Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Levi had stopped dancing with Kyle an hour ago, and was now challenging Sierra Kusterbeck in a battle of shots.

So far, Levi was winning.

Because she was nowhere near as drunk as Sierra was.
Because Levi wasn't quite hammered yet.
Because both girls had drank about two bottles full of Grey Goose, and were now drinking Tequilia.

"Go, go, go Levi! I've got fifty bucks on you!" Austin shouted, standing not to far away from Levi and Kyle, Kyle standing next to Levi, slurring all of his words.

"Go, Weevi! Go! Whooo!" He slurred loudly, Levi ignoring him and downing shot after shot.

She did the math in her head.

Sierra= 10

Seven ahead, lets make it ten. She thought, smirking into her drink, surprised that she could still do math.

She wasn't drunk enough.

Levi downed two shots, Sierra almost choking on one of her shots, her freinds yelling "Swallow! Swallow!"

Levi downed a third as Sierra managed to swallow the one she choked on.

Ten ahead, pat me on the back. Levi grinned into the shot, Eleven.
She chuckled.

Sierra glanced at Levi, and downed a shot as Levi took one, aware that she was loosing- and terribly at that.

There were twenty- five shots lined up in a row, and she had three left; Austin, Kyle, Jeffree, Alex, Kent, (a very much sober) Skyler, and a few other people form the Maine and a few other bands cheered as she reached the last one, downing it quickly, slamming it on the table and throwing her hands up in the air.

She didn't fall over backwards- so she wasn't hammered yet.

People who placed bets on Levi cheered, and yelled for their money, people who doubted the pretty 'Ophilia Poppy Levine" groaning as they handed over their hard earned cash.

Levi smirked, and watched as Sierra spat out one of her last shots.

"THERE WAS A FUGGIN WORM IN DAT ONE!" She screamed, spitting and choking. Levi laughed when she heard Sierra's words so slurred.

"I think she's done ferr the night." Levi said, holding her alcohol pretty well. She was surprised, usually after two grey gooses, she was smashed.

But she'd had two Grey Goose bottles, some of Kyle's beer, and thirty shots and she wasn't quite done yet.

Just to top it off, she picked up the bottle of tequilia, and downed it, the group around her cheering loudly.

She slammed the bottle back on the table, and let the alcohol sink in, feeling herself get woozy.

Levi turned to find Kyle, but saw that he had gone and collapsed on the couch, so she looked for someone else she knew, but didn't find anyone her drunk mind really wanted to hang out with.

She picked up another bottle of Goose, and poured some of it in a cup, dangerously close to spilling out, and walked out of the bus, only stumbling a little.

She was absolutly positive, that once she finished her Goose, she'd be done for the night, and wouldn't remember a thing. She stood in one place, and downed the cup.


She stumbled back onto the bus, and filled her cup with a little tequilia.

"Dees shood doooo..." She slurred, clumsily pouring the liquid into the cup.

She stumbled out of the bus again, this time wandering off to a patch of grass not too far away, but just far enough for a drunk to wander.

She giggled and fell down on the grass, her face flushed and her eyes glassy.

Levi was so distracted by the moths fluttering around a lampost nearby, she didn't notice the person calling her name out only a few feet from her.

"Levi?" The familiar voice asked, the grass rustling underneath him.

Levi giggled and turned around with a smile.

"Why heellow Calwub." She giggled, a goofy smile on her face.
Caleb had to blink a few times, distracted by her pretty face.

"Leeve, what are you doing out here?" He asked, still holding his first cup of beer in his hand. She laughed loudly, and flopped onto him.

"Yerr my bwest frwend Calwub." She cooed, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.

Thats Kyle's place Caleb, you promised. Back off. He thought to himself, still looking shocked.

"Levi, your drunk. You need to sleep." He said quietly, Levi smiling like an idiot in his lap.

"Oh pwleese!" She shouted, stumbling up, and falling back over onto the grass, Caleb jumping up and pulling her back up, supporting her by her waist.

"I down't need sweep. Sweep is switty." She laughed loudly, making Caleb chuckle a little.

She could be louder.

"OH SAY CAN YOU SMELL?! CALEB'S CHEE-EEP CO-WONE! SWO PROWDLY WE FUGGIN HAIL BY THE HOOKA'S LWAST GLWEEMING!" She practically screamed, making Caleb smirk at his thought, leaning his head away from Levi's.

