Status: Writing more chapters.

Death Grips On Guns And Goodbye Kisses

Chapter 7.

"Heh, ya he's cute." I laughed. Frank took a sip of his beer. He shook his head, swallowing. Looking back up at the strippers in the dim lighting, he spoke. "That's good. So what about her? You've only talked about him so far..."

"She's... skinny?" He faced me and tilted his head. "I mean, like really skinny." I clarified, trying not to sound like an ass.

Frank rested his head against his right hand, no longer interested in the strippers. "Tell me more."

I cleared my throat. "Just come and see her yourself sometime. I should be going though. Make sure she and the kid are alright." He nodded as I gave him the telephone number and address.

I got home to see Tish dancing with Jace on the couch. As soon as I walked in, she hopped off and grinned at me like a little kid. Jace kept bouncing up and down on the cushions. I laughed.

"Hello, Ronnie. I was not just dancing on your couch if that's what you were going to ask." She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen table. "Have a seat. I made us some cookies." She smiled and ran off to get Jace. I watched her boney, stick like legs as the thin dress she was wearing flowed and rid up.

She came back and sat down across the table from me. I ate a cookie and she looked so happy. "How is it?"

"Good." I said with crumbs falling from my mouth.

"Now now. No talking with your mouth full." She smirked and went back into the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pretty much a filler. Update either later tonight or tomorrow. I've got a couple done. I love writing these parts now.