Sequel: Trade Mistakes
Status: Sequal? Or no?

Like a Fool

Chapter o12

“So I was thinking we should go to the mall! It would help the economy, and we all want to do our part!” I said trying to remember what Mr. Rice had said.

“I hate it when she goes to those classes and tries to teach us. It’s enough when a teacher shoves it down your throat!” Jimmy groaned.

I retaliated by hitting him in the back of the head “So can we, can we, can we?!” I said jumping up and down like a little kid.

“I’m good with it!” Carleigh said happily.

The rest of the guys eventually agreed and got into their cars. We agreed to meet at the record store.

I was the first to make it due to my maniac driving but Brian and Jimmy were a close second then came Carleigh, then Zacky, and lastly Matt.

“Slow pokes!” I said when they were all here.

“Well just because we don’t drive like we’re on the track doesn’t mean we’re slow!” Jimmy said sticking his tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes but kept my mouth shut. When I found the CD’s I wanted I went up to the counter to pay.

“Did you find everything alright?” The guy asked from behind the counter. He had longish black hair, dark green eyes, and he was quite tall. Over all he was definitely an eight.

“Yep.” I said cheerfully.

“I love them.” He said referring to the Rise Against CD.

“Me too! They have really powerful lyrics.”

“Especially in Prayer of the Refugee.” He nodded. “Don’t you go to Huntington High?” He asked. When I nodded he smiled and said “So do I.”

“Awesome! We should totally hang out sometime! Oh I’m Cain by the way.” I added that last part as an after-thought.

“Nice to meet you I’m Adam.” We shook hands and I left the store with a large grin on my face.

“So who was tall, dark, and handsome?” Carleigh asked as we started to walk around.

I tried to stop the grin from spreading “Adam.” I said in a sing-song voice.

“Adam Cahill?” Matt questioned.

“Don’t know...” I said.

“Stay away from him, he’s a total ass.” He said, I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. “I’m serious Candy Cain stay away from him.”

“Telling me not to makes me want to!” I whined.

“I know but try to actually listen to me this time okay?”

I sighed heavily “Fine, I’ll try!” Fat chance. I thought to myself.

“Thank you.” He said.

Carleigh walked over to me and whispered into my ear “I say go for it, there are other guys and Adam would be perfect.” I smiled and nodded my approval of the plan.
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Okay this is really thanks to everyone who gave ideas! You all helped inspired this one and I'll try to get the next one out ASAP!