‹ Prequel: Look Out Life
Status: I know I havent up dated in FOREVER, I'm sorry, but as soon as I can I will!

Eleven Years Hit The Dead Spot

Walmarter ( I Hate That Store)

As I looked at Gerard I saw him smile at me, my insides ablaze. He quickly looked down and cress crossed his legs.
“Uh Déjà, you want to hang out with us tonight?” he asked and I couldn’t simply say no.
My eyes looked up at his, my stomach swirling.
“Well der, but we need Frankie boy.” I said slightly looking behind to see if he was there.
Gerard nodded he looked forward as if he would appear on sight.
Before I even though about my actions I grabbed Gerard’s hand and led him my way, I knew I felt his hand sweat. I just shrugged it off.
I saw Frank over by Mikey with animated actions, I headed over there and ran up behind Frank.
Without him noticing; I grabbed his hand and he spun around. His eye caught mine and he enlighten.
“I thought that grip felt familiar.” He said hugging my hand.
“Yup it ain’t lost its touch.” I said. His hair fell in his face, which made him actually look cute.
“Well Frankie-Boy we’re goin’ to go around town, would Thoul like to join us.” I said with a quivered eye brow. He put his hand up to his chin.
“Quite ampoule love,” I felt Gerard’s hand grip mine tighter. “Where to Déjà vu?”
I shrugged and lead them the way I wanted to go, we ended up at a walmart of all places. After we got mind bottling looks and some gasps.
I took them to the area where the bikes were, I got one them while they looked at me dumbfounded. I didn’t see Frank complain as he found a kids bike and joined me.
Gerard hopped on one by Frank’s and road with us.
“I’m not even gonna ask…” Gerard said after awhile, I giggled while Frank laughed at him
“Don’t question life Gerard, live it.” Frank told him and gave him the finger.
I giggled and made my line be heard.
“Frankie loves you too,” I looked at them and Gerard smirked. “And he reeealy loves you when he gives you the finger.” And I flicked Gerard off too, we all laughed.
I hopped off my bike and grabbed Frank with me, Gerard just noticing; I grabbed Frank’s arm and we ran from Gerard. I shhh’d Frank.
“Okay we’re gonna make a run for it, over to the clothing ales.” I whispered to Frank
He grabbed my hand and we were on our way. With Frank’s twig of hair in his eyes he moved his free hand and put it over some, but not completely behind his ear.
We made it over to the clothing area and I crunched down with Frank; us giggling as we knelt down. I held on to Frank’s hand tighter he gripped mine as well, he put his finger to his lips telling me to shut up basically. I nodded still giggling.
I looked at Frank to see him open his mouth in horror, I looked at him questionably.
Suddenly Frank grabbed me by my torso and started pulling me.
“Don’t question me, Gerard’s their – I saw him walk by.” He said hushed.
I followed him and he let go of my torso, he kept looking around corners as if he were a spy. I knelt down and rolled to the next ales while I laughed at him.
“Frank I don’t think there’s any need for that.” I told him while giggling. He looked at me and glared.
“I’m just getting in the mood.” He said and cartwheel to the other side. I just started crawling trying to “get in the mood” per say
Frank stopped and looked back at me and gave me a thumb up; I guessed that meant the cost was clear. I looked back and I saw a flock of black hair raising up, my mouth gapped open and I couldn’t even scream.
He looked back at me like I was stupid. Gerard tackled Frank and dragged him away, Frank was kicking and screaming – but it muffled so I presume that Gerard covered his mouth. That’s when I started high-telling-it.
I sprinted to another area and I saw a bathroom (Girls’ bathroom)
I knew Gerard couldn’t get me in here, unless he was stupid.
I sneaked in and went to a stall and sat on the toilet set, awaiting for them to give up.
I sat patiently. I heard the bathroom door open; feet approached my stall. I looked down and thought to myself.
‘This girl got some BIG feet’
I sneezed. Thinking nothing about it, I saw the pair of feet stop and head to my stall; I wondered who in God’s name would stop at someone’s stall – maybe the clean up lady/man.
This someone put their hand under the stall, I saw it was much bigger than I ladies hand. Then I thought about a pervert.
“Oh my god get away you pervert!” I screamed hoping I wouldn’t get raped.
I heard the other stall door open, I couldn’t even run. Then I say some black hair rising up and then I saw eyes looking at me, like they could possibly kill me. I had a horrid look
Then a hand reached for me on the other side as the other man was doing the same. I couldn’t even scream.
“AHHHH!” was all I could get out.
Then I heard laughing wondering who in the hell would laugh at someone getting freaked!
I ran out the stall to see Gerard and Frank looking at me and laughing. I ran up to both of them and bitch slapped them.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” I was ragged. “You gave me a heart attack I swear to God you did!” I yelled at them again, they were still laughing there asses off and I didn’t think that was funneh, that’s pretty much my worst fear.
Getting raped.
They came up to me and placed their hands on my shoulder, I put my arms around their neck and sighed and we walked out of the girls bathroom. Shall that ever happen again…I’ll shoot ‘em.
We walked out of walmart and continued our way to wherever.
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whoa ze long one xd