Status: Fin.

The Awful Waffle


Levi was right on time for her interveiw, and she had to stand in a line.
A line.
Your not supposed to stand in line for an interveiw, your supposed to wait comfortably in a waiting room, or an office!
She thought it was kind of odd that some girls had signs with 'I love you!', 'call me!', and several other things on them.
She tapped someone on the shoulder.
The tall blonde girl turned and looked at her- or really, down at her.

"Excuse me, but is the line for the job interveiw?" She asked, feeling stupid for not knowing what the job interveiw was for.
She blonde shook her head. "No, not really." She looked over her shoulder for a second, and then back at Levi, pointing up the line. "But there is this other line up there full of girls with resumes, that might be it." She said with a kind look on her face.
"They won't let you in without a resume, so this is the line for that." She smiled.
Levi nodded at her, and thanked her for helping.
"Oh its no problem, the name's Chrissy by the way- I did have a resume, but I lost it on cab ride here." She shrugged. "They wouldn't believe me, so I'm here."
Levi made a quick face. "I'm sorry, I wish I could help- but I really have to go Chrissy, I'm Levi by the way..." She peeked up to see that the short line was moving. "I have to go, it was nice meeting you!"
"Nice meeting you too Levi!"

Levi trotted up to the short line, and showed a gaurd her resume- wondering why the hell you would need gaurd for a job interveiw.
"Aubrey Gavindale?" A man yelled out the door, a tall and bone thin red head stumbled her way to the door in her sky high heels- she looked like a hooker.

She came out ten minutes later in tears.
"Oh shit." Levi whispered to herself. How hard of an interveiw was this?
"Steve Doe!" The man yelled again, sounding bored.
An openly gay bright pink haired guy walked up to the door swiftly, carring himself like he knew what he was doing.
He lasted two minutes, and ran out.

"Fuck... shit... fuck shit fuck...." Levi muttered to herself, freaking out the girl behind her.
"Callie Cavilliana?" Callie looked like she wouldn't last a minute in there, she kept her head down, and walked in small steps.
She lasted fifteen minutes, before walking out with her head held high.
"Okay..." Levi muttered.

"Ophilia Levine!" Levi froze for a moment, and then walked in.
Head high, stand up straight, introduce yourself, be strong about it, do not break down- no tripping aloud. She coached herself as she walked in.

Levi's eyes almost popped out of her head. The guys.
"Holy fuck." She gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth right as she said it.

"Hey, hey, hey, your not gonna get this job if you don't wash that mouth out missy." Kyle scolded.
"Yeah, its holy shit! Not holy fuck!" Marc yelled.
Levi's eyes didn't get any smaller, but her laughed, and smiled at them.
"So, uh, do you need this?" She held up her folder with her resume in it, and Kent laughed.

"Psh, no." He laughed. "We hired you when we were at Starbucks."
Levi's mouth fell open. Holy shit.

"Oh... well uh... thank you..." She coughed. "Umm.... when do I start?" Levi choked out. Kyle smiled, and got up from his seat as she walked in a little further.

"Monday. Pack all a lot of clothes." Kyle chirped.
"A lot of cash." Marc followed.
"Vitamin water we can steal." Caleb smirked, making Levi chuckled as she sat in a chair Kyle pulled up in front of the table they were at.
"And make sure you don't forget all electronics and electronics chargers." Jonathan laughed, looking at Austin. Austin shrugged at him.
"Yes, you don't want to go without a phone for months at a time." Austin joked, rolling his eyes.

Kyle flopped down in the chair across from her.
Levi smiled wide. "Thank you guys so much, but seriously, my Aunt gave me zero details, what exactly am I doing?"

Jonathan laughed, and explained with Marc's help that she would be working the merch tent while they were on tour, along with the help of their merch guy Ziggy, she needed to be able to deal with large crowds of customers because of signings, and know self defense to protect herself when fans got a little too wild.

"Ziggy knows how to keep people off of him, so he's good, how do you keep people off of you?" Marc asked. Levi smirked.

"Karate, since third grade. And boxing with my older cousin Brandon, Thanksgiving football helps too." She smiled at them, watching all twelve eyebrows shoot up at once.

"Football?" They all echoed.
"Oui." She replied in a smooth French tone.

"Sweet." They said together again.
Levi gave them all a strange look, and chuckled. "Okay well... is that everything I need to know?" She asked as she stood.
"Thats about it." Austin smiled. "For now at least, you'll probably find out some new stuff as you go."

Levi smiled at them, and pushed her chair into the table. "Well, since this is over... I gotta go, Aunt Aggie wanted me to pick her poodle from the vet." She stopped for a moment. "That sounds so sad."
The guys laughed, and stood.

