I'll be there for you through it all

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Gerard’s POV

Oh my God, I am so glad that I got that I love Frank off my chest to someone, I just hope he was really asleep and couldn’t hear me, the pressure to be perfect in the medias eye is really important to the band at the moment.

I really need to release some pent up emotions, it is not fair, I’m in a hospital, yet I can’t seem to find a nurse anywhere, I really want to know more about Frankie’s condition, it will help me take my mind of cutting.

“Can I help you young man?” I heard a woman’s voice say, spinning round I came face to face with a brunette nurse around 5 ft 6 and chubby, not fat, chubby. She looked cute actually.

“Yes, do you know any information on Frank Iero’s condition?”

“Are you in any relation to Mr Iero, sir?”

“I‘m his band mate, I really would just like to know more about his condition, how I can help him and if he is okay”

“This way then sir”

I followed the cute looking nurse into a little box room with a table and two chairs, she sat on one and I nervously sat on the other, awaiting Franks news.

The nurse looked through a small folder on the table, and picked out Franks folder, flicking through the notes made by the doctor and the other nurses.

“So, Mr Iero has been diagnosed with Anaemia and Anorexia is this right?

“Yes, I think that is what he told me, something about iron deficiency”

“Yes sir, well then where to get started”

The nurse looked at the folder again and looked uneasily at some of the papers before returning them to the folder.

“Well the, Anaemia is as you know where a person does not get enough iron into their system, Franks condition is much further down the line than the average, he passed out earlier because his body could not take the strain”

I nodded, smiling in thanks.

“Go on”

“Well some of the most common symptoms include, vomiting, pale skin, tiredness, being cold a lot, high blood pressure and in severe cases passing out” a look of concern appeared on her face as she carried on.

“We interviewed Mr Iero earlier on, and we found out from Mr Iero himself that he has not been eating right for about 4 months now, which will be the cause of both anaemia and anorexia, I understand Mr Iero is a vegetarian, this means he will need to gain his iron back by eating lots of fruit and vegetables and taking regular iron supplements. His anorexia is caused by lack of eating, and you may have noticed he has lost a lot of weight recently, being in the media spotlight may have caused this along with other things and Mr Iero also stated in the interview that he stopped eating because he was paranoid about getting fatter, as he was always the fat kid at school, and that he was so stressed and worried that he just stopped eating. I can not explain to you anymore of Mr Iero’s interview or conditions but give me a few minutes and I will explain to you how to help your fellow band mate. ”

“Thank you so much, this has helped a lot in my understanding of Franks condition.”

She smiled politely and opened the door, returning with a few leaflets aa few minutes after she had left.

“Right then, read these leaflets and they will explain to you how to help Mr Iero, If you need anything else don’t hesitate to ask okay Gerard.”

“Thank You, oh and how did you know my name”

“You’re my favourite band” she smiled shyly and walked out leaving me to my thoughts.

I gathered the leaflets from the table, slipping them into my pocket and walking out of the room I was sat in only a few seconds ago. I understand a lot more about Frankie’s condition now, and I am determined to help him, no matter what.
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Sorry it is so short, I have an exam every day this week, so it is jam packed revision, and I have history exam in all of 9 and a half hours so i need some sleep, Thanks to all my readers who have stuck reading this, even though I do not update very regularly. ly all. xx

And thanks to those that comment aswell.x