Sequel: Trade Mistakes
Status: Sequal? Or no?

Like a Fool

Chapter oo9

I included some of the last chapter to make a bit more sence

I looked at her schedule and realized she didn’t know how it worked. “Well those are your even day classes. We go by even and odd days. Today it’s an odd day, which means you go to period one, three, and five. Then tomorrow is even day which means you have periods two, four, six. Its confusing don’t worry you’ll get used to it. But this also means that the classes are two hours long.”

“Huh?” She asked looking at her time table in awe.

“Okay today you only go to,” I looked at the piece of paper “Statics, Ceramics, and English 4 AP because those are odd numbers. Tomorrow you’ll only go to PE, then your free period, and then Government. Then you repeat the whole pattern! If the week ends with an odd day then you start the next week with an even day!”

“So I have two days to do homework?”

“Yep! It’s so much better than the other way!”

“Hells yes! What classes do you have?”

“Today I have English 4 AP, Ceramics, and then French 4 AP. Tomorrow I have TA for Madame Bain, my free period, then Government.”

“Sweet we have ceramics and government together!” She said happily.

“Yep! Do you know where your first class is?”

“Nope!” She said happily.

I laughed and pointed her towards the Math, English, and History building (we just called it the 3000 building). We entered the air conditioned building and I pointed her down the first hall way then continued up the stairs.

Our school was fifty years old so the buildings were very mismatched. We had a science building, an art building, then a language area. We also had two gyms and an ampatheater. And they just finished the new stadium last year.

I quickly walked into Mrs. Parr’s room and took my seat on the side of the class room.

Lunch came after ceramics and with that came the usual growling of my empty stomach.

“Come on Carleigh! You get to eat lunch with me!” I said grabbing her hand and we skipped over to the court yard of the languages building where we always sat under a large tree.

We were soon joined by the rest of the guys and when Brian saw Carleigh he gave his infamous smirk.

“Back off Hanner, it’s her first day.” I said before he had a chance to open his mouth.

He held his hands up in a defensive position but kept his mouth shut. Suddenly we heard a loud dinosaur like screech “Matt!” Then Lexi came into view.

Matt stood up to embrace her, I turned away in disgust. “So Carleigh! How’s Huntington high so far?” I said loudly.

She laughed “It’s confusing as hell but I like how the classes are!” She obviously knew I was trying to avoid the scene that was unfolding in front of me.

“You know what? I think I’ll give you the tour!” I jumped up and grabbed her hand just as Matt and Lexi sat next to me.

“Someone’s got a case of envy!” She sang once we were out of ear shot.

“You have no idea.” I sighed heavily.

“So how long have you two been friends?”

“Since pre-K. And I’m only a sister to him so let’s not even talk about this. You and Brian on the other hand!”

“No, there’s nothing to talk about!” she said looking quite flustered.

“Oh come on! I’m a girl too and I know we love persistent guys. And if Brian’s anything it’s persistent!”

“Yeah well... fuck you.” She said for lack of other terms.

I laughed and shook my head “Don’t worry you’ll fall for him and he’ll treat you like a princess. Don’t fall for the rumors and the bad boy persona. He’s a total softy and my second best friend.”

She glared “I hate you. You make it so hard to hate him.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this is just because d.I.o.m.o asked for it! Now for real this time I need five comments!