I'll be there for you through it all

Chapter 2

Bob’s POV

Last night was really freaky, I woke up at 3am to Gerard screaming in pain because he spilt his coffee over himself, once I had realised he was okay I walked back to my bunk area. At the moment I’m just laying in my bunk fully clothed and I’ve just heard someone run out the bus and slam the door behind them.

5 minutes Later.

I’m currently walking the streets of Los Angeles, Trying to find a bar to sit in that’s still open at 5:30 am, but nowhere seems to want any visitors. I spot a bright yellow light glowing in the darkness, walk over to it and see its an off licence called The local, Walking in and grabbing a litre of vodka, paying then walking out again.
I’m never usually much of a drinker, but when I’m stressed I just need something to focus on, and vodka seems to do the trick quite well.
Noticing an abandoned park, I walk in and sit on a bench, staying quiet as I see someone on the swing just swinging slowly.
Opening the bottle and taking a few swags I start to get tipsy and head back to the bus.

At the bus.

There is still no sign of Gerard and I’m getting worried, he never usually runs off for more than half an hour but he has been gone almost 4.
If he isn’t back by the morning I will have to go searching for him.

Suddenly knocking me out of my thoughts I hear a mail voice shouting at me.
“Bob what the fuck are you drunk”

I turn around coming face to face with Ray.

“N n n noooo”
Oh crap I really am stuttering my words.
“Of course your not, Why the fuck are you sneaking around at 4am and getting wrecked then coming back at 5:30am” he shouted
“I‘m n..not Rayyyy Please bwelieve me ”
“Whatever go to bed”

Ray stormed away and I decided to get some shut eye before the concert tomorrow night.

Gerard’s POV

07845623853 That’s what the number read in my phone under the name Dealer in LA, Putting the phone to my ear and pressing dial I hear the ringing tone go off 3 times before a muffled “hello” came from a tired sounding Dealer.

“Hey man, what’s up sorry for calling so early man, just wondering if you can get me some coke down to LA Tribal Park”

“Sure thing, I‘ll get a dealer there for you in around 10 minutes cya”

Ten minutes later

“Gerard?” The tall skinny man I knew only as Andy questioned me.
“Yeah sup A, Got my gear”
“Yeah Its going to be more expensive $60 this time, its real pure and shouldn’t be taken in large quantities.”
“That’s cool man”

Handing him over the money, he soon walks away into the distance and I sit back down on the park swing.

Mikey is going to kill me if he finds out that I’m about to get high then go back to the bus, but I really don’t care, and If I need to I will cut too, but that can wait, I need to get high.

Making 10 lines of coke with my credit card and placing the left over of the 3 grams of coke into my pocket I shuffle around to try and find a dollar note.

Rolling it up into a straw like shape, putting my head down and snorting the white crystal substance.

I can feel it kicking in and I soon regret it, but still have enough left for another time.

Placing everything I used back into my leather jacket pocket I sit down on the swing again until a thought comes into my mind.

‘What if I cut now and go back to the bus I may not wake up in the morning and then everyone will be happy.’

So I remove the blade from my jeans pocket, it’s a new one so it should be good, I uncovered my arm and wrist and settled.

Slicing 6 deep cuts into my wrist and about 20 into my arm, all the way round and all the way down.

Covering my arm with my jumper sleeve and leather jacket sleeve, I stood up and staggered back to the bus, dripping blood all the way back.

Reaching the door of the tour bus, I stammered in, I can’t see myself but I would say my pupils are the size of the moon, and stumbled to my bed, taking my clothes off all bar my boxers and laying down, falling into an uneasy sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like this chapter, i know its a bit morbid, but it fits in with the story later on.