‹ Prequel: Look Out Life
Status: I know I havent up dated in FOREVER, I'm sorry, but as soon as I can I will!

Eleven Years Hit The Dead Spot

Best Buy...Free Show?

It’d been eleven years since I seen Gerard, ever since I made that fatal disusing to get up and walk out of the Way’s house, leaving Frank and Gerard. It hurt me everyday of my life. But I knew I had to do it. To save them from what my life would’ve brought me, I ran away all the way to New Orleans got an apartment, and made my life the way it is now, my dad never found me.
I have no smasy fancy job - 26 years old and working at a Best Buy. Ain’t I lucky.
I help a lot with CD’s and Cameras, specialty.
I was there in that stupid Best Buy shirt; for God sakes it was blue!
My hair was black and going to my back, it was far over on the left I had black and red eyeliner. I was still pale as I was eleven years ago, but I got my lip pierced. I was looking over the CD’s trying to find something while no one was bothering me.
I got a tab on my shoulder. “Excuse me.” I turned around to see a tall lanky guy wearing glasses, dressed in all black. (Lucky him)
“Yes.” I said as I put on a famous smile.
“I’m looking for a camera to nag my brother and friends with, but I need a good one. And not easily to be seen. Can you help me?” he said the words fast, too fast for my brain.
I thought about it for a minute.
“Yes I know what you could like.” I waved my hand motioning for him to follow me he tagged on my heels as we walked by aisle by aisle. I found a camera that had the right pixels he was looking for, I handed it to him he analyzed it and look satisfied.
“Thank you ma’am.” he said, as I walked with him to ring him out, I passed a CD. I picked it up and look at the back, not bothering the front.
I saw the lanky man look at me and small.
“You should listen to them, they’re pretty good.” I looked up at him, lost out of my daze.
“I should?” I asked dumbfounded.
He shook his head. “Yes.” a smile grew on his lips.
“Do you know who’s in the band?” I asked curious since, he seemed to like them and I didn’t have enough money to actually buy it.
“Yeah, There’s Bob, Ray, Mikey, Gerard and Frank.” my heart skipped 2 million beats.
‘Gerard and Frank…’
He gave me a furrowed look.
“You okay?” he asked.
I looked back down at the CD.
“I had old friends I left a long time ago, they had the exact same names.” I said and flipped the CD over to the front.
“…My Chemical Romance…” I whispered to myself and looked at some songs.
“Yeah my brother had a friend that left him, he hasn’t been right since…” I wonder who his brother was, and I wondered who left him…
“I always used to say stuff about all these stupid celebrities, making the skanky clothing, then I sat back and thought. It’s not a fashion statement, it’s a effing death whish.” I smiled to myself at that old thought, then I remembered I told Gerard that a long time ago.
I looked back up and he had a huge shocked look on his face.
“You never heard of that band yet you know a song name?” I looked at him confused by his words they just weren’t making a lot of since.
“No I used to tell that to my friend along time ago.” I said ringing up his camera.
“Hmm,” he put his finger on his chin. “Would you come to one of they’re shows?” he asked still with that finger on his chin.
I thought about it for a minute, I mean come on he makes them sound fantastic, so what was I to say.
“Sure, they sound awesome.” I said while the camera label wouldn’t process.
“Okay we got a show tonight, come around the back and I’ll let you in.” I stopped trying to ring his camera up, and looked straight up at him. I was frozen.
“Oh by the way, I’m Mikey. I’m part of My Chemical Romance.”
“Oh shweet, so I just come around the back right?” he nodded and I handed him his camera. He gave me a piece of paper with where and what time it is.
He walked away with his Best Buy bag while I stood there, I met a famous person and didn’t even know they’re band. He wants me to come and see them live with probably 1200 fans.
And they had the same names of my old friends I left eleven years ago, but I keep wondering who Is brother is. And how someone got my phrase I used to say.
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TOld ya I'd have it out, I had an urge to right it, and I'll propbably have a co-writer.
If anyone would want to help with this story, gimme a hollor.