Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Levi held herself in her shirt as Cove dropped her onto the couch of Saosin's bus, where Levi had stashed some clothes when things went south with Kyle.

She jumped up, and ran to Cove's bunk, with the drawers underneath. She snatched a t-shirt and some shorts, and quickly changed; While the door was closed.

Levi believed that she had changed in record time, just before the door opened, she pulled her shorts up.
It was Caleb.

"Oh, shit, sorry Levi. I thought you were in the bathroom." He said, covering his eyes. Levi laughed, and told hom it was okay, and she was dressed.
"You can uncover your eyes Caleb." She laughed, walking over and taking his hands off of his face. He looked straight into her eyes, and she was totally oblivious.

She chuckled, and gave him a smile. "You're such a dork Caleb, but thats why I love you." Levi patted his chest, and began to walk around him to get to the front area.

Do it, do it now. Caleb thought.
Without thinking, he leaned forward, and attempted to kiss her forhead, but missed. Levi didn't even notice, and kept on her way to the front.

"Come on Caleb!" She laughed, still giggly. She turned around before reaching the door, and walked back to him, noticing he looked defeated.
She frowned.

"Whats wrong Caleb?" She asked, looking genuinly concerned. Levi slipped her arms around Caleb's waist, and nestled her head in his chest. Caleb froze for a moment, and then hugged her back, resting his head on hers.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about..." He trailed off.
Levi looked up a little.

"Thinking about what, tell me whats bothering you." She begged, hugging him tighter.
He sighed.

"This girl, she's just," He paused. Searching for the right word. "Perfect can't describe her."
She 'awwed' in his arms.
"Who is she?" Levi asked, making Caleb chuckle.

"I'm not telling." He said, adding a sigh to it. Levi frowned.
"She doesn't know." She said, giving him an extra squeeze.

"No, she doesn't." He sighed. He adjusted himself to be more comforable around Levi. She sighed.
"You should tell her. No girl deserves mixed signals." She said, patting his back. He chuckled, amused that she didn't know it was her.
"Describe her. Is she pretty? Is she as awsome as me?" Levi asked.

Caleb laughed, and looked down at her.

"She's gorgeous. And she's smart, so smart. She could be a genius for all I know. She's talented, and an artist; but she doesn't think she's that good." Levi chuckled, and told him to go on. "I don't think I would last a rainy day without her, she's so funny."
He smoothed Levi's hair unintentionally, and she didn't care a bit.

"I'd say she's just as awsome as you." He joked, making Levi gasp.
"No way! I gotta meet this girl!" She gasped, making Caleb laugh, but inside he cringed. How hard was it going to be to tell her it was her?

"I think you might know her." He joked, teasing her. She let go but with her hands still resting on his waist, looking up at him.
"Really?!" She said, excited. He laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm still not telling." He teased, making her pout.
"Meanie head." She whined, giving him one more hug.
He discreetly kissed her hair. She didn't even feel it.

"Come on, lets go kick some ass on Modern Warfare." She said, taking his hand and leading him to the front of the bus.
Caleb felt sick to his stomach.


They played Modern Warfare for three hours before the bus driver kicked Levi and the FTSK boys off the bus.
It was around ten o'clock at night, and everyone had retreated to their bunks.

Levi was on her computer, and listening to music. And Caleb was lying in his bunk, staring at the wooden top of it.

You puss, you can't even tell her when she's in your arms. He thought, smacking himself in the face.

"Caleb," Kent said, looking confused.
Caleb looked over, with his hand still on his face.
"What are you doing?" He asked, confused.

"Smacking myself on the face for being an idiot." He mumbled.
"Alright..." He mumbled, leaving it be.

Marc and Kyle stumbled by, wrestling, and arguing at the same time.
"I want it! I want it!" Kyle whined, Marc holding a vitamin water away from him.

"I found it first!" Marc snapped,holding Kyle's head back.

Levi's hand popped out of her bunk, and she snatched the vitamin water from Marc's raised hand, and opened it as if nothing was weird about it.
Marc and Kyle stared at her, both confused and a little agitated.

"Mhm, my favorite." Levi sighed after taking a sip. She closed the cap, and set it on the side of her away from the boys.
"Okay Levi, just take it." Austin said, staring at Marc and Kyle, who were still staring at Levi.

"Bedtime." Levi chirped, shutting down her Mac, and turning off her ipod. She nestled it away in the back of her bunk, and layed down.
She opened her eyes for a moment, and then watched the bunk area darken as the boys turned off their laptops and ipods. Caleb's laptop didn't turn off.

"Hey, favorite ginger." Levi whispered, poking his head.
He looked up at her and smiled, her dark hair hanging down from her head, her green eyes glittering from the light.

"Hey favorite dork." He joked, reaching out and pinching her cheek. She pulled her head back and whined.

"Okay, I get it, I won't pinch your cheeks anymore. Jesus." She whined, rubbing her cheek, and smiling at him.
He chuckled, and looked at his laptop.

He shut it down, and looked at the shilloette of Levi.

"I hope she figures it out Caleb." She said quietly, a small grin on her face.

Caleb sighed.
"I dont' think she ever will."
♠ ♠ ♠
Two updates- Two days.

More to come. :)