Status: I'm working on re-writing some of this, hopefully I will be able to start posting more. Until then Hatius. Sorry. If you have any ideas of what you think should happen, let me know.

Don't Walk Away

Don't Tell Anyone

Let me introduce myself. My name is Demetria Melodie Devonne Blyre. I am sixteen years young, and was born on the 19th of January, in 1993. I have six brothers and sisters. Three brothers, three sisters. I am French - Australian. My Mom is French and my Dad is Australian. I have two dogs. A black lab, named Elvis. And a Maltiese, named Michiko. my siblings and I are in a band together. It is called Alternate Reality. I write all the songs for our band. Sometimes, one of the others will write with me. I play the piano, guitar, violin, and drums. I am also the lead singer. Our band is signed to Blyre Records. My Daddy owns the lable. Before you start thinking, "they must not be good, or they only got signed because their dad owns the label." Don't. We are really good.

I am not that complicated, all my complications come out in my songs.

Oh, yeah. I hate Nick Jonas.

Well, we used to be best friends. All of us. We were always together. Then one day they just left. No phone calls, emails, letters...nothing.

Now I'm 16 and our band is going on it's 5th tour. It is our 3rd headlining tour. I have no idea who the other acts are, but right now I don't care. Nothing can ruin this for me...or so I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you think.
I'm deleating my other story.
If anyone wants to make a banner they would be greatly appriciated. The people who play the characters are on the summary.


The Chapter titles have nothing to do with the actual story, I just thought I would let you know.

Comments = Love