"Swing it wiff me Calwub!" She yelled, Caleb smiling.
"No thank you Levi." He said, a small chuckle in his voice as they approached the FTSK bus.

Levi begged Caleb to sing with her some more as he punched the code into the number pad and opened the door.
Ziggy was already in there, passed out on the couch.

Levi hummed to herself, a giddly pointed out Ziggy's motionless figure.
"Yeah, that would be Ziggy." Caleb said quietly as he led Levi to her bunk, and gently pushed her down onto the matress, where she flopped down onto it, and giggled loudly.

Caleb shushed her, and placed a finger over his lips, Levi copying his actions like a four year old.

She smiled innocently, and 'shushed' too.
Caleb chuckled.

Levi giggled.

"No, no, we don't want to wake Zigg up." Caleb cooed, Levi nodding her head, her eyes wide like a child's.

He noticed the sunglasses she had had perched on her head earlier were gone, but her hair was still perfect on her head.

"You need to sleep okay?" Caleb said quietly, Levi shaking her head.

Caleb frowned at her, and she ducked her head down.
"Why not Levi?" Caleb asked sweetly, tucking some hair behind Levi's ear.

She looked up at him, looking totally innocent.

"Because I don't want to sleep alone Calwub." She said quietly, a small frown on her face. Caleb's face fell, and he looked confused.

But he knew exactly what she was saying.

"Stay wiff me Calwub." She said quietly, taking his hand.

"Kelly says she acts like a child when she's smashed. But she knows what she's doing."

Austin's words rang in his ears, even if he had heard them hours ago.

"Please Calwub? Your my bestwest fwend and Ky-wull isn't hewr." Levi whispered, her words stabbing Caleb.

That hurt him where it hurt the most.

"Your my bestest freind and Kyle isn't here."

Caleb sat there for a moment, his mouth hanging open. He looked at the floor.
Levi looked at him, wondering why he wasn't with her by now.

"Caleb." She said, her voice clearer, but her eyes still glassy.

He looked back up at Levi, into her glazed eyes.

"Please?" She begged, reaching down and taking his hand.

Caleb's own eyes looked distant, and he allowed Levi to drag him into her bunk, Levi snuggling up next to him.

Caleb thought about what would have happened if he would have waited for Kyle to come back, cringing at the thought.
Seeing them doing what they did just dancing was enough for him.

"Good night Caleb." Levi sighed, cuddling into his chest, and promptly falling asleep.

Caleb couldn't sleep, he just layed there, watching Levi sleep.

I can't do this. He thought, a furrowed look on his face.

Shut up. Kyle will hate you if you try anything

Then Kyle can grow up. As far as he knows; she's just my best freind.


Levi woke up the next day, the bus moving underneath her, and a small headache.

"Shit... I'm getting old." She whispered, reaching up and rubbing her temple.
Levi opened her eyes, and gasped.

The first thing she saw was Caleb's red hair, then his sleeping face, and then she noticed his arms around her.

She then calmed a little when she noticed they were both fully clothed.

I've seriously got to watch myself on this tour. Drinking around hot guys single is one thing; but drinking and getting drunk around hot guys, taken is another thing.

Not saying Caleb's hot like that or anything.

She listened for a moment, not hearing much, just several of the guys breathing evenly, as if they were sleeping.

Levi wiggled out from Caleb's arms, and manuvered herself over him.
She realized she wasn't even in her bunk, she was in Caleb's.

Well of course, you were probably hammered you idiot. He probably carried you back.

She sighed, and walked into the bathroom silently, passing by Kent's bunk, and spotting Skyler's bracelet on his wrist.

Levi didn't think anything of it, and cleaned up in the bathroom, taking a short shower with what was left of the hot water.

She noticed how dirty she was when she got out, and sniffed the air on the bus.
It reeked of feet after gym class.

"Oh god." Levi sighed, walking up to the front of the bus, and looking out the window.

She watched the street pass by, her headache slowly ebbing off. She didn't hear any of the guys wake up.

She glanced towards the bunks, and saw that Kyle's bunk was empty, the curtain open.

She would have seen him by now if he was on the bus.

Levi found her phone on the table, and texted him, asking if he was still on the Maine's bus.

He didn't reply, Pat did.

Hey its pat, Kyle's pretty much out cold Leeve, you shld pbly try later.

