Vampires Will Never Hurt You, Darling


*Misty’s POV*

Yawning I opened my eyes, have expecting to see green elephants. “Hey, you’re not Pooh Bear,” I mumbled groggily looking at Frank. Once my vision came into focus I noticed he was wide awake, playing with the ends of my platinum blond hair.

“Good, you’re awake,” He smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

"Where’s Humphrey?” I asked, closing my eyes.

“Who?” he asked raising an eyebrow smirking. My eyes shot open again.

“I-I mean Mikey?” I asked trying to cover up my dreams of Pooh Bear and my imaginary friend.

“Right…well ‘Mikey’ is still sleeping, I think,” He emphasized on the word Mikey.

“What about me?” A half asleep voice asked. The voice flew the curtain open, revealing Mikey with a fleece blanket around his boney shoulders. From what it looked like, he wasn’t wearing a shirt either.

“Oh nothing, Misty just wanted to know where you were,” Frank winked to him.

“Did not!” I shout.

“Shut up everyone else is still sleeping!” Mikey whispers.

“Ugh, not anymore,” Gerard mumbles, rolling out of bed. When I say rolling, I mean literally. As he fell on his back he groaned, then sat up glaring at me.

“Sorry,” I apologized, trying to look him in the eye.

“Whatever,” he grumbled, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. He wasn’t wearing anything but his boxers, so he took a blanket with him.

“What time is it?” I asked, looking at Frank. Mike had walked away, probably to use the bathroom.

I don’t know,” He shrugged. He got up and walked to the back room. “It’s 12:35!” He shouted. Sighing, I got up to go get changed. Then I noticed the bus was moving.

“Umm…hey guys, why is the bus moving?” I asked getting nervous.

“We have a show tonight, Silly,” Bob replied. I turned around to see him only in a towel.

“Dude, put some clothes on, I don’t want to see that!” I shrieked.

“Oh you know you like it,” He laughed, grabbing his clothes.

I rolled my eyes. “Nope, sorry to burst your naked, towel wearing bubble, but no I don’t.”

“Yeah, she wants to see mine,” Mikey smirks, hugging me from behind.

Pushing his hands off my stomach I snort, “Maybe chopped off, sure”. I walked away from them towards the front of the bus. I hear them mumble something about my ass so I just flip them off. Wait, a show tonight?

“Hold up! There’s a show tonight, and you didn’t fucking tell me?!” I yelled. Now they really pissed me off.

“We didn’t think you would mind,” Gerard say’s plainly looking up at me. He was sitting on the couch drinking soda. Frank was across from him, I guess they were having a conversation before I barged in. They both sat with their legs crossed, as Frank was drinking coffee.

“You thought I wouldn’t mind! Oh no no, I’ve got school! I’ve got my cat to feed! I’ve got my boyfriend! He wouldn’t exactly be happy with me traveling on a tour bus with five guys. Hello? Gang rape!” Frank’s face grimaced at the word ‘boyfriend’ while Gerard’s eyes started to light up.

“I’ll talk to him for you, Misty. I’ll ask him to feed your cat ok? What’s his name anyway?” Gerard asked.

‘Why is he actually being nice?’ I thought to myself. Sighing I answered him, “His name is Josh…and alright,” I said slowly. Since when does he actually do something nice for me?

“I-I’m going to go take a shower now,” Frank stuttered as he stood up. OK…NOW I’m confused.