Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Kyle woke to voices from the front of the bus, or really one on the phone with several people.

"Shh! The guys are still sleeping!" Levi snapped, making the guys on the other end of the phone go silent.

"Sorry, Cove said from the other end, the rest of the Saosin boys in the background.

"Well, Kyle's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. Honestly I don't know what I'm going to do with the present I got him..." She whispered.
"You could give it to us!" Beau responded, not thinking.

"Um, no. I think I'll just keep it, I mean, I like it." She said. Kyle could just see the look on her face and the shrug of her shoulders as she responded.

He missed her so much, no matter how short the relationship was.

"Look I gotta go, I hear Caleb getting up." She paused, then laughed at a comment one of the boys had made.
Kyle just noticed the popping sounds Caleb was making, popping his neck and shoulders, and then his wrists.

"Yeah, I'm around the boy too much, I know his routine." She chuckled. "I'll see you guys later. We're going shopping right?"

She waited while they spoke.
"We don't have too, jeez. Okay, okay, Buh-bye." She hung up, and greeted Caleb, who had just shuffled into the front of the bus.

Kyle turned back to the wall of his bunk, not wanting to hear them talk.
He knew Caleb liked Levi, and how close they were getting now that Kyle and her were broken up.

"Nah, I think we're stopping at a McD's soon. I'm not cooking." Levi said. Kyle could just see her waving her hand at Caleb, who would be sitting on the couch, watching Levi stand in the kitchen, playing with her phone until she sat down in front of him on the other couch.

Marc yawned, and slapped his hand on the top of his bunk as usual, which woke Kent.

The two stumbled out of their bunks, pushing each other the whole way to the front of the bus.

Johnathan soon followed, his feet shuffling on the floor.

Austin snorted, and mumbled somthing in his sleep, but didn't wake up.

Kyle layed there, and listened to the groggy conversation that was going on just a few feet away from him.
He could hear Levi's voice above the others, hers more awake and vibrant.

She had become accustomed to being the first one up, either making somthing to eat or taking care of Merchandise.

"We're going to McDonalds in a bit, Levi doesn't want to do anything today." Caleb commented, making Levi chuckle.

"I'm just so incredibly lazy..." She joked, sounding sarcastic.

Kyle finally decided to peel himself out of bed, only clad in boxers and a t shirt.

"Well good morning sleepy head!" Marc yelled after sipping on some coffee Levi had made.
"Mm, Levi makes the best coffee. Hands down." He commented quietly, making Levi smile from her magazine.

"Why thank you Mr.Stewart, it warms my heart to hear that." She said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Your most certainly welcome Miss Levine." Marc commented back before sipping his coffee.
Kyle chuckled at the conversation along with everyone else.

"Say, were's Ziggy and Austin?" Levi asked, not looking up from her magazine.

"Asleep." Kyle said, finding himself a bottle of water in the fridge next to Levi.

Her eyes wandered to Kyle's butt, and lingered as he stood up, shooting back to the text on her magazine seconds before he turned to look at her.
She was with him long enough to know his timing.

"Whatcha reading?" Kyle asked, a little bit of edge to his voice. Levi felt everyone in the room's eyes look in their general direction instantly.

"FTSK's interveiw with Alternative Press." She said in the same tone as Kyle, but more sing-song.

"Really? How was I?" He asked before taking a sip of his water.
Levi glanced up at him, looking a little suspicious.

"On a scale of one to ten?" She asked, flipping the page of the magazine.

"Sure." Kyle replied.
"About an eight and a half."

Kyle's face went from amused to confused.
"W-what?" He stuttered, Levi not even looking up from the magazine.

"You spilled on your personal life. Disclosed my first, last, and middle name, and your grammar was for shit." Levi said blatantly, making Kyle look even more confused.

The group in the front room stared at the two for a while, until Kyle retreated to the seat furthest away from Levi.

"You were always blunt." Kyle commented, a noticable edge to his voice.

"You were always sensitive to critisism." She snapped back with just as much edge to her voice.

The group between the exchanged glances with each other.
Marc singnaled to retreat ASAP.

Caleb didn't want to leave the two alone.

"I think I'm gonna go catch a few more Z's." Johnathan chirped, the rest of the group agreeing with him in grunts and whispers.

Everyone cleared out within ten seconds, except for Caleb, who was waved to by Marc and Kent, encouraging him to come with them.

He shook his head no, and the guys left him.

"You always had the ability to clear a room when you wanted to." Levi growled. She was pissed that he would start somthing so early in the day.

"Me? Really? What about you?" He snapped, a growl underlying his statement.
She peered at him from over her mug she was sipping at him, a murderous look in her green eyes.

"What about me?" She said, pure narsassism in her voice. Kyle's face went blank.
Caleb looked up from the ground to his friend.

He was thinking deeply, as if he was debating on if he should say anything or not.

"You're just you." He said softly, obviously giving up.
How was he going to get her back if he kept picking a fight with her?

Caleb looked over at Levi. He knew her well enough to be able to spot the emotional stress she could hide so well.

