"Sure mum. But I don't know who's sending me these gifts and I definitely don't have a boyfriend either."


Hermione's mother returned to the living room.

"So you have no idea who's sending you these gifts?"

"Nope. But he sounds really sweet."

Ron's ears turned a bright red. Harry saw this and quickly changed the subject.

"Let's go help your mother."