Levi sighed, and replied, asking Pat if he would make sure Kyle didnt wake up and hurt himself or anything.

Pat texted back saying promised he would.

Levi thanked him, and shut off her phone, worry crowding her thoughts now.

She heard shuffling on the other end, and turned her head to look, seeing Johnathan standing in the doorway, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Hey." Levi said, watching him, aware that she had worry written all over her face.

Johnathan squinted at her, and sent her a small smile.
"My head is splitting open." He said bluntly, making Levi chuckle.
She got up from the couch as Johnathan sat down, and went for the advil, tossing the bottle to him and a bottle of water.

He mumbled a thank you as Levi found a pan, and some eggs that were close to their due date in the fridge.
"How do you like your eggs Johnny?" She asked, searching for a spatula, eventually finding a small floppy one.
The type you used for mixing cake batter and such.

"Scrambled. Please." He said, laying down on the couch, and turning the telivision on- putting it on mute.

Levi cracked a few eggs, sure that her usual hangover cure would work.

Whenever she got one that is.

"Did you guys happen to grab some bacon last time we went to the store?" She asked, remembering how her mother used to ask herself and her father that all the time.

Of course, they never did.
It would always slip their minds when they were riding down the isles in the shopping carts.

Levi pushed the memory to the back of her mind, bitterly remembering why she'd always ask for bacon.
It was part of her mother's hangover cure. And it always worked.

Bacon, eggs, and a glass of orange juice.

"I think so. Its in there somewhere." Johnathan grunted, gingerly turning the volume up on the telivision.

He turned it back down a minute later.

Levi looked throught the fridge again, and found the bacon- pork and turkey bacon.

"Perfect." She chirped quietly, opening the packages, and finding another pan, making the pork bacon before the turkey bacon.

A few minutes later, Kent and Austin crawled out of their bunks, both looking for the advil, which Johnathan gratefully tossed to them, Levi digging a water bottle out of the fridge for each and tossing it to them, both fumbling when they caught them.

"God, no more alcohol." Austin muttered, making the group laugh.
"Sure Austin, you said that last time, and the time before that, and the time before that." Kent muttered, flopping onto the couch, and resting his head on a pillow.

Marc stumbled out next, massaging his forehead, and holding out his hand for the advil.
When no one gave it to him, he opened one eye to the guys on the couch.

"I heard it, hand that shit over." Marc growled, still holding his his hand out. Johnathan chuckled, and picked the advil bottle off of the couch, and slapping it into Marc's hand.

"We're late guys. You do have a show today." Kent muttered, the guys all groaning at once.

"Hey what the fuck do you mean by you guys?" Johnathan growled, Kent just shrugging without looking at him.

Levi suddenly recalled Ziggy laying on the couch last night.
"Hey, has anyone seen Zigg?" Levi asked, picking up a few peices of bacon and placing them on a plate.

The guys all looked around lazyily.

"I think he crashed in your bunk." Austin muttered, rubbing his forehead.

Levi froze, in the middle of making the scrambled eggs, and looked up.

"My bunk?!" She whispered, sounding panicked.

Austin nodded.

Levi dropped the spatula on the mini stove and ran to her bunk, yanking on Ziggy's pants and pulling him out.

Ziggy grunted, and whined.

"Stay away from my bunk! You drool in your sleep!" Levi snarled, standing up straight all of the sudden. "And breakfast is nearly ready." She said curtly, straightening out her shirt, and walking out of the room.

Ziggy slowly followed her doing the same as Marc, and holding his hand out for the advil, except getting it when he asked.

Marc whined.
"How come I didn't get it when I asked?!" He growled, his headache making him a little bitchy.

"Hey, Ziggy just got whipped, he needs it more than you now." Kent snapped, making everyone laugh- quietly at least.

Levi placed the first plate of bacon on the table, and the guys dove for it, along with the first batch of eggs.

Levi made a mental note to keep a few eggs for herself.

But the turket bacon was all hers, for sure.

Levi cooked the rest of the eggs, and made her turkey bacon, emptying it onto a plate, and shutting off the stove, throwing the pans into the sink, reminding herself those would never be cleaned if she didn't remember to do it later.

She leaned against the counter, eating her eggs and bacon in silence, drinking the orange juice she had poured a few minutes ago, staring out the window.

