Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Levi felt like an idiot, slowly following Nick to his bus, where all of his friends were.
And Levi didn't know a single one of them.

Hell, she didn't even know what one of them looked like.

"So are you on a coffee run, or just running?" He asked, glancing at her, a suave look on his coffee covered face.

She had to give credit where credit was deserved, the boy was smooth. He had dried up coffee making his face sticky and his hair look like shit, and he could still dish out the moves.
Too bad, he could have had a chance if she had been their merch girl.

"Just running I guess. You gotta get away from the FTSK boys sometimes." She said with an underlying monotone. Or one in particular... She thought.
Nick gave her a swift smile, but an odd look, and allowed the odd answer to slide.

It suddenly clicked for him, and his head turned to look at Levi so fast he could have given himself whiplash.

"You're Kyle Burns's girl?" He asked, souding a little distressed; He was aware that he had walked on forbidden territory.

Levi laughed, knowing that was coming.
"No, not anymore." She said with no obvious dissapointment in her voice. "Your flirting is safe with me." She chuckled, giving him a small wink.

Nick gave a silent sigh of relief, glad that he hadn't just pulled the moves on a taken girl; He also flashed her a smile.

They walked a few more yards, and then Nick pointed to a bus to her left.
"Here we are, home sweet bus." He said, leading her to the door.

He knocked 'shave and a haircut' on the door, and waited.
A tall boy with light brown hair that was pointing in all directions opened the door, only clad in boxers and a frown.
He was rubbing his eyes when he opened the door, not looking at who was right in front of him.

"Dude, what took you so long?" He grumbled, covering his eyes from the sun.
"Uh... Eric, we have company..." Nick mumbled, reaching up to run his hand through his hair by reflex. He stopped himself when he felt his fingers stick together from the coffee.

Eric pulled his hand off of his face faster than Levi had ever seen someone do so.
He gave a weak smile, having a hard time deciding what to do.

"Um, er, I'm, Uh, Eric. Call Me Halvo... yeah..." He held out his hand, then took it back for a quick second, then offered it again for her to shake.
She took it, and gave it a quick shake, biting back a giggle that dared to escape her lips.

She coughed, a smalle chuckle slipping out.
"I'm Ophilia, call me Levi." She said, a small laugh in her voice.
The way Eric was laughing amused her.

"Uh, I'm gonna go put on some clothes now... sorry." He said, rushing off to get dressed.

Levi was about to step in, when Nick stopped her. She looked at him, a confused look on her face.
"Why don't I check and make sure everyone is decent?" He said, a small smile on his face.

She giggled, and allowed him to go in first. She shut the door behind them, and waited near the driver's seat.
"Everyone decent? We have guests of the opposite gender!" Nick yelled, glancing back at Levi when he said 'opposite gender'.

"Kind of!" An unfamiliar voice yelled as movement was heard from the front of the bus, just out of Levi's sight.
"They just went to get dressed, half of them probably just woke up." He commented, leading her to the front room.

It was signifcantly more of a mess than FTSK's bus, seeing that Levi kept it at least a little more organized than the boys ever would have if she didn't.

There was a pizza box on the counter, clothes strewn about on the floor, and bowls in the sink.
She didn't care, it was a 'boys only' bus as far as she could tell.

"Sorry about the mess." Nick apologized as soon as he noticed her looking around. "We haven't gotten around to cleaning it.
Levi shook her head.
"Oh no, its alright." She said, waving her hand in no particular direction.

He gave her a smile, welcoming her to sit on the few spots on the couch available to sit on.
She took it, and he excused himself to take a shower.

"I won't take too long." He said, sending her a wink and a thousand watt smile.

Kid has it going for him... Levi thought, sending him a smile in response.

Her phone vibrated just as Nick left the room, and she took it out of her pocket.
It was a text from Caleb.

"Where are you? U okay?" He asked. Levi could just envision the boy sitting in his bunk or in front of his computer in the booth, glancing at his phone every few seconds, unable to sit still.

She contemplated on texting him back, and decided that Caleb deserved a response.

"I'm fine, tell everyone not to worry about me. I'm a big girl CareBear, I'll be okay ;)" She responded, pressing send as soon as Halvo walked into the room.

Levi looked up at him, a smile on his face.
"You look good in that shirt Halvo, but those Donald Duck undies matched my shirt so much better." She joked, instinctivly pinching her donald duck shirt, pulling it out a few inches, and letting it go quickly.

He chuckled, a small his cheeks turning a little red.

"Ah, well you'll be happy to know I'm still wearing them." He said smoothly, pulling up his skinny jeans a bit.
Levi laughed, as Halvo took a seat next to him, sitting so that he was facing her, one long leg folded up, and the other hanging off the couch.
Levi mirrored him, adjusting her beanie as she did.

Halvo eyed the beanie she was wearing.
"I like that beanie." He commented, reaching up and feeling how soft it was.

Levi thought about how much someone else would have liked it too.
"I don't really like it." She said, taking the hat off, looking at it with a sort of lost look in her eyes as she held it.

She looked up at Eric.
"When's your birthday?" She asked.
"March. Why?" He said, a confused tone to his voice.

Levi looked at the hat once more, and then placed it on Eric's head. He looked confused.

She stroked her chin like an evil scientist would, and tilted her head to the right a bit.
"It looks good on you." She said, a contemplating look on her face.

"Keep it." She said, slapping her hands on her skinny legs. Halvo gave her a look of surprise. "Happy late birthday." She said, a smile on her face.

"Whoa, really?" He said, adjusting the hat on his head. He looked at her questioningly for a second.

"Is this a girl hat?" He asked in a mere whisper. Levi gave him a chortling laugh in response.

"No, it's not. I swear." Levi laughed, making Halvo sigh in releif.
"I thought you were playing a trick on me little miss Levi." He said, adjusting the hat again.

"No, of course not." She said, getting a look from him. " Really."

He left the hat alone, but still wondered why she had it.
"Why do you have a guy's hat?" He asked, wondering if it belonged to an ex or somthing.

She sighed.
"It was a present I got sombody." She said, a bit of sadness in her eyes. "We didn't make it to his birthday."
She reached up and pat the hat's soft fabric.

"I just haven't given myself a good enough reason to give it away until now." She said, shaking his head.
He gave her a smile, and then pulled out his phone.

"Put your number in, because I'm going to be your new best friend."
♠ ♠ ♠
I just finished reading the saddest story I have ever read on Mibba.
I cried. I'm not made of fucking stone, but I have never cried from a story on Mibba.
Its an Oliver Sykes story, What We Used To Know by PorcelainPlanes.
I don't know if it was just me who thought it was that sad.

Seriously, look it up. Get some tissues.