I'll be there for you through it all

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Ray’s POV

Frank just collapsed and passed out, he lay motionless on the floor. I don’t know why, I only offered him his favourite candy, skittles and he just stared at them and then passed out. I hope it wasn’t my fault, I know it has been very stressful in the bus lately, I hope he is okay…

The ambulance I rang a few moments ago finally arrived and sped Frank off to hospital. The band following in the bus.

An agonising ten minutes later we all arrived at the hospital,

“Mr Frank Anthony Iero please” I asked at the reception office.
“In what relation are you to Mr Iero”
“We are his band mates”
“Okay he is in room 315”

Walking up to the room I started crying, I couldn’t help it I was so emotional and I wanted Frankie to be okay.

I walked in and saw him lying there, looking tired, but okay.

“What’s up Frankie” I asked.

“The nurse said I am anaemic and Borderline anorexic”


I couldn’t help but to scream, I was so upset, I cannot believe I never noticed it, I knew he was getting skinnier but I never thought he was anorexic and anaemic. I am such a crappy friend, I wish I was just alone right now, so I ran, I ran out the hospital, grabbed my phone and wallet from the bus and then ran again, I stopped running, but have no idea where I am.

I decided to stop in this diner, it looked old and small, so no-one would really suspect for me to be in here.

I walked up to the counter to order a strong coffee and some chips, “5 minutes” the lady at the counter said as she turned to give my order to the chef, I decided t wait at my table and sat down, staring into space I never noticed when the waiter came back to give me my stuff.

I have just eaten all my chips and drank my coffee, so I answered my phone to whoever is calling me.

“Hey Ray where did you go dude, I can’t find you anywhere”

Oh it is Mikey.

“I don’t know where I am, and I am not coming back”
“Why not, what’s up”
“Nothing I am okay, just need some space on my own, I will find my own way back to Jersey seen as you lot need to get back and I am nowhere near you”
“NO you are coming back with us and I do not care what you say”
“You will have to find me first”

With that I hung up, no-one knows where I went and where I am, so they won’t find me, plus this little diner is so small I barely noticed it.

I just need some time on my own, I have been touring with the guys for a year and a half now and I love them all to pieces but sometimes I just need my own space to think and get my head sorted.
I have often thought about suicidal things, and I drink a lot and just have fun while on tour, but it was the last show yesterday, and I need to go home and think, and try not to isolate myself again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a week off to study for my exams, so that means lots of updates =]

I wish to thank the following people;
Alice Verney
Simplicity vampire

Because they comment on most updates and make me laugh when they are like oh my god. =] So thankyou for commenting, especially you Alice Verney cause you comment every update. xx