‹ Prequel: Look Out Life
Status: I know I havent up dated in FOREVER, I'm sorry, but as soon as I can I will!

Eleven Years Hit The Dead Spot

A Loved Drug, and a Bitch

I looked at Gerard and he just stared ahead, Frank looked at me and just shrugged.
“Gerard…?” I looked forward for him to explain, but he just stared off like I didn’t even talk to him.
“Frank I want you to leave.” I look at Frank who shot Gerard a devil look.
“Gerard I just got to see my best friend that I haven’t seen in elev-on years ― and…you want me to leave?!” I pointed with my head for Frank to go; and he listened to me. He pep seed over out the building.
I looked back at Gerard, put my hand on his shoulder and shook it.
“Gerard? Gerard, why won’t you answer me?” Gerard shot his head to my face, he softened a little but he did not smile, his lips where silted shut.
He put his hand on mine that was from his shoulder. He took it down and placed it in his own; my eyes looked at my hand to his face. He lifted his other hand and placed it together with his own, so he had my hand in both of his. I looked into his eyes, but they just stared ahead. Those hazels weren’t like they were before, they were a little dark.
“Déjà, no I wasn’t right after you left; I went almost mental.” I looked at Gerard; you could tell he was serious as can be.
“Gerard I-I…” he cut me off again, since I couldn’t find my words.
“When you were gone I stayed in my room, I didn’t bother with my parents, brother, or Frank. Somehow I thought it was his fault. Every time my mom called me down for dinner I ran out saying “”did she come back?” they would shake their heads and I’d slam my door,”
I felt my guilt plummeting back into me, I felt like I should just die for what I did…
“Déjà, when we meet you were my first friend ever. I don’t know about you but…you were my drug. You made me happy when times were bad, I smiled with you; it was amazing! And when I went cold turkey and I was out of my drug ― I fell hard.”
I looked at Gerard I was nearly crying, my eyes stung, I was his drug.
“I loved my drug, and my drug is back.” He smiled at me and I let a river tear slid.
I smiled. I looked at him, he put his arms around my while it sled down.
“Wait, wait, why are you crying?” Gerard asked I looked back up to him.
“I love you too Gerard.”

We walked out of the building laughing like we used to, I saw Mikey coming around the corner. I knew what I was fixing to do.
Mikey saw me and smiled.
“Mikey!” I yelled and ran and hugged him, I looked up and he gave Gerard a questioning look.
“Dude you don’t know what you did.” Gerard told his brother.
“What did I do?”
“You gave me my Gerard back.”
Mikey looked at me and gave me a hard look.
“What the hell?”
“You don’t remember me, do ya? I used to come over to Gerard’s house, you were little. You asked me if Gerard was my bitch.” I giggled and Gerard shot Mikey a death glare.
“You asked her if I was her bitch?” I laughed.
“I said? That oh my God.” Mikey let out and nearly fell to the floor.