Status: Writing more chapters.

Death Grips On Guns And Goodbye Kisses

Chapter 9.

"Tish, this isn't a pay day. You can put your clothes back on." His eyes never left me though.

"Stop looking at me and I will. Until then- deal." I put my hands on my hips to prove my point.

"I-I can't." His face was far from pleased. He stood with a slump and his hands in his pockets.

"Frank stop being a fuckin' downer. Come with me, play with your kid. Get to know him for Christ's sake."

He followed me to Jace. We sat on the floor and Frank seemed hesitant to involve himself with us. Jacobi started walking around him, curious. "Jacobi, that's your daddy. Say hi dad!" I grinned and chuckled.

"Dahd?" Jacobi glanced at me almost as if to make sure he was right. I nodded and he made a quirky smile. Frank smiled too.

"I think he hates me." Frank doubted.

"Ha, now why would you say that? Not like he kicked you in the balls and said fuck you asshole." Laughing, I grabbed Frank's hand. "You have to understand that he's a kid. He's our kid and I'm sure he loves you. I know I do."


"Uh, ya."

The front door opened and Ronnie walked in. Taking off his shoes and setting something down, he started making his way for the bedroom.

"Hey, look what the cat dragged in!" Ronnie turned around. His eyes grew bigger before returning to normal.

"Oh... hey." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Why are you not dressed? Or should I not want to know?"

"Nah. Well anyways, this shitbag here had to scare the fuck outta me. You know how I get with the kid... Well coming through the motherfuckin' window! I wanted to karate chop his ass!"

Ronnie claimed his dinner with his mother was exhausting. "I'm going to bed. Frank, you're welcome to spend the night if you'd like." Frank declined the offer, saying he wasn't supposed to be there to begin with.

An hour more of playing with Jace and I was wiped out. Not in the mood to take time to do more drugs, I just put Jacobi to bed and let Frank say goodbye.

I walked him to the door, instead of the window. It was weird.

He held the sides of my head. "You gonna be okay?" I nodded.

He kissed my forehead and smiled sweetly. He embraced me in a hug and played with the ends of my hair. "I missed you."

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Sorry for the super long wait.