Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


"We've been together for a couple weeks now." Levi admitted quietly to Melissa, Allison, and Dani.
The girls were sitting in the Millionare's bus, cooling off and drinking a mid afternoon beer to sooth their nerves before the show- and before Levi had to face Kyle.

She had already downed two in the twenty minutes they had been on the bus.

"So how long have you guys been fighting?" Dani asked, leaning forward in her seat, then sitting back again. She was just getting comfortable.

"Since the party. But I don't know why. He just yelled at me after I just called to check up on him." Levi shrugged, took a quick sip of beer. "Marc told me he was always like that when he was hung over, but- I don't know, he's never done that to me before."

Melissa leaned forward, but didn't lean back like Dani.
"So, how long have you known FTSK Levi?"

Levi thought a moment, and realized it had only been a few weeks, and during those few weeks, the boys were always pretty busy.

She knew them well, but not a well as she could know them.

"A few weeks..." Levi mumbled, resting the cold beer against her forehead.
She felt sick. Sick and tired.

"So you've been with Kyle since about two or three days after you met him?" Allison asked, leaning forward like her sister.
Levi nodded timidly, now realizing how quickly the two jumped into a realationship before getting to know each other better.

"Ahh, it just clicked didn't?" Dani said jokingly, making Levi chuckle a little. But nervously.

"Yeah, I guess." She looked up from her beer bottle. "So... what do I do?" She asked, looking desprate.

Melissa, Allison, and Dani looked at each other, wondering what to say.
"Well, how much do you like him?" Allison asked, looking back at Levi, who was still staring at her beer bottle.

"I don't know. I like him, but I honestly don't see this kind of relationship lasting honestly. We're both hard partiers. And if he's like this after every party, then I don't want to deal with him." She sighed, thinking for a moment. "I don't know."

Melissa sighed.
"Well, I'd say end it, be friends, if everything goes well, and there's no hard feelings, get back together." She reccomended, watching Levi look up from her beer bottle.

She sighed, and looked at the three girls.
"I gotta go. I'll talk to you guys later." She said, picking up her other beer bottle. "Thanks for the help."
"Your welcome girlie, come see us more often!" Dani shouted as she left the bus. Levi laughed and said she would.


"I don't understand. Why?" Kyle asked, souding incredibly stupid.
Marc and Johnathan both groaned.

"Oh jesus, Kyle, you fucking screamed at her because she wanted to make sure you were okay." Marc repeated for the ten-thousanth time that day.
"What? I wouldn't do that! She's my girlfriend!" Kyle exclaimed, shocked his friends would accuse him of somthing like that.

Caleb and Austin had wandered back over to the tent not twenty minutes ago, and sat listening to Kyle's bullshit ever since.

He claimed to not remember what he had said that morning, and it was driving his bandmates crazy.
Ziggy ignored the whole situation and listened to his ipod at the table in the front.

"Of course you don't Kyle, you were basically still drunk this morning, thats why she was so upset when she saw you. THATS why she's not talking to you." Kent explained, getting pissed off.
Kyle slumped in his seat like a child.

"You two don't make such a great couple." A voice piped up, catching all the guys attention (with the exception of Ziggy, seeing that he was practically deafened by his ipod).

It was Skyler, who had just walked up from behind the boys, slipping in the back.
Kent smiled when he saw her, and she sent him a small grin.
She was really late, but she was also very tired from the party.

Kyle suddenly had a look of anger on his features, glaring at Skyler.
"And why not?" He growled, making Kent glare holes in his forehead.

Skyler shrugged, and sat down next to Kent.
"You two are both too distructive. Its like just throwing more fuel to the fire." She said with a blank expression on her face. "She's a hard partier, your a hard partier. Both of you have a hardcore sarcastic side, both of you are extreamly tempermental, and both of you have the attention span of a goldfish." Skyler counted off on her fingers as she explained, and then turned to the guys when she was done.
"Was that all of it?" She asked, the guys slowly nodding in agreement.

Caleb spoke up first.
"Pretty much." He mumbled, making Kyle want to strangle him.

Sure he had been pretty oblivious to Caleb's crush on Levi, and still didn't know about it, it still pissed him off that his own friend would take the villian's side in the arguement.

"Shut up." Kyle snapped, knowing that he sounded like he was in denial.
They were meant for each other, a couple made in heaven and heaven alone. They were madly in love.

"You are not madly in love." Skyler snapped.
He didn't realize that he was saying this outloud.

"No, she said she really liked you. But has she ever said: 'I love you'?" Skyler asked.
Kyle felt his face get hot, and he looked down at the ground, mumbling a feeble 'no'.

"So you are not madly in love, nor are you a match made in heaven. Your a match made in hell." Skyler said, finally making Kyle snap.

"Shut the fuck up!" He shouted, making several people around their tent look towards them with intrest, a few with cameras ready.
Skyler still sat calmly, while Kent began to fume along with the rest of the guys.

Levi was one of the shocked spectators, and Caleb watched her slowly creep up on Kyle as the tent fell into a stunned silence.

"Kyle." She said slowly, Kyle's blue eyes suddenly snapping open, only one visible from between his hands.
The had rolled in a couple hours ago, and you could suddenly hear a clap of far off thunder.

He quickly turned around to look at her shocked face, his eyes wide.
"Shut up. Don't even speak to me. We're done." She growled, suddenly pointing at Skyler. "You do not insult any of my friends like that. And you do not yell at me. We're finished." She snarled, turning around and stalking off, leaving Kyle in a shocked state in his seat before he got up and began to run after her, just as the rain started.

"Levi!" He shouted, just as the thunder really started, and the crowds began to run inside.
He lost her in the crowd, and Levi was long gone.

Caleb was smiling manically back at the tent.


She was choking she was crying so hard, already regretting her decision of ending things with Kyle.

She slammed into someone as she was running, and fell to the wet ground, crying out as she scraped her elbow on the concrete.

"Levi?!" Pat shouted over the thunder and the rain, knealing down to help her up. "Are you alright?"

She shook her head no, and got up with his help.
"You going back to FTSK's bus?" He shouted again. She nodded, and he escorted her there, helping her inside.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, sitting on the couch with her.
She shook her head.
"Not now, but thank you Pat, for helping me back here. I'm just going to shower and rest. The guys will be back soon." She said, watching Pat Brown look suspiciously at her.

"Alright, but I'll be checking up on you later, alright?" He said, standing up. She nodded. "Alright, I'll see you later Levi."
He was about to leave, when he abruptly turned around, pointing a finger at her.
She looked surprised for a moment.

"By the way, nice job today." He said, referring to her preformance with Saosin. She smiled, and gave him a small thank you.

"You deserve it, keep warm!" He said sincerely as he ran off the bus, rushing to his own.

"I will!" She shouted as the door slammed shut, the rain momentarly hitting the steps, making a pitter-patter sound.

She sat there for a moment, then got up and headed towards her bunk, picking out some flannel shorts, and a loose tee shirt and sweater, and her fluffy O'neill shoes; then headed into the shower, planning on using up all the hot water the bus had left.

She showered, and then dried her hair to keep warm, not surprised when she came back out and all the guys were on the bus, the silence too thick to even cut with a knife.
Levi ignored everyone, and retreated to her bunk before anyone could catch up to her.

She remained there the rest of the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
For the record I quite enjoy the outdoors.
(And if you don't know what I'm talking about you didn't read the note at the beginning.)
Therefore, you should comment more foo'.

I'm also not please with how you can't put LINKS ANYWHERE anymore.
*pissed smiley.
(copy and paste if you would like to seeeeee!)