Maybe It Wasn't Meant to Be.

Friends Are Always There For You...Right?

The train abruptly stopped at their destination. They were back at Hogwarts. Draco didn't how he felt exactly, returning to a place for sure filled with people that felt Draco was to blame for Dumbledore's death.

Draco didn't kill Dumbledore ,of course since it was Snape though he was just merely following orders. Draco actually admired the man. He always did. He didn't want to threaten his own idol, but he had no choice really, he was under the Imperius curse. But Draco fought off the Imperius curse when it was time he had to kill Dumbledore though unluckily the wonderful man had to anyways.

Draco thought his friends would still be there for him even if he changed. He was confident in his friends, they were there when he went to help the Dark Lord.

Malfoy slips off the train. He collides right into Hermione.

Now out of all times, he though.

"Oh. I'm sorry," was all he said and then he slipped around the crowds to get far away from Hermione as he could.

"Draco! Over here."

He searched around the packed area to find whoever that called him. He finally found a large young man that was waving one of his arms out of the carriage.

Draco walked in between the crowd to get to Goyle. Along the way he got many rude comments and threats and strangely he also got courting commentary about his new look.

After a few minutes of getting through the sweaty lot while holding onto a trunk and a bird cage, Draco finally reached his friends.

"Climb in buddy."

Draco did what he was told.

"Hey Goyle. Hey Crabbe."

"Hey nice new look Draco," Goyle complimented.


"It's really killer on the ladies."

Draco gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah. Wow. I can't believe you dumped Pansy."

"She was crying and everything. I was really sad to see her like that," replied Draco.

"You must have a new love interest now, eh?"

Crabbe elbowed Draco on the arm.

"Who is she?" asked the curious Goyle.

There was an awkward silence. Crabbe and Goyle were staring at Draco like he was about to announce he had found out how to rule the world in one full proof step.


"She must be some looker, eh?"


"Which house is she in?"

"Slytherin of course! Draco, is she Samantha Silver? She has one nice rack."

"Yeah...Is it Meena Minsle? She's one hot babe."


Some reason Draco couldn't say it. He knew his friends would compliment him on his choice, but he was still scared.

"It's Hermione."

Suddenly a dead quiet silence came over them. Nobody talked for a minute. Then suddenly Crabbe and Goyle broke out in laughter.

"Nice one Draco!"

"Yeah. Crushing on a Mudblood. Nice."

The pair were laughing so hard they were crying.

Wow. They don't believe me, thought Draco. If they didn't believe, my two best friends, why would the rest of world believe? Why would they think I've changed? Become a better person, Draco hopelessly thought.

The carriage stopped and they walked out into Hogwarts. It was as beautiful as Draco had remembered. It still looked the same even after they fixed it due to the chaotic war between Deatheaters and Harry Potter supporters last year.


For some reason, Draco still hated Harry. He did not know why. Harry was a wonderful and powerful wizard, but Draco still did not like him. He admired him, but he hated him in every way. Maybe he was jealous, thought Draco. He has everything Draco wants. Fame, adoration, and love from Hermione, but Draco knew Harry was quite dim. Harry could not see that one of his best companion fancied him. Draco didn't want Hermione to be so mistreated. He would be angry if Hermione wasn't available, but he would be more angry if his Hermione was sad. But Draco only knew that Hermione fancied Harry though he did not know how much...

They finally got into the eating hall. They sat down comfortably at their table. Draco couldn't help, but look at Hermione. He gazed at her for quite some time until Pansy Parkinston came wailing behind him while propped up by her friends.

"Er. What a twat."