Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Its been a week, and Levi was currently standing outside under the Forever The Sickest Kids merch tent, Ziggy telling her how to organize everything, and fold the clothes properly.

"Um... Zigg, I'm sorry to say that I've worked at several clothing stores." Levi laughed, watching Ziggy's face go blank as she gently took the shirt from his hands.

The tent wasn't very busy since the boys were playing their set now- but soon it would be swamped with screaming teenage girls, making the temperature rise due to all the body heat.

It was already hot in the shade.

She folded the shirt, and neatly placed it in the box under the table in its correct sizing.
Ziggy smiled at her and laughed.

"Okay, so your set..." He chuckled as a few blonde girls ran up, forming a line.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" One of them squealed, Levi rolling her eyes when she was turned around. "I'm gonna meet Kyle Burns! I'm gonna meet him! Oh my god! He's mine!" Her squeal became a snarl as she came to the end of the sentence.

Levi felt a CD in her hands crack in two, Ziggy cringing next to her, and taking a step back.

If this girl pulls anything she's gonna be bald.

The line grew quickly, coiling around the tents, and all the way down.
Levi was still focused on the blonde girl, throwing her frightening looks.

"Relax." Ziggy warned, tossing her a Monster from the cooler under the table. She caught it, and growled, violently opening it as she watched the girl and her whorish freinds.

Levi jumped when she heard the group of girls screaming, seeing that she had been organizing all of the merchendise further.
She knew the guys had finally run up.

Kyle, Caleb, Kent, Johnathan, Marc, and Austin sprinted into the tent, waving, cheering, and jumping like the fans in the front.
The blonde girl's boobs were ready to fall out.

Is she even wearing a bra?

Kyle stopped jumping around, and came up to Levi, wrapping an arm around her waist, catching her attetion, and pecking her on the lips.
Levi smirked when she heard one of the girls in the front scream in fury.

"Hey babe." Kyle purred, nestling his arms around her waist from behind as she tried to manuver her way around the tent to sell the merchandise.

"Hey you." She smiled, giggling when he felt him kiss her hair.

"Kyle!" A nasally voice called out, making both Levi and Kyle turn around. "Can you please sign me? Please?" The blonde girl begged, jumping up and down on the balls of her feet, and point to her breast with a sharpie.
Kyle looked down at Levi, and Levi looked up at him.

"I gotta sell your Merch." Levi sighed, giving his hands a squeeze. Kyle sighed, and kissed her forehead, telling her he promised 'not to sign any boobs or butts today.'

She laughed, and he let her go, pecking her cheek as the blonde girl glared holes in Levi's face.
Kyle chuckled as Levi pecked his arm as he slipped it off of her, bringing it up to her shoulders.

Kyle went to the girl, and signed her shoulder, her dissapointment clear.
But then, she went to far.

She tried to kiss him.
Levi suddenly punched the table, making the girl jump back, and Caleb and Marc to suddenly stare at her. Kyle was standing straight up, looking at the girl in shock.

"I'd leave now Barbie." Levi snarled so viciously, the girl cringed, and ran off.
Kyle leaned over and pecked Levi.

"Thank you." He whispered. Levi nodded, still cooling off as she turned back to the fan in front of her.

The poor girl looked terrified, and then spoke.
"I swear I won't bust a move on Kyle, but can I pull one on Kent?" She asked, keeping the terrified look on her face, a flat sound to her voice.
Levi frowned for a few seconds longer, and then chuckled, her chuckle esclating into a laugh.

"Go ahead, he needs some action." Levi laughed, Kent throwing a peice of crumpled paper at her a moment later.

"I'm Levi, nice to meet you." Levi laughed, shaking the girl's hand.
"I'm Skyler. Its nice to meet you too." She smiled.

"Well Skyler, you want anything, a tshirt, braclet, CD, Kent?" Levi listed making Skyler chuckled.

"Uhm, I'll take a tshirt, a bracelet, and can I get Kent and Marc?" Skyler joked as Levi dove under the table, making her laugh.
"I'm not sure, maybe at the end of the tour though, they're kind of important to the band." Levi chuckled as she dodged flying posters from Marc and Kent.

"Which shirt would you like?" Levi asked as Skyler laughed, waving back at Marc and Kent when the waved at her.
"Um, the PWNED one, in green." She giggled, pointing at the shirt up on the wall. "Small please."

Levi gathered up the things Skyler wanted, and Skyer paid with exact change, and said a quick goodbye to Levi before running off to the end of the autographs line.

