I'll be there for you through it all

Chapter 4

Mikey’s POV.

Beep Beep Beep

I awoke to the sound of my very annoying alarm clock to the sound of clanging and sobs from the kitchen.

I swung my legs from my bunk and walked through to the kitchen, seeing Bob sat on the floor a piece of paper clutched in his hand sobbing hysterically.
“Bob, what’s wrong?” I asked sympathetically
“Are you sure, why are you crying”
“It‘s Gerard he‘s gone”
“Gone what do you mean gone”
“He wrote me a letter, saying he is leaving for a while, he packed his things last night”
“Oh my. Let me ring him”

Ring ring ring ring

“Hello” I heard a dry crackly voice speaking to me, and it sounded nothing like Gerard.
“Hey Gee-Gee ”
“Yeah Gee its me, what’s wrong why did you leave”
“Oh I am fine, just need some time, did Bob tell you anything in that letter cause if he did I will kill him”
“He didn’t don’t worry”
“thank god”
“Why, is something going on that you need to tell me”

There was a long pause on the other side of the phone, I heard yelling and shouting then something struck me.

A man with a very deep voice, shouted “Gerard do you want another line of coke dude”

“Yeah I will be there in a sec” he whispered.

“Gerard, are you there, I heard that”
“oh shit I have to go bye”

Beep beep beep beep.

I screamed so loud, that the whole bus heard me. Frank, Ray and Bob all running out to see If I was ok.

I dropped to the floor and itched at my wrist.
“What’s up Mikey” Frank asked.
“Gerard, He is back on drugs”
“what are you sure”
“he ran away, and I rang him and a guy on the other end said did he want any more coke, and he replied that he would be there in a minute”
“oh shit”
“Bob what was in that letter he gave you, and why did he give it to you and not me, I‘m his brother”
“I can‘t tell you, I want to but he trusted me with this and I can‘t break his trust, because I am scared of what will happen if I do, please just let me handle this on my own”
“okay but if he is in danger and you don‘t tell me then I will never forgive you”

10 Minutes later

Bob shouted me from the bunk area, said he needed to talk to me.

“yeah” I stated as I walked in.
“I need to talk to you”
“what about is everything okay”
“well no not really”
“what’s up”

He moved closer and lifted the sleeves of my top up.

“that‘s what‘s up, I need you to stop, please, I understand why you do it, I really do but please for me Mikey”


“I found the blades in the cupboard in your toiletry bag, I wanted to borrow some deodorant”

“Oh Well how can you ever understand” I screamed at him, I was angry that I didn’t hide it better and that he was trying to make me think he understood when he didn’t .

He pulled his sleeves up and showed me some scars, big nasty scars.

“oh” I said bluntly.

“That’s how I understand, I know you tried to hide it, and I‘m sorry that I found out, but I need to know why Mikes”

“Its Gerard, I got so worried about him and I didn’t have any other way to release it, I‘m sorry Bob”

“Its okay, just try to stop please, for us”

“I can try”

After that I got up and walked out into the living room, and grabbed my coat, walked to star bucks and ordered a Frappe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, thanks to the people who are reading, if anyone is.