"You think we could all hang out with you for the day? Help you find the stuff you need for tour?"
Levi thought for a second, surprised that they would ask that when they just met yesterday.

"Uh, yeah sure, but you won't all fit in my car..." She mumbled, taking out her car keys. "Which by the way, what am I gonna drive around when I have to go on these grocery trips?"
Kyle paused.
"Well we never need that much, so do you have somthing small you could ride around on? Maybe a scooter we can stick in the back of the bus?" He asked. Levi gave him a scathing look when he said 'scooter'.

"Scooter? No, a Buell 1125CR, Thank you very much." She said curtly, taking out her bike key. Kyle went cross eyed looking at it. Levi giggled.
"So I can bring that?" She asked, tossing her keys back in her bag.
"Yeah, sure, we'll have to check though." Marc said, thinking about how some bands just hauled their small vehicles in a trailer behind their bus.

"Okay, so you guys wanna go? I've got my car right now, it seats only two though." She shrugged, Kyle's hand shot up, and she laughed.
"I'll go!" He yelled sing-song.
Kyle leapt in front of her, and put his hands behind him, motioning for her to jump onto his back.

"Kyle, why?" She laughed, hoisting her bag further on her shoulder.
"Just trust me, things can get crazy." He murmured, chuckling a bit.
She laughed, and jumped on his back- he ran before she could get a good grip.

"Shit!" Kyle caught her before she slid off, and the rest of the guys followed suit, running behind them.
"Whoooooo!" Caleb yelled, sprinting out the door- as soon as he did, several girls screamed.

"Oh God, get ready for girls shitting rainbows!" Marc yelled as they ran outside. Levi scrunched her nose.
"Shitting what?!" She yelled- just to be drowned out by girls screaming when they finally go outside.

Levi's eyes turned into saucers when she saw the girls chasing them, and hung on tight to Kyle, spotting Chrissy as she did- she was waving at her.
Levi flashed her a smile, and waved back without lifting her arm.

Chrissy mouthed a 'Congrats!' and Levi grinned.
"Please say this is your car!" Kyle yelled as they came up to Levi's Ferrari Testarossa.
"Yep!" She yelped, jumping off his back, and unlocking the car. Kyle did a dramatic slide over the hood, and got into the passenger seat as Levi got inside and started the car.

It snarled so fiercly some girls hesitated before continuing to the car. Levi pulled out with no mercy- if they were in the way they were fucked.
Many of the girls backed up when Levi jolted foward and honked the horn- she rolled down the window and shouted several colorful words at them.

They backed off fairly quickly.

She pulled out, and checked her rearveiw mirror to make sure the rest of the guys were behind her- she spotted Kyle's car following her.
Caleb was driving.

"Phew..." Kyle sighed. He leaned back in his seat, and looked at Levi. "Well, it seems like you handle crazy fans well." He laughed, turning back to look foward in his seat, but not before catching a glimpse of the monogram on the steering wheel.
"Ferrari?" He asked, his eyes getting wide. "How did you...?"
"It was my Dad's." She snapped.
Her father was a touchy subject. Kyle could tell by the tone of her voice.

"He got it for you?" He said, still amazed. She shook her head curtly.
"He left it for me. In his will." She said quietly, taking a fast turn, making Kyle brace himself. "My Mom and Dad died in a car wreck when I was fifteen. My Mom was driving, and she had had a little too much to drink."

Levi didn't dare look at Kyle.
But Kyle was looking at Levi.

"My grandparents took me in, and I lived with them until I turned eighteen." Her mouth cracked into a smile. "I guess that's why I have such a sailor's mouth." She chuckled. " My Grandparents didn't care if I swore in front of them- they said it was my breath I was wasting."

Kyle smiled, and chuckled a bit at her remark.
"Where are your Grandparents?" He asked, she smirked.
"They live about three hours south of Dallas, in a little town called Belton." She glanced at him. "You know it?"

Kyle shook his blonde head. "Nope."
"You would hate it. I know I did. Very clausterphobic." She laughed. "Everyone knows each other so well, I was an alien when I started going to school there."

Kyle chuckled.
Levi had much more to her than he thought.

"So Mr. Burns, I know almost nothing about you." She stopped the car in front of the vets office, and turned the car off. "Why don't you do the talking on the next ride huh?" She smiled at him.

Kyle's stomach did a flip.
♠ ♠ ♠
I Think I forgot Johnathan for a little bit. x(
Oops. lmao.
I fiiiiiixed iiiit! :))
Its Ziggy, not Mike. :D
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