Levi sweated about ten pounds off that day, handing out shirt after shirt, bracelet after bracelet, auctioning off the guys, and joking with fans.
She saw Skyler again once the end of the line had finally gotton back to the top, finally getting her autographs, and hugs from Kent and Marc.

She looked exausted.
"Hey Skyler, why don't you come back here with us?" Kyle offered, seeing the poor girl had waited in line for hours, and was the last one in line, her pale face now close to blistering.

Skyler beamed.
"Really?" She said, sounding exausted.
"Come back here with us, I'm pretty sure Levi needs a break from all the testosterone." Kyle laughed, slithering his arms around Levi again as she nodded, a small grin on her face.

Skyler smiled, and quickly slipped back behind the table and into the tent, looking at her feet.

Her face got a little more red.
"So Skyler, are you from Virginia Beach? Or you an out-of-towner?" Levi asked as Kyle sat them both down on a chair, tracing the stripes on the back of her shirt.

Caleb watched the two behind his sunglasses, his face not showing a bit of emotion.

"I'm actually following Warped, I'm from Miami." Skyler said, accepting a water bottle from Kent, who was beaming at her.

Oh yeah, he's interested.

Levi sat on Kyle's lap as Skyler and her talked, Kyle and Kent occasionally throwing in their two cents into the conversation.
"Yeah, I'm on my own, my Dad is paying for the whole thing." Skyler said, Levi freezing up a little. Kyle squeezed her waist, and buried his head in the crook of her neck.

"Well thats nice of him." Levi said, forcing a smile only the guys could tell was fake. Skyler smiled back at her weakly.
"I guess..." Skyler shrugged, sitting back as Kent threw an arm back to rest on the back of her chair. She froze, and then relaxed.

"You guess?" Levi asked, turning her head to rest it on Kyle's.
She felt him kiss her neck, not noticed by anyone else.

He nibbled a little.
She squeezed his hands to tell him: "Not now."
But he kept going.

"Well, I'm not really close to my Dad, he lives in New York, and my Mom and I live in Miami." Skyler shrugged, taking another sip of water.
Levi paused.

Her situation was reversed.
"Oh. Can I ask why?" Levi asked, shivering a little when Kyle nibbled on her neck again, his hair tickling her a little.

She ran her hand up and down his arms, playing with his pushed up sleeves.
Caleb frowned a little from his corner of the tent.

"He's a stiff." She said bluntly, making Kent laugh. Kent and Skyler continued their conversation, while Kyle continued to tease Levi.

"Okay," Johnathan finally piped, up, sitting up in his seat. "You, and you, go get a room." He said, pointing at Levi and Kyle, who both grinned at him sheepishly.

"Well," Kyle said, obviously kissing Levi's neck as she giggled. "I guess we'll clear out then!" He shouted suddenly, picking Levi up as she laughed.

"I'll see you guys later!" Levi shouted as Kyle carried her off.

Everyone except Caleb echoing a goodbye.


It was safe to say that the rest of the guys were steering clear of the bus.
They didn't feel like walking in on Kyle and Levi again.

They were currently laying in Kyle's bunk, not kissing, or doing anything else, just laying there, Levi laying in Kyle's arms, and tracing shapes on his chest.

He occasionally chuckled when Levi tickled him.

"So Kyle..." Levi whispered, leaning up to talk into his ear.
He looked at her, his face close enough to feel her warm breath on his face.

"So Levi?" He said, his classic smirk on his face. He kissed her cheek.
Levi caught his lips, and slipped her tongue into his mouth, making him chuckle into the kiss.
He manuvured himself over Levi, who encircled her arms around him, entangling her fingers in his hair.

He trailed his fingers down her torso, and fingered at the hem of her shirt.
"May I?" He whispered agaist her lips, Levi's softly kissing his top lip.

She opened her eyes, and thought for a moment.

Then nodded.

Kyle took his time, inching her shirt up, reavealing her tan skin, and flat stomach, only breaking the kiss again when the shirt finally came completely off, reavealing her sky blue lacy bra.
Kyle kissed her, and Levi played with his belt, neither noe listening for the bus door opening or closing.

Caleb walked in, and layed in his bunk across from Kyle, just as Levi got him to moan loudly.

Caleb sat up so fast he slammed his head on the top of the bunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Look at this.

I clipped this off of YouTube, and I'll probably get in trouble for it later, but for now...
This is freaking hilarious.