He could see traces of sadness in her eyes, and based on how her mouth was twitching downward every so slightly, she wanted to cry her eyes out.
Her jaw was rigid, and she was forcing herself to focus on the article she was reading, almost robotically taking sips out of her mug.

She was falling apart inside, upset by the argument, she just hid it very well.

Caleb gave a quiet sigh, and left the room, aware that he was just making the two even more stressed.

Levi and Kyle were left by themselves, all the way across the room from each other.
They sat there for twenty minutes before Kyle moved to the seat across from Levi.

She was still moving robotically, her mouth twitching.
She knew that if she said anything, she would burst into tears.

"I miss you." Kyle whispered, aware that everyone who had run from their arguement had their ears glued to the door.

Levi didn't move a muscle, but her eyes gave away her shock.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Levi, I didn't. I didn't know what I was giving up." He said, pure regret in his eyes.

He couldn't read her like Caleb, he didn't realize that she was saying the same thing in her eyes, and was only reading the obvious reactions.
Which were rarely shown by Levi unless she wanted to show it.

He thought she wasn't listening.

"I'm sorry, and I miss you. And I hope you miss me too everytime I see you having fun with someone else." He whispered, his expression was killing Levi on the inside. Her heart was screaming, just hold him, one last time. Please, it hurts so bad. But her stubborn personality was getting in the way.

He looked like a lost puppy when she didn't respond, his heart shattering into peices.
"Okay. I understand." He said, standing up from his seat.

What are you doing?! This is your chance Ophilia! You can get him back!

He turned away. Levi was deathly aware that if he reached the door to the bunks that it would be her last chance to get him back.

It took him seven steps to get to the bunk area. He was at four.

She opened her mouth, then clamped it shut. Six.

She closed her eyes, not wanting to see him walk away anymore.

He paused at the door, and then opened it, not looking back at Levi.
If he had, he would have seen the obvious signs of regret, and everything would have been better.

But he didn't.
Levi felt a tear escape her eyes as soon as she hear the door click shut behind him.

She was already dressed, and the bus was parked. She didn't know where The Millionares bus was, Saosin's, or The Maine's. Sing it Loud's van was probably in the large group of white vans, along with VersaEmerge's.

But she got up from the table, and walked out the door anyway, not knowing where she was going, or who she was going to run into, but she needed to get out of there.

She walked and walked, silent tears running down her face, dripping off her chin.
She practically slapped her face, wiping the tears off.

She wandered around, not looking for the busses her friends were in, but just walking. She took a sudden turn, and was now walking between the busses, probably a good 400 yards from the FTSK bus by now.
Not far enough, she kept walking further and further away.

She was wiping her eyes when she ran headlong into another running singer, except this time, he was carrying cups of coffee.
It all went flying, he saw her coming and tried to prevent her from knocking it all over, and getting it all over herself and himself.

"Shit!" The redhead yelled, a coffee cup landing on his head, the light brown liquid running down his face.
Levi was on the ground, still in a daze.

She looked up, seeing the guy trying to keep the coffee out of his eyes before helping Levi.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking-" Levi began to stutter, standing up, helping him wipe his face with her baggy shirt.

"No, no, no. Don't ruin your shirt for my face, a little coffee never hurt anyone." He said, one eye open and one eye closed as he wiped it on his shirt. "Plus, I hear its good for your skin."

Levi laughed, looking down at the mess she had made.

"At least let me pay for it, it was my fault." She said, searching her pockets, and finding a twenty; She held it out for him, but he wouldn't take it.

"No, no. I could never take money from a lady." He said, a sweet look in his eyes. Levi smiled, and placed the money back in her pocket.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even introduce myself." He said, taking off his jacket, and dabbing his face with it, then tossing it back on.
"I can understand, its a little hard to introduce yourself when someone slams into you." Levi joked, making him laugh.

"I'm Nick, Nick Santino." He said, reaching out to shake her hand.
She smiled, and looked him in the eye.

"I'm Ophilia, Ophilia Levine. But call me Levi." She said, noticing the recognition on his face.

"I've heard about you!" He exclaimed, pointing at her with his other hand. "John said somthing about you at a party."

Levi's smile faltered, the party reminded her of the fight she and Kyle had had the next morning.

"Uh, yeah." She said lightly as she let go of his hand.
"Yeah, his cousin Eric Halvorson is in our band, A Rocket To The Moon.

Levi recalled the name, Skylar had mentioned them a few times before.

Speaking of Skylar... where's she been?

"You want to come meet them?" He asked, pointing his thumb in a general direction.

Levi was snapped out of her thoughts.
"Uh, yeah, sure. Why not?" She said, not really sure what he had said.

He hesistated a moment, thinking.
"Well, I would offer you my arm, but I don't think that would be a good idea since... well..." He trailed off, looking at Levi.

She gave him a shy smile, and a look of apology.

"Welp, follow me if you will Ma'm." He said, begining to walk with a spring in his step.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story will be coming to a close soon...
Sequel or no sequel?

jk, of course there will be a sequel.

As always... Levi's outfit for this chapter.