She couldn't see the Maine's bus, but due to the fact it was such a mess, it was probably behind them.

"Levi!" Johnathan shouted, the other guys cringing at the sound. "Your phone's ringing like crazy!" He scowled, pointing at the iphone on the couch.

It was ringing off the hook, Levi answered it quickly after seeing Kyle's name on the caller ID.
She answered, and walked back to her plate on the counter, leaning back against it as Caleb walked out of the bunks.
He nodded towards Levi, who motioned towards the food with a smile, telling him to help himself to anything but the turkey bacon.

He filled up his plate, and stood next to Levi, leaning against the counter.

"Hey." Kyle mumbled from the other end, sounding like he was suffering.

Levi spoke softly.
"Hey, hangover?" She chuckled lightly, noticing how the guys at the table had quieted now that they figured out she was talking to Kyle.

"Yeah, they ran out of advil too. No food anywhere." Kyle grumbled, Levi chuckling as she ate her eggs and bacon.

"Well, I made breakfast, maybe if we get to the venue early enough you can have some leftovers. The advil bottle is still full here." She chuckled, envisioning Kyle's playful scowl on the other end.

"Ah, well, I don't think I trust John with a stove." Kyle said uneasily, sounding a little forced.

Levi frowned, and the guys at the table frowned too.

"Is somthing wrong? Other than the fact there's no food or pain killers?" She asked, the guys at the table laughing at Kyle's misery before Levi shushed them.

"I'm just tired, and Pat wakes me up saying you called, and that I need to call you back. I was fucking sleeping." Kyle growled, Levi's eyes welling up, her face falling.

She looked like she'd just been told her dog was hit by a Mac Truck.

"I-I... I'm sorry, I-"
"Forget it. Bye."

He hung up. Levi stood there for a moment, holding the phone to her ear, but not saying anything.

The guys watched her carefully. Caleb had a fork halfway up to his mouth that he lowered slowly.

She slowly put the phone down on the counter, and stared at it for a moment.
Then she glanced at her food.

Her queasy stomach protested.

"Levi?" Austin asked, not getting a response from the girl.

She blinked a few times at the phone, then picked up her food anyway, and took one last sip of her orange juice before pouring it down the sink.

"Enjoy." Levi said, sounding empty as she walked away,Caleb reaching out to her just as she escaped his reach.
She walked off to the bunks.

The guys watched her walk away, worry etched all over their faces. Caleb especially.

Caleb began to set his plate down, and go over to talk to her, but Marc stopped him.

"I got this Caleb, you took care of her last night." He said, patting Caleb's shoulder.
Caleb didn't care, he wanted to help.

But Marc went anyway, and closed the bunks door behind him.

He looked in Caleb's bunk, and her bunk, wondering where she could have gone.

"Ahem." She said, clearing her throat from behind Marc, making him jump.

She was in Kyle's bunk.

"Sorry." She apologized softly before placing a peice of bacon in he mouth gingerly.

"Its okay." Marc said, sitting down on the floor in front of her.

They stayed silent for a moment.
"You know he didn't mean it Levi." Marc said quietly, making Levi freeze, and look at him.

She was just about to put a peice of bacon in her mouth.

Levi put it back down on the plate.
"He was really mad." Levi whispered, scratching the brim of her nose. "Like he was annoyed that I called. It wasn't my fault Pat woke him up, I just told him to tell him that I wanted to make sure he was okay."

Marc sighed.

"Look, Kyle can be a real man-bitch when he's got a hangover Levi, don't take it personally, he's done it to all of us before." He said, patting the side of her calf.

The touching had become normal. Levi could go up to one of the guys, and give them all hugs for no reason, and no questions would be asked, they would just return the hug, and so on so forth.

She could kiss one of their cheeks, and the rest of them would ask for one right away, Kyle would ask for one on the lips.

"Yeah. Okay." She muttered, sticking a peice of bacon in her mouth and chewing, not really savoring the taste like she had been before.

"Don't worry about it Levi, its just another Kyle 'man-period' thing." Marc laughed, using Levi's leg to stand up. She laughed a little as he walked out, and stopped when she knew he wasn't listening anymore.

But she couldn't get it off her mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I realize I keep forgetting people, butheynow....
Look, Its DIFFICULT to keep up with all SIX guys ya know?
They just *poof!* slip the mind :)

But I love them all, I fixed eet in dees chapter :D