Alone Forever In The Dark

The beginning

"Mara come back!" I called after my girlfriend,

"Leave me alone Ryan, I don't want to be with you anymore" she called back, the wind taking her words away from me,

"Mara please, let me explain" I shouldn't have told her,

I'm what people would usually call a freak, but in this instinct I told Mara what I really am...and she freaked so much she's running away from me now, dodging the busy traffic of the motorway we were running down,

"Mara!" I screamed when she ran infront of a car, a camosion of beeps and horns errupted,

she was safe though, safe like usual, I went after her still but dodging the cars more clearly, they were going 70 odd miles so it would definiatly hurt even for me if I got hit by one. Mara quickly disapeared into the darkness off the motor way and when I finally got free from the busy cars I ran after her, hoping nothing bad had happened. The speed I suddenly ran couldn't had felt better, she had gotten a little further then I thought, the wind whipped my face with my longish brown hair going everywhere I didn't want it to go. I suddenly stopped at a sound that sent shivers up my spin, Mara was in trouble and I didn't know where she was, I scanned all around me with my night vision trying to find the source of the sound and to save Mara but there was nothing I could see,

"Mara! where are you??!" I called out, louder then any other person could do,

a russle of bushes next to me made me turn and spot something I didn't want to see, a human female hand flopped out, completely lifeless. I ran over to the bush and pulled away the branches trying to keep in the hysteria that was building inside me, when the face of the victim came into view I thought I was going to be sick,

"Mara..." I said, sitting back and away from the bush in shock,

she had taken her life...she had a blade lying right next to her body and a long scarlet cut across her neck...I couldn't save her...I wasn't fast enough to help her through this, even though it was me who brang her to do this. Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at her lifeless hand, still poking out of the bush, what was I going to tell her mum?? how could I tell her that I told Mara what I really was, she started running away then we were running down a motor way, she then jumping infront of a 70 mile going car but was safe then I finally find her in the darkness of the summer night...dead. I couldn't do anything but sit there and stare at her hand, all I wanted was to have her warm arms around me like we had been before I told her, told her that horrible thing, the horrible thing being me. A whisper in the wind pricked my ears to listen, it was weird the fact the wind could actually speak,

"She didn't kill...", it said, confusing me completely,

"But the evidence...she cut her neck open..." I said, emotionless to the wind,

a gust of wind pushed me closer to the bush, I looked at Mara's face, gulping back the thick tears that were about to escape. Looking closely at everything I made an imprint of the area in my mind, when I did the maths and angles of where her body was laying and in what places her hands and the weapon was...the wind was right...she didn't take her life,

"Your being serious??! she didn't kill herself! do you enjoy me feeling like this??! feeling like I was the one reason she's dead now!" I screamed at the wind,

the wind died down, most likely scared of how I had reacted, I glared everywhere, so that I wasn't happy at all with the wind and there was nothing that came back. I moved next to Mara's dead body and moved my arms under her before lifting her now heavy body into my arms one last time,

"I love you forever Mara" I whispered into her ear, knowing she couldn't hear me,

I walked slowly with her still in my arms, walking to where I would have to lay her to rest forever more. I got to the river and knelt down, easing Mara to the waters edge, the water lapping at her arm wanting to take hold of her and rest her peacefully,

"Mara-Louise Malger, I'm always going to love you and I will never forget you, I promise to you that I will catch the person who did this to you and avenge you" I kissed her colourless face once then pushed her slowly into the water,

I hoped no one would find her, I wanted her to be left there, swimming an endless river of happiness, to never be disturbed ever. I watched as she floated off then saw her be taken by each lap of water before she was no where to be seen, I blew out a kiss towards the water and then slowly pulled myself away as the moon lit up the water gently.
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I got into it alot when I wrote it
So I don't know if it's ok or now