Sequel: Trade Mistakes
Status: Sequal? Or no?

Like a Fool

Chapter oo1

I smiled at my best friend in the world, Matt Sanders. He was currently asleep on my couch because he’s a lazy ass. I looked at the clock it was five in the evening and he decides to take a nap while I make dinner! I rolled my eyes but went back into the kitchen.

Most people teased that we were like a married couple. He almost lived at my house, we bickered on pointless things but never went to bed mad, he’s muscles and I’m the brains of the operation. He loved my cooking and I could hardly keep a straight face around him.

We’ve been best friends since preschool when someone pushed me into the sand box and took my race car. He pushed them back and gave me back my car. We haven’t been apart since.

I went back to making the pizza. I put it into the oven and set the timer. I jumped over the back of the couch and on to Matt’s chest.

He opened one eye, looked at me, then turned over and let me fall off the couch.

“I’m not going to wait for the pizza to be done! And why could you possibly be so tired?” I asked poking his chest. He grabbed my hand and started to fall back asleep.

“Fine no pizza for you then.” I said yanking my hand away and walking back into the kitchen.

“No! Wait! I’m sorry! I won’t sleep anymore!” He yelled running after me.

“Good!” I laughed.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that I had a huge crush on Matt, fortunately Matt was no genius. He was really popular in our school; he’s gorgeous, on the basketball team, and really funny. But he will always see me as a little sister, and nothing else.

Luckily he wasn’t my only friend; if he was I’d probaly tear my hair out. I was really good friends with Brian, Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy (mostly Jimmy and Brian). They both knew all about my crush but never made fun of it, for that I was grateful.

“What time will the pizza be ready?”

“In fifteen minutes. Why?”

“I’ve got a date in thirty.”

I rolled my eyes, but on the inside I was screaming “Who with?” I said nonchalantly

“Lexi.” He smirked. It was just another conquest for him.

“You mean the cheerleader bitch that tried to run me over in the parking lot this morning?” I said sweetly. God damn idiot.

“The sparkly new paint job on her Mercedes was probaly blinding her.” He laughed.

What I don’t get is he doesn’t like these girls, he makes fun of them, he sleeps with them, then he ditches them... why bother? This is his second girlfriend this month, and the month was still young.

“If you think she’s a rich bitch why are you bothering? She isn’t your style.”

“She’s supposed to be phenomenal in bed.” He sighed dreamily. I sighed and was silent until he asked me what was wrong when he was stepping out the door.

“Nothing, but if you get AIDS don’t come crying to me.” I joked. I’m getting really fucking good at lying. He smiled and hugged me, then hopped into his car and backed out of my drive way.

I sat down at the couch and not even five minutes later the door bell rang. I groaned but got the door anyway.

Like I guessed it was Jimmy and Brian. “Hey girly! We brought beer!” Jimmy said happily holding up the six pack. I rolled my eyes and knew they were here to cheer me up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this is a new story! I really hope you guys like it more than my other one! And if you do please please please comment and subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!
