Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Levi and the guys both lost track of time, seeing that it was now twelve or so at night, Levi was packed and ready to go, and the boys were still sitting in her room, just talking to her.

This was very odd to Levi.
Six guys hanging out in her room, just talking.
And que the phone going off.

Lost in stereo, lost in stereo
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo

She works for the weekend
Mix tape of her favorite bands
Tearin' up the radio
Lost in the stereo-

Kyle picked it up.
"Hello?" He chirped, lengthening the 'ohh'. A voice asked who it was on the other end.
"Well this is Kyle, who is this?" Kyle said innocently as Caleb wrapped his arms tightly around Levi's waist, and Marc clamped a hand over her mouth to keep her from speaking or getting to the phone. Kyle mockingly pointed a finger at Levi, and mimed laughter.
She flashed him the bird.

Kyle gave her a scolding look, and shook his head as the caller spoke.
"Oh Jared?" Kyle said slowly, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline.
So that was his name... Levi thought, struggling even more.

"You want to know why Levi hasn't called you?" Kyle laughed as he jerked his arm away from Levi when she got an arm loose. She grunted under Marc's hand as he did.
A few swear words escaped her, but were muffled by Marc.
"Well I don't know. Me?" Kyle said, placing a hand on his chest as if he was offended. "I'm one of Levi's many freinds." He smirked, Levi scoffed in the background. Kyle's eye's darted towards her for a split second.

"Oh so I'm an asshole?" Kyle said, his eyes narrowing.
"Ah so you also hooked up with her last weekend? Okay..." Kyle said, cringing slightly, and cringing again when Jared said somthing else. He even pulled the phone away from his ear Jared was yelling so loud.

"Your her boyfreind?" Kyle said quietly, his eyes going wide again. Levi had focused on getting Caleb and Marc off by then, Austin now holding her legs.
"Oh really?" Kyle snarled, not meaning to sound so angry- it caught Levi's and everyone else's attention.
"I must say you have quite the vocabulary Jared, you should consider hearing the entire story before you jump to any conclusions, and not talking about a lady in that way. Understood?" Kyle snarled visiously. Levi's eyes widened at his face.
He looked almost livid.

Jared quieted down on the other end.
Then Kyle hung up.

"Levi, do you have a boyfreind named Jared?" He seethed, flopping back into the beanie chair he had been seated in.
Levi shook her head, shaking out of Caleb and Austin's grasp, and then hitting away Marc's hand.
"No, he thinks I'm his girlfreind because we hooked up at my freind Kelly's birthday party." Levi said, wiping her mouth, and glaring at Marc. "I was so drunk I didn't even remember his name until you said it out loud." Levi said as she picked her phone up off the bed, and ignored Jared's call again.

"Plus- he's not my type." Levi said quietly, thinking about how Jared was the dominating egotistical bodybuilder type, who when drunk, go for the girls they wouldn't usually go for.

He was an asshole, and terrible in bed.

"How?" Caleb asked, Kyle grumbling in the corner. He was the only one not looking at her.
Levi was looking at him, and Caleb.

"I don't go for the type of guy who only thinks of himself all the time, who would rather let the door slam in my face and let it break my nose," She paused, thinking back to one of her ex's.
He was terrible. "Or would rather go to the gym and go hang out with his freinds six days a week, and take an hour out of one day to just say 'hey' to his girlfreind." She sighed.

He had been worse.
"Basically your average jock." She sighed, turning her head and looking at her closet door.
A albulm full of pictures of her past relationships was in there somewhere, she only kept it to remind her of what not to look for, and how to avoid another Evan.
Evan was the worst.

Caleb grabbed Levi's hand, and jerked her off the bed playfully.
"Oh come on Levi, turn that frown upside down!" He smiled at her, his contagious grin making her smile too.
He began to sing a song Levi had never heard before, and led her in a dance.

Say girl, every night you ask me to come over
And I came (you better believe it) every time you called (cause I wanted be there)
as a matter of fact I was probably waiting by the phone

Johnathan laughed, and began to sing too.
Caleb spun Levi and she giggled, catching Kyle's attention from the corner, his mouth going slightly ajar when he saw Caleb and Levi dancing.

If I would of known what I know now
Woulda left never had a chance
We were two weeks in it'll never last
If I would of known what you were thinkin'
Woulda ran for the hills and it woulda stayed okay
Till your over it till your over it (oh oh )

Levi hummed along, and began doing her own little dance, not wanting Caleb to lead anymore. He chuckled as Kyle stood in the corner, watching Levi.

Uh huh
We're doing it
Way to well
Uh huh
We're doing it
We're getting and getting it done

Austin, Marc, and Kent clapped the beat.
Levi laughed as Caleb did some spastic dance move he probably shouldn't.

I give up it won't last forever (There it is I laid it down)
And if we can't be friends what can we be? (I'm giving up it's not working out)
Maybe some day we can live (Together forever)
And if we're not friends what can we be? I'm giving up it's not working out

Levi finally joined in, not knowing all the words, but not really caring.

