Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


"Your doing it wrong Levi!"
"No I'm not, I'm pretty sure that I can replace my own guitar strings Caleb!"
"Your gonna cut my face up when that string-"


"Oh." Levi said, watching Caleb grab his face in pain. The string had come off, and basically slapped Caleb in the face.
"Ouch..." Caleb moaned, holding his cheek. Levi reached up to his face.

"I am so sorry Caleb! Let me see it, I'm not going to touch it, just let me see it!" She said sweetly, taking his hand off his face gently.
There was a cut on his cheek from the string, it wasn't big, but it was bleeding.
"I'm so sorry Caleb," She said, helping up off of the matress.
Her bed, yeah, its only a matress on the floor. "Lets go clean that out, just in case." Caleb stopped her.

"You've got a cut on your face too Levi." He frowned, taking her face gently in his hands, and looking at her forehead, he stopped Levi's hand when she reached up to touch it.

"No, no, don't touch it." He said. She frowned.
"I didn't even feel it." She said, her voice tinged with curiosity. "But you squealed like a little girl!" She chuckled.

Caleb pretended to look offended.
"No!" He said. "I'm just more sensitive than you are!" he said quickly, regretting it afterwards, Levi raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, Mr.Sensitive, lets go clean out that cut." She laughed, making Caleb throw his head back as he was led out of the room by Levi.

She led them into the bathroom, where she took out the soap and neosporne.

"So Mr.Sensitive, how about you stand still?" Levi laughed as she gently grasped Caleb's arm, and held him still. He saluted her as she continued to laugh.

She cleaned out the cut, and put the neosporne over it, making Caleb wince a little.
"You big baby." She teased, making him laugh.
"I'm no baby." He said in a childish voice. Levi giggled, neither of them noticing the other five guys listening out in the hall.

One particular platinum blonde frowning deeply.

"Uh, yes you are." She said, laughing. "Your flinching at neosporne."
"No I'm not. My eye itches."
"So your flinching because your eye itches?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
"So why aren't you scratching your eye?"

Caleb paused, and then suddenly reached up to scratch his eye.
Or really, poke himself in the eye.

"Ouch! Shit! I just poked myself in the eye!" He whined, pouting. Levi began laughing her ass off.

"Ohh, smooth Caleb, really smooth of you." Levi gasped, trying to stop laughing.
Caleb stuck his tounge out at Levi, who didn't see him do it.

"Okay, now lets fix your face Ms. Levine." Caleb said, making Levi calm down, and stand up straight.
Levi was still giggling when he cleaned her forehead with soap, and put the neosporne on it.

"Okay, stop making fun of me, I'm a big baby." Caleb laughed, placing the the soap and neosporne back in the cabinet. Levi shook her head, and headed towards the door.

Marc in the hall quickly motioned to the other guys to scatter.

"So what are we doing today guys?" Levi asked, darting out into the hall, knowing they were there the whole time.
They all turned around, and smiled at her.

"Not evesdropping?" Kent smiled innocently. Levi mouthed a 'sure' to him, and gave him a funny look.

"Well," Kyle said, striding foward as Caleb came out of the bathroom, hands in his pockets, and looking suave.
Levi looked slightly taken aback. He looks nice... in his clothes from yesterday... She suddenly scrunched her nose.

Kyle frowned. "What?"
"When was the last time you guys showered and changed?" She asked, her nose still scrunched as she tried to walk past Kyle.

Kyle walked closer to her, almost pushing her against the wall in the small hallway.

Caleb looked frustrated- Marc and Johnathan sent him a worried look.
Caleb waved them off.
Stop it Caleb, He thought to himself, watching Kyle attempt to flirt with Levi... who was totally clueless. She's not interested in you in that way. She's not intrested. She's not intrested.

She smiled at Kyle, and Kyle smiled back.
She laughed.



"So I'll see you guys tomorrow bright and early!" Levi smiled, shooing the guys out of her place. It was eleven or so at night, and Levi wanted to be able to at least be capable of talking like a human being in the morning.

