Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Both Levi and Kyle grunted when they heard Caleb slam his head against his bunk, and groan in pain.

Kyle opened the curtain to his bunk a little to reveal the redhead, holding his head, and gasping in pain.
Levi slipped her shirt back on, and slid out from under Kyle; who at the time- was unable to stand.

"Caleb, are you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her.

Well, she didn't nessesarily force him, but it was his first thought when she touched him.

Look at her.

He forced a scowl on his face.
"I'm fine." He said roughly, making Levi pull her hand back a little.

She's happy with Kyle, you can't give that to her. He thought. You can't give that to her Caleb. You just can't.

"Are you sure? Your already getting bump on your-"
"I said I'm fine." Caleb suddenly snarled, his eyes blazing as he looked at Levi, her face showing hurt and shock as she pulled her hand away.
Kyle felt furious.

"Dude, she was just asking if you were alright, you don't need to flip shit about it." Kyle snarled, finally getting out of the bunk, and putting his arms around a hurt Levi.

She remained silent.

"I can take care of myself, I don't need her fussing over me all the time like I'm some baby." Caleb snarled, slowly standing up, his head spinning.

Wow, I did hit that bunk hard. He thought, his words sounding a little funny in his head.

Kyle looked furious, and Levi frowned, looking as if Caleb had just torn her heart out.

Levi spoke up before Kyle could upset his freind even more with the explicit words he had planned.
"I was just concerned Caleb." She said, sounding on the verge of tears.
Caleb felt a pang in his chest.

"I'm sorry. I just worry about you because your my freind." She said, every word oozing with sincerity.

Freind. Caleb thought, having to close his eyes for a moment, as he took in the word. Your just a freind.

"You don't need to be concerned. And you can keep your sorry. You can just go cry in you bunk about your dead family and keep the fuck away from me." Caleb growled, having to force himself to say every single word.

Every word hurting him as much as it hurt- and shocked Levi.
Kyle's face turned a bright red.

"What the fu-" Kyle started, looking furious as he began to push Levi behind him.

Kyle looked down at Levi, her hand placed on his chest to stop him.

She was still looking at Caleb, her face looking strong, but her eyes hurt and tearing up.
"He's not worth it." She whispered.

They were whispers, but they still stabbed Caleb in the chest.

Over, and over, and over, and over.

Levi stared at Caleb for a few more seconds, her green eyes beginning to become bloodshot and teary again.

She wiggled out of Kyle's arms, and put her shoes on, handing Kyle his shirt, and muttering to him to put it back on.

And she just led Kyle out of the bus, putting her sunglasses on her face as she opened the door, and walked out into the sunlight.

The door slammed shut.

Caleb stood there, beating himself up on the inside for a few more minutes.

Great Caleb, your so selfish, you couldn't even just have her as a freind.


"Are you okay Levi?"
Levi looked up to see Skyler, still sitting in the chair she was in earlier, but now helping Ziggy refold the tshirts they didn't sell that day, and put away bracelets and CDs.

Levi had told Kyle to go have fun, and that she would be fine, snapping at him when he refused, saying that he wanted to stay with her to make sure she was alright.

She also told him to not touch a hair on Caleb's red head unless he wanted to loose his balls, and watch evil rotweilers eat them while he screamed in pain.

He ran away.

"I'm fine." Levi said bluntly, continuing to fold as Ziggy began to disassemble the tent with Kent's help.

Skyler noticed security beginning to clear the crowds out, and excused herself, seeing that she didn't have a pass to flash to security, she did have to leave.

"Thank you guys, I'll be seeing you!" She chirped as she walked away, waving eccentricly, and smiling at them.
"Bye Sky! I'll text you!" Kent yelled after her. Levi just waved solemly.

"Hey Leeves, you can go ahead and head back if you want, we're just gonna put everything into the trailer." Ziggy said, patting her shoulder, aware that she was feeling a little low.

She just nodded, and stood.
She was about to leave when Ziggy grabbed her in a sweaty hug.

"Come on Leeves. Cheer up." He muttered as she hugged back, sighing deeply.

"I'm not so sure thats possible right now Zigg." Levi muttered back, sliding her arms off of Ziggy, and walking away. Leaving Ziggy and Kent to shoot each other a worried look.