Uh huh
We're doing it
Way to well
Uh huh
We're doing it
We're getting and getting it done

Kyle walked closer, and Levi suddenly grabbed his hand, and pulled him over to dance with her. She was still singing- so well actually that for a second Caleb and Johnathan had stopped for a moment in surprise.

If I would of known what I know now
Woulda left never had a chance
We were two weeks in it'll never last
If I would of known what you were thinkin'
Woulda ran for the hills and it woulda stayed okay till your over it

Kyle's face broke into a smile as he abruptly picked Levi up, and she screamed loudly, laughter mixed into it.
Everyone laughed loudly as Kyle spun in circles with Levi on his shoulder.

Uh huh
We're doing it
Way to well
Uh huh
We're doing it
We're getting and getting it done


"Turn it up Austin!" Levi yelped as Marc turned her speaker system up, Levi's Ipod plugged into it.
Marc had found her guitar and was tuning it on the couch.

"Ignorance" by Paramore was blasting, and her neighbors probably weren't very happy.
But no one dared tattle on the Apartment land lord's Grand Neice.

What’s my offense this time?
You’re not a judge but if you’re gonna judge me
Well sentence me to another life.

Somthing odd the boys found?
Levi could reach every note Hayley Williams could, and higher or lower.
Jonathan was in awe.

Don’t wanna hear your sad songs
I don’t wanna feel your pain
When you swear it’s all my fault
Cause you know we’re not the same
Oh we’re not the same
The friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
but i guess you can’t accept that the change is good
it’s good.

Levi stopped singing for a minute to jump onto Caleb's back, causing to laugh as he took up Levi's job of singing.

You treat me just like another stranger
well it’s nice to meet you sir
i guess i’ll go
i best be on my way out

"Ignorance is your new best friend!" Kyle yelled loudly since he couldn't reach it, Levi high fiving him as he did.

this is the best thing that could’ve happened
any longer and i wouldn’t have made it
it’s not a war no, it’s not a rapture
i’m just a person but you can’t take it
the same tricks that once fooled me
they won’t get you anywhere
i’m not the same kid from your memory-

Austin had changed it from her Ipod, to his.
"Hey!" Levi whined like a child, still on Caleb's back, who leaned his head back to rest it on Levi's shoulder.
She was actually holding herself up more than Caleb was holding her up. And she wasn't even tired yet.

But she was sleepy.
And the song wasn't really helping.

I'm two cups into my coffee break
I'm sitting alone in the cafe front way
Reading all by myself
I'm Turning my cell off just to breathe
'Cause everyone I know just keeps calling me
And I just need a little time

Levi's eyes began to droop as she slipped off of Caleb's back, and sat on the couch.
She scooted up next to Kyle and watched Johnathan and Austin goof off.
Kyle wrapped an arm around her shoulders, as he usually did.

Cause I've overcommitted myself
I guess this is growing up
I'm sleeping so little these days
I guess this is growing up
I'm feeling things are about to change
I'm guessing this is growing up
Yeah, I'm guessing this is growing up

Kyle hummed the lyrics, drawing Levi into sleep even more, his humming vibrating in his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder, getting comfortable.
She didn't care if it bothered Kyle.
She was comfy.

And my mom hates my guts
She has every reason to
From all the things I do
And it breaks me just to know
That I have torn her apart so many times
So many times

Cause I've overcommitted myself
I guess this is growing up
I'm sleeping so little these days.
I guess this is growing up
I'm feeling things are about to change
I'm guessing this is growing up
Oh I'm guessing this is growing up

I don't wanna change, I wanna stay right where I lay
Eyes closed, head down on the pillow,
Better change, before it's too late,
I'm guessing this is growing up...

Levi fell asleep, and Kyle rested his head on hers.

Now I'm done with my coffee break
I turn on my phone
Now that I've grown up


Levi's alarm clock went off at the same time as usual.
Levi stirred lightly, as usual, and reached over to her right to hit her iphone- but could only find air where her nightstand usually was.

She cracked an eye open, and saw the living room.
"What the hell?" She murmured, trying to sit up. She didn't get very far.

A pair of arms were around her waist, and a head was on her shoulder.
A platinum blonde head with closed blue eyes.

"Oh..." She whispered, recalling that night, or really, morning.
The alarm continues... and Austin and Caleb twitch on the floor.

Levi didn't want to wake them, so she attempted to wriggle her way out of Kyle's arms- but he just tightened his grip. "Fuck.." Levi whispered, placing her hands on Kyle's arms and looking at his bare skin.

It was so soft. Just him being there.
It was comforting, not akward and stiff like the rest were.
It was forgien to Levi, to be handled so delicatly, like she would break if handle too harshly, or treated as if she was a flower freshly picked.
Delicately. Protectivly.

The alarm stopped. And Levi wanted to test somthing.
If I move, will Kyle move too? She thought, shifting to the right of the couch a little, closer to Kyle.
He moved closer to Levi. If thats even possible.
Well he does in the wrong direction, yes.. Levi chuckled at the sight of the towering blonde snuggling closer to her, and placed her head on his chest.

Comfort is hard to come by when your Ophilia Levine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, this chapter isn't that great... but its an update, and the tour is coming soon :))
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