Alone Forever In The Dark

Shocks and Sighs

The morning came quicker then I wanted it too, Lis was up and dressed when I opened my eyes sleepyly. She moved across to me and layed ontop of me, before touching her lips to mine softly, I wrapped my arms around her and pushed her body against mine. She smiled in the kiss then pulled her face away,

"Ryan, I have to go to work" she chuckled,

I smiled up at her then moved my lips to hers again, she didn't move away, just smiled through it,

"I don't want you to go" I said as I quickly pulled away then caught her lips again,

she chuckled then pulled her whole body up, I suddenly felt her sitting on me. She pulled away and then looked down at my frowning face,

"I don't want to either, but I need to get the money" she said with a half smile,

I was still frowning but soon enough Lis moved her lips to mine again and we were kissing softly. About half an hour later she left for work, I felt cold as the door closed and what I was going to do today set itself strong in my mind. It took me about half an hour to get washed and dressed, then i went and found a map of the motor way me and Mara had been running down before hurt. When I finally found it I grabbed my keys and wrote a note for Lis that if I wasn't back by 6pm then she should make dinner for herself. I hoped she wouldn't start looking for me because that's never a good idea for her too. I walked to the door remembering the time when I went looking for some police records for Mara's death, and Lis had followed me into the station and we both nearly got caught because she walked over a security laser.
When I was out and had locked the door I started my way to the motor way and then to then lake. It took about an hour to find the spot Mara had disappear in the darkness that night and then I ran as fast as no human would have been able too down to the bank of the river. Alot had changed in the past 2 years, the river had grown in size slightly and trees grew weaker around it,

"I'm back" I whispered to the wind,

it blew around me with a sort of welcomeing whistle then died down, almost scared about something. I walked up the edge of the river, the waves laying my shoes while I stood up tall and waited for the right moment,

"I would like to see Mara-Louise Malger, who died in this very forest over 2 years ago" I said strong and firm,

the river lapped at my feet but nothing happened. I asked again and still nothing happened, the wind had cut down too and wasn't going to help my instincts. Then a sudden strong gust blew at me from behind, nearly knocking me off balanced and I quickly looked around to see...a shadowy figure that looked like the figure from my dream,

"Mara...??" I whispered, shocked and scared my dream had come true,

the figure just stood there, not even moving as the wind blew at it, trying to knock it one way or another,

" that you??" I asked again, a little louder then before,

the figure looked up and what I saw was shocking. The eyes of the figure we're bright blue and their hair was bright red,

"Your not Mara..." I said, sighing inside that it could be just a bad coincedence that another dead body had come up from the river,

"No, I am not this Mara you call for, but I know who she was when you left her here for the water to do what it will" the dead lady stood there like it was normal for someone dead to be alive again,

"Is she alive again, just like you??" I asked, she was starting to freak me out slightly,

"Not that I or any other knows of, she drifted off from where the river left her, she didn't stay were she was put and now I am on the search to find her body and bring it back to rest" the lady's eyes moved around as she looked around at my face,

"What is your name?? do you have any family?? do they know your here?? do they know your...??" I didn't want to say the last word, it didn't feel right,

"My name...I think it was...Sally...Sally Marie...Sally Marie Locket" she said, her voice sounding like she couldn't remember her own name,

"Well Sally, do you have any family?? I can help you if you like" I said to her, trying to forget how scared I was inside,

"I have a brother and a you think they will still be alive as you??" she asked, tilting her head slightly to the side,

"When did you...pass on??" I whispered out, in all my life I hadn't realised what had happened,

"1926..." her voice echoed slightly,

"And how old were you then??" I said, saying she looked about 17-18 if all the dead part were new,

"13" she said, a tear shaped spot of the river water fell from her eye,

"So your...96..." I whispered,

she didn't say anything to that. This was weird, when I was back then this river wasn't here, so all I kept thinking was how did she get here,

"Ok, I'll help you with finding Mara, but I can't go under the river like you can..." I trying to move the subject back again,

she nodded, proberly realising I couldn't help her with her family. She stepped forward and then sat on the bank, I didn't know what she was doing but I sat next to her and looked out to the river,

"What is your name??" she asked after a few moments,

"Ryan, Ryan Mander" I said, this felt weird,

"Well to you a hello, Ryan Mander" she said back,

I turned and smiled at her before looking back at the river. We sat there and talked about 1926, it may sound crazy but I lived once back then. As the sun set I looked at my watch to see it was nearly half 5,

"Um...Sally, I have to go..." I said as I looked to her,

she looked to me and I suddenly saw a small piece of her face as normal as mine, I blinked twice confused at what I saw until she saw my confused look and smiled,

"Talking can help the mind grow stronger, but it can also help the minds that have passed on with worries they didn't think they could solve" it confused me but I think I got what she was saying,

she stood up then and so did I. I smiled to her as she walked slowly into the river, but then she stopped and turned around to me,

"Will you visit me again?? just come here and call my name??" her voice sounded different, like she was a little girl again,

I nodded, and then whispered 'I promise'. The wind blew my words to Sally's ear and she smiled again, her feet turned and she then walked into the river until I couldn't see her again.
Suddenly everything ran through me, I had been sitting and talking with a dead 13 year old, who would be 96 by now. Then Lis's face flew into my mind and I dashed away from the river bank and through the motor way to be with Lis again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So again another random idea rushed through my head
I think it's ok
And yes Ryan is as most people would call, a freak
But he's just not who you all think he is =P lol

Please let me now what you think