‹ Prequel: Look Out Life
Status: I know I havent up dated in FOREVER, I'm sorry, but as soon as I can I will!

Eleven Years Hit The Dead Spot


I wonder my way away from all the silent confused fans, I looked back to see Mikey gone as well. I decided to go to the backroom where Mikey told me to meet him, as the guard noticed me and remembered me; he let me walk right on through. As I went to walk through the other door to go se Mikey, I heard two men talking.
“Why did you run off stage like that?” I heard a calm man say.
“I couldn’t help it, I mean dude! She looked exactly like her.” I could tell by this young man’s voice that he had his hands in his hair.
“Dude it probably wasn’t, you haven’t seen her in eleven years—think about it.” He was trying to convince this man.
“Yeah you’re probably right,” I heard him gather it up. “People look alike in this world so yeah…”
That’s when it seemed to be my queue to walk in, as I slid my fingers down the wall as I went I saw them turn heads and look at me, I saw the lead singer with gauged eyes. They reminded me of his eyes.
I studied his eyes as they followed my movement, Mikey smiled at me and launched over.
“Hey, this is Gerard.” Mikey pointed a finger to Gerard, and I swear my heart died. His hair, his eyes, his skin, looked so much like…like HIS
“Hi…” I waved while I stared Gerard down; he just dug into my eyes.
“Hi,” he copied my words.
“Hey guys I gotta go get some coffee. I’ll be back in a sec.” Mikey went to go get his coffee. Which left me and Gerard with our awkward silence; I found my eyes scanning him up and down, even though his wearing I already knew, but I was studying his structure.
Skinny face, tiny lips one side thinner, pointy nose and eyes—those eyes hazel and sparkly.
“Who are you?” he asked with his face hard on mine.
“What?” I asked back like a dumb idiot, but ‘who are you?’ maybe I thought of that wrong.
“I mean…what’s your name?” he asked with a slight hit of embarrassment.
“Well just call me Déjà.” I said and looked at him flinch. He moved back a little and moved his hand up to his arm and scratched it. He had worry in his eyes, they went back and forth.
“Déjà you say? Uh cool name…” he trail off while I just gave him a simple “Thank you.”
“So Gerard, erm where do you live?” I asked a stupid question.
“Oh I live in New Jersey.” He said now leaning against the wall.
That gave me a spark.
“I used to live there, I’m the runaway-er.” I said and looked behind me.
“I had a friend that was a runaway-er, she…she was special.” He said and looked down, swiftly moving his feet side to side.
“Yeah I had someone I left too,” that’s when he looked up at me and stopped doing what he was doin’.
“What was the person’s name?” he asked me. Finally a conversations going.
“Well to tell you the truth, he had your name Gerard—and the other weird part is,” I saw him engaging into the conversation. “He looked just like you.”
He looked at me.
“Holy shit…” I looked up at him wonder what was so holy shit.
“Déjà vu!” he said my nickname name and I trembled.
Tears started pouring out of my eyes when he said my name, I knew it was Gerard, I knew it!
Me and him collided with one another, I latched onto him so tight and fast that I’m shocked I didn’t knock the breath out of me or him.
“Gerard I missed you so much!” I said crying my eyes out. I felt him hold onto me tighter than ever before. As I did to him as I thought he would actually disappear.
“Oh my God Déjà if only you knew how much I missed you!” I could tell he was crying to, we both pulled away to look at each other, his beautiful eyes were red and puffy with tear tracks, mine I couldn’t imagine what mine looked like, similar I knew.
We through ourselves back together sobbing on each others’ shoulders, I felt so happy. But I felt wrong because I left him I felt…so guilty.
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I really liked writing this one