‹ Prequel: Look Out Life
Status: I know I havent up dated in FOREVER, I'm sorry, but as soon as I can I will!

Eleven Years Hit The Dead Spot

Déjà Vu

I heard a voice from behind us as we were crying.
“Gerard who is this? Why are you crying!?” I turned around to see someone who looked awfully familiar; I looked into his eyes and saw that face. I knew exactly who it was.
“FRANKIE!” I saw his face grow into a smile. He ran over to me while I was still by Gerard, he came and gushed me together with him and Gerard; they both had their arms around me as we smiled and cried.
“Déjà vu where have you been al-all this time?” I heard Frank sob, I couldn’t even find words to explain where an’ how.
“I’ve been here for eleven years, New Orland’s.” I felt him hold me tighter,
“But why…why did you leave?” he let out another cry.
I had to think of how to say this just the right way. I couldn’t find it so I was just gonna have to say it. Even if they didn’t understand.
“Well I knew the cops were gonna try to find me. And-and I didn’t want anything to happen to ya’ll.” I saw Frank turn his head and looked at me.
“If only you knew how much we missed you.” I felt him shake; Gerard was still tearin’ up on the inside. And outside.
“I missed ya’ll the most, we’ll never be apart again!” I told them as I let out my last tear for tonight I hoped.
“No we won’t, we love you.” I felt my emotions go to rivers again.
“I love you guys too!” I felt weight being left off of my chest, the guilt I had for leaving them went away. ‘Cause they were there with me now. And never leaving again.
They let go and whipped there tears, we made our way over to the couch that was over by the wall. We sat down on it and I felt Frank and Gerard tighten on me, Gerard has his arm wrapped around my shoulder (tight) and Frank had his arm wrapped around mine. Not letting go for dear life.
I enjoyed it in my own way; I missed them far too much to care if they stopped my breathing from holding on so tight.
“So what’ve you guys been up to for the past (eleven) years?” I asked as I was being squeezed.
“Well,” Gerard answered first; “a lot you could say, after I woke up and found you nowhere. I looked around the house…so after that I woke Frank up and we looked for you. We called and everything we could. “but we couldn’t find you. But we didn’t give up we had faith.” I heard him sigh.
“Me and Frank her became best of friends, and then after I realized my life was going nowhere, with drawing for comic-book and cartoon industry and after nine-eleven I knew I needed to do something better with my life. So I called the guys and said: we need to make this band.” I nodded knowing what he meant. But it hurt me I wasn’t there; I couldn’t help anything, anyone I almost felt the guilt coming back again.
“Gerard, when you were singing that song…what was it called and who did you dedicate it to?”
I saw Gerard’s face turn white almost ashamed.
“Well uh, it’s kinda…well okay…” I looked at him hard.
“Okay now spit it out.” I ordered him.
“Okay well the songs name is was of your phases you told me. About celebrates making clothing and knowing it’s not a fashion statement it’s…”
“A fucking death wish.” I finished for him.
“Yep, and the songs about/for you. But now I have a question!”
“How did you hear of us?”
I thought about it for a minute and remembered Mikey!
“Oh Mikey told me about you, he came to buy and camera and. Erm I was working at Best Buy so yeah.”
“You’re the little bastard who gave him that camera,” he laughed. “Anyway, my brother told you about us?” I thought about that for a minute ‘His brother? Omg little Mikey!’
“Yeah! Mikey your little bro, well I picked up a CD and ask him who was in it, and when he said your names I thought it was so weird ya know? Gerard, Frank(ie). “And I named a song that I didn’t even know then he said, well before I meet you again. that you haven’t been right since I left.”
I heard him gulp and look straight ahead, how… did I actually have that effect on him? Or did he just miss me – but someone who missed someone I mean, would it be that bad unless….