Status: Writing more chapters.

Death Grips On Guns And Goodbye Kisses

Chapter 1.

This was the life, two years of living on the streets. Latest news crumpled up and thrown on the ground. Faces staring back at me when I'd just get dressed or when I'd receive a dollar from a passer by to pick up something for Jace. His face always staring back at me.

Jacobi, Jace for short, is my son. Very wise for a two year old if you ask me.

Yeah, I've become a little more street smart, getting into a few near death experiences here and there, but no pain has ever amounted to as much as losing Frank was. Even for the sake of Jace, he deserves to know who his father is. He was a great guy and though he had his moments where things would get confusing and just plain screwed up, it was able to be dealt with most of the time.

With Jace slung over my chest in one of those carrier things, I walked to the corner store. Contained were the specialty products of alcohol and tobacco, with the guarantee of chips, soda, and candy. I pushed the heavy door, the bell ringing above as I stepped through. The isles were barely spread apart and were stalked with things up to two years old probably. I had collected $23.74. How I managed that was beyond me, I wasn't even working this week. I found the twenty in the middle of a doctors parking lot and the rest was just scattered around. Turning down the toiletry isle, I found what I was looking for: Baby food. I picked up as much as I could and a box of Cheerios and headed towards the cash register. Much to my dismay, the magazines and news were at the very front of the store.

My Chemical Romance had just put out a new album, resulting to their faces being plastered to the cover of any magazine you could find. One had caught my eye while in line though.
Star landed in hospital after significant weight loss. Details inside!
When I was first in line, I grabbed the magazine as the cashier was about to ring up the last item. He stared at me, and then the magazine, shaking his head.

"How old are you, and you still read this crap?" He asked, placing my items in a bag. "Shut up shit face, just wanted to get some stuff and leave." I flipped him off, leaving the store and making my way towards the building down the street.

I sat on the steps, unleashing Jacobi. He would crawl a little and fall over to the side then kind of walk back over to me and do the same thing again. By now I was used to this, opening the little jar and pulling out the plastic spoon from my left pocket. I had had it for six months now.

I leaned forward to grab him. He giggled as did I when my arms wrapped around his tummy from behind, pulling him towards me. I dipped the spoon into the applesauce and swirled it into his mouth.

From a distance a cop car was visible. It was speeding down the street, not stopping for anything but the building I happened to be at. On my lap Jace let the food fly and seep from his lips screaming, "Fire fuck!"
"No, Jace. That's a police car. Can you say pol-"

"Excuse me ma`am, do you know a Mr. Radke?" I shook my head no, avoiding eye contact with the officer, the nights without sleep would show.

"He was reported being at this location violating his parole. Shame he only had a few days left..." I looked at him strangely as others went inside the building to possibly hunt him down. Last time I checked he was still in jail... But that was God knows how long ago.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was debating on whether or not to even continue with the sequel, but decided I could try it out and see what happens.
This story will jump around in time a bit.
I'm not sure how long it will end up being.