Death to the Lovers

The Relationship

She was BEAUTIFUL. She had long black hair and a very thin frame. Her name was Sophie, and she didn’t give a damn about the world. She cared about one thing and one thing only, Zane. Zane was not like the other guys at his school. He wasn’t into sports, or any extra curricular activities. He spent most of his time sitting with a pencil and a sketch book, waiting for something interesting to pass by that he could draw. Now Zane didn’t draw your basic pictures. Why you ask? Maybe it was because his subconscious made him feel guilty, or maybe it was because he knew that Sophie loved him and he was an ass hole to her. Whenever you looked at his drawings it was hard to look away, some people even admitted to getting nauseous. Sophie was in most of his pictures, but in very peculiar ways. She was never just sitting with Zane in the pictures. She was always posed as if she were trying to cause him pain, or even kill him in some pictures. Sophie was not at all frightened by this, but looked at them as if they gave her the most interesting ideas.
Although Zane knew that Sophie was in love with him, he sometimes wondered if she was truly happy. Zane was willing to let her run away from him if at anytime she wanted to. Sophie never did, until that night. But we’ll get to that later. First I want to tell you how Zane and Sophie came to be.
When Zane was just 7 years old his family moved to Sacramento California. He met a young boy named Nat, and they became instant friends. They became really close when they turned 13. So close that they began to wonder whether they should take their friendship to the next level. When the boys were at Nat’s 14th Birthday party, they became very curious about each other, and began to touch each other, and they lay down in Nat’s bed. Then, Zane kissed Nat, and it was like a fuse. They both began to strip. “NAT! ZANE! WHERE ARE YOU?!” Nat’s mom was calling for them from the living room. “Shit!” They both yelled at the same time. They began to pull their clothes on as fast as they could, but they couldn’t get them on fast enough. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Both of the furious mothers screamed.
That was the end of Sacramento, and that was the end of Zane and Nat. Zane’s family then moved to Dallas, Texas. That’s where it happened. He was 18 years old and he was walking through the mall, and he saw her. She was coming out of the shoe store carrying a pair of bright green chuck tailors. He was just going to pass and give a casual wave, but her beauty overwhelmed him and it turned into “Got plans on Friday?” She shot him a curious smile and said “Nope.” So they began dating.
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sorry its so short.. =[