"Bye Levi!"
"See ya tommorrow Levi!"
"I'm gonna miss you!" Austin yelled, engulfing Levi in a bear hug. Levi stumbled backward a little- before she hugged him back.
"I'll miss you too Austin." She laughed. Austin squealed in response, he let go, and ran out the door behind Marc and Kent.
"I'll see you tomorrow Levi." Caleb said kindly, hugging her gently- as if she was a really, really, really, close friend.

Like, really close.

"Bye Caleb, I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled, hugging him back, but more in a brotherly/sisterly way.
And Caleb noticed.

Kyle was still lingering behind, hiding somewhere in Levi's tiny apartment.
Caleb yelled out his name several times, until Levi said she would go find him.

Caleb was about to protest, but Levi had already gone off to look.
"Shit." Caleb whispered to himself, hearing the guys roughhousing on the stairs down.

He waited.

Levi glanced into her kitchen, sseing that you couldn't really hide anywhere in there. She looked in the bathroom, and almost left- before remembering the shower.

Levi smiled to herself as she crept towards the shower, reaching as far as she could.
"Aha!" She yelled as she yanked back the curtain- but it was empty. Levi frowned, and turned around to look in the last room in the apartment.
Her bedroom.

"Kyle?" She said quietly, walking across the hall into her room. "Its kinda time for you to go." She chuckled, glancing around the room, not seeing him.

Levi screamed, and felt herself fall onto the matress, a particular blonde headed male on top of her.

"Oh shit! Burns! You scared the shit out of me!" She laughed from under Kyle, twisting around under him as he laughed like a madman.
"I know I did Levine. I know I did." He laughed, adjusting himself on her. She laughed, tucking her head against his chest again.

"Okay, you need to go home now Kyle." She laughed. Kyle shook his head like a child again. She slowly stopped laughing.

Caleb peeked in from the hall, and pulled his head back as quickly as he could and left the apartment, furious.

"No." Kyle said, looking into Levi's eyes. "No I don't. I can spend the night!" He smiled, nodding his head, his hair brushing Levi's forehead.

Levi laughed, and shook her head.
"No, no you can't." She laughed, watching Kyle pout.
"Okay," Kyle said, rolling over, and laying next to Levi for a moment, before he got off the bed, flinging Levi up with him. "So just tell me who your favorite FTSK Kid is." He said, holding Levi against him.

Levi didn't protest. She stood still, looking at Kyle.

"Um... I'd have to say Marc." She said, nodding her head. Kyle frowned playfully.

"Are you sure its not that one with the blonde hair? And the blue eyes? Skinny as a stick?" He said, raising his eyebrows at her. She scrunched her nose, and pretended to think for a moment.

"No, I'm pretty sure it might be Kent, or Austin... Yeah, its Austin." She said, smilling at Kyle. Kyle threw his head back, and sighed.
"Well damn. That poor blonde kid must feel so terrible." He whined. Making Levi laugh again.

"Aw, well tell him I'm sorry will you?" She giggled, patting Kyle's chest.
Kyle suddenly darted out, and kissed her forehead.

She froze, and looked at him.
"I-" She stuttered. "I'll see you tomorrow Kyle." She said, her eyes wide.

Kyle looked a little hurt, but hugged her again, and said goodnight.

"Bye Leeves, I'll see you tomorrow." He said quietly. Levi just nodded.

Kyle left with his tail basically between his legs.
And Levi locked the door behind him, her head spinning.

What just happened?


Kyle sulked down the stairs, finding the guys waiting for him at the bottom, all of them playing around, and talking loudly.
Except Caleb.

"Where's Caleb?" Kyle asked, looking around.
All of the guys pointed to the car, where Caleb was hitting his head against the steering wheel.
Kyle raised his eyebrows at the scene, and frowned.

"Whats wrong with him?" Kyle asked, looking back at the group, and pointing a thumb at the car.

All of them shrugged.
But the next time Kyle looked at Caleb- he was looking straight at him.

And he wasn't happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhhhhh :o

check out my other story while you wait for an update? :)
Its VersaEmerge! A Blue Six String.

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