Levi headed over to the two pink tents still standing, not really caring who- or what- was in them, just looking for someone she didn't know to talk to, to meet- or possibly terrorize.

She spotted a pink head of hair, a blonde and blue head, and a browned hair girl standing under the tent, laughing loudly at somthing on the pink haired one's phone.

Levi wasn't in the mood for laughing, so she kept walking.

She wandered around the tents, hands in her pockets, her pass flopping around her neck for all of security to see.

No one bothered her, and she decided not to bother anyone after all.

But she didn't expect anyone to run into her.

A mop of blonde hair skidded to a stop just a little too late, running straight into her, and throwing their arms around her frame to keep her from falling onto the pavement.

"I am so sorry!" They guy said, steadying Levi and himself, quickly letting her go, and pushing his hair out of his eyes so he could see who he was looking at.
Levi was stunned at who she was looking at, her mouth falling open.

"Holey shit." Levi muttered, not believing what she was seeing.

Pat fucking Brown.

"H-hi." Levi stuttered. Pat chuckled a little, his face still a little confused.
"Hi?" He said, a white smile flashing on his face.

Levi had to remind herself she had a boyfreind.
"Your Pat Brown." She blurted out, instantly slapping a hand over her mouth just as the words reached Pat's ears.

He chuckled, and pretended to look for a nametag.
"I am?!" He joked, looking like he was shocked to find that out. "Yes, I guess I am." He said, a smile still plastered onto his face. "You are..?" He said, motioning towards her.

Levi shook her head, as if to wake herself up, and took her hands off of her mouth.
"Uh, Ophila Levine. Just c-call me Levi please..." She stuttered, reaching out to shake his hand, which he accepted kindly.

"Well its nice meeting you Levi." Pat smiled, looking genuinly nice. "But I'm sorry to say that I have to cut our meeting short, I'm late for bus call." He frowned, making Levi chuckle.

"Oh, no worries, nice meeting you Pat." Levi said, stepping aside so that Pat could run past her.
"Nice meeting you too Levi! I'll talk to you later!" He yelled as he ran off to his bus.

Levi chuckled as she watched him run off, and continued to walk, hands in her pockets- but keeping aware of running singers.

She just walked, not thinking of anything, and kicking empty bottles and Monster cans, spotting a couple cigarette and marijiana butts here and there.

She sighed, and looked up at the sky, the sun setting making it a mix of purple, blue, orange, and yelllow.

"Now why couldn't men be so simple as a walk, hm?" Levi murmured to herself, sighing, and leaning her head back, the only person standing in the emptying lot, surrounded by people's trash.


I miss her.

No, no you don't.

Shut up. I do.

You don't know anything Caleb, you just chased the girl of your dreams off in tears.
Your just a fuck-up in her life. You mean nothing anymore, understand?

I have to fix this. It was for her own good.

Yeah, because putting the girl you love in tears is the best thing for her. Great idea. Fantastic. You mind if I use that somtime?

Wait, wait, wait, wait... I love her?

Caleb rubbed his eyes oncemore, waking himself from another freaky dream, the bus moving underneath him.
He heard typing from above him, and the soft sound of music coming from Levi's ipod.

He recognized 'Coffee Break'.

And then 'Uh-huh', and My Worst Nightmare.

She basically had all of their songs on shuffle.

The typing was constant, and it occasionally paused for a moment, as if she was thinking for somthing to say.

He heard her sigh, and the laptop close, the ipod shut off, and her blankets rustle.
Caleb looked at the small clock duck-taped to his bunk wall.

It read three-thirty in the morning.

She hopped out of her bunk, and walked to the back of the bus, the sink running for a little bit, and the sound of a toothbrush against teeth for a while, and she was back, climbing back into her bunk, her toes momentarily peeping into Caleb's bunk.

He breathed in deeply, and listened.

Levi was breathing slowly, and steadily, not making one peep.

Caleb was just about to doze off, when he heard it- almost missing it she said it so quietly.

"I forgive you." She whispered. "And I know you can hear me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooooh :)

Wow, can't Caleb be a douche somtimes? :O
Sooooo, should Pat be involved in any way?

Or should he just run in and run out alot?

I haven't made up my mind:)

So until I do: Check this out?