Status: I'm working on re-writing some of this, hopefully I will be able to start posting more. Until then Hatius. Sorry. If you have any ideas of what you think should happen, let me know.

Don't Walk Away

Who Said

“Come on girls, your mother and brothers are already in the conference room.” Daddy said to us. He was trying to get us to walk faster. Key word trying. I wasn’t working. “Come on girls, pick up the pace.”

I pretty sure Anasztaiza and Kierstynn were only walking slow because they woke up late and haven’t had their morning Starbucks. Rosalie was at home with Odette. Odette is our live in maid. But she is more like a grandmother to us all. Me on the other hand, I was walking slow for the simple reason being where we were. Her at Hollywood Records. Yuck! This place was defiantly not at the top of my places to be list.

“But Daddy, I don’t wanna be here. I want to be back at Blyre Records.” I spoke.
“Dem, just suck it up. It’s only going to be for a little while.” He replied, giving me a small smile.
“Fine,” I caved, “But I won’t like it.”
“That’s my girl.”

We finally got to the right room, with only minor set-backs. In the elevator Kierstynn fell asleep…standing up. Daddy opened the door and my sisters walked in and sat down. Well more like ran in and attacked the poor unsuspecting Starbucks cups. I stayed in my place, just out sight in the hallway. I really hate this place.

“Dem, just go in.” Daddy spoke. “The faster you go in the quicker you can leave.”
I stayed put and he gave me “The Look”.
“Fine.” I sighed and walked in. Taking a seat next to my mom. My father sat on the other side of me and began talking to John, one of our producers, that happens to also work for Hollywood Records. I took my peppermint white mocha from my mom and thanked her. I began to text Selena. Were like BFF’s and whenever one of us gets board at these things we text each other.

To: D-M-D
From: Selly
*You should totally making this your status on MS. ‘When life gives you Nick Jonas, hand him back and demand Jasper Hale.’ G2G…filming. TTYL*

I began to laugh, and texted back.

To: Selly
From: D-M-D
*I am so doing that. You should do the same but with Jacob Black instead of Jasper. TTYL*

She always knows how to make me laugh, at 5am. It all ended though when I heard the words ‘Alternate Reality’ ’tour’ and ‘Jonas Brothers’ in the same sentence.

“Then it is settled. I’ll go talk with Jon about arranging a press release.” John said.
“I’ll come too.” My mom said. She always helped when it came to publicity.


“No.” I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the second chapter.
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