I'll be there for you through it all

Chapter 5

Bob’s POV.

I did it, I knew Mikey was cutting I just knew it, I told him I found the blades, but I didn’t I didn’t even know he cut, but now I do, I wish he would stop I hate seeing my friends go through all this stuff, especially knowing I cant help them.

I needed to know to be honest but now I just wish I didn’t know, it hurts me so bad, he just ran off about ten minutes ago, I am going to give him some time to think, then I will call him and sit him down to talk to him properly without interruption.

I decided to get a cup of warm coffee, so walked down to the nearest star bucks, but upon seeing Mikey sat in there I decided to go to Wal-Mart and get a bit of shopping instead.

Walking in a few people stared, obviously knowing who I am, but luckily no-one came up to me and asked for a photograph or autograph, I usually love talking to fans but today I’m just not in the mood.
Frank’s POV.

Oh My God…
There is so much noise in the bus recently, I can’t do anything without people shouting in another room, I don’t know what’s going on and I wish people would update me and Ray on what is happening because we are both in the dark about everything.

I have some sort of idea, after I heard Mikey shouting at Bob saying that Bob didn’t understand anything that Mikey was going through or something.

Sometimes I get so stressed and tedious that I wish the band could stop touring for a while, this band is my life, and without it I would just go back to being the little childish kid that can’t get job and is gay.

Yup that’s right you heard me, I Frank Anthony Iero is gay.

No-one knows but Mikey, Mikey is my best friend since high school, 8th grade to be precise.

I am going to go find Bob and Mikey in a minute, they both walked out, I’d say about half an hour ago now, plus I need some skittles from the nearest Wal-mart.

Gerard’s POV

Oh fucking shitting bollocks, Mikey heard Bert, he heard him ask me if I wanted any more coke and me shout back that id be there in a minute.
I didn’t want anyone but Bob to know. Fuck I didn’t even want Bob to know to be honest, but I guess I cant change the past, I wish I could though, Mikey will never forgive me, he will hate me forever for lying to him, and I just can’t go back to him now.

I will have to stay here forever, or just kill myself or some shit. I already feel like doing it, I’m so depressed and in debt and hated by all my best friends, I bet Mikey has told the others.

Mikey and the band are all I have left in this world since Grammy died, my mum and dad disowned me once they found out I was gay, and my grandpa died when I was 2, I haven’t seen the rest of my family for years.

If I don’t have them I don’t have anybody, and I can’t get through this life and this world without them.

Walking upstairs of Bert’s apartment building I went onto the roof and sat staring at the sun. I know its not very good for my eyes but its pretty, one of the few things in the world that makes me happy.
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Sorry this is really short, i just got in from school like an hour or two ago and thought i'd update, there should be more tonight, but if not sorry, im so bogged down with work. If i don't get my music work done by tomorrow i will fail, cause its worth 60% of my final grade and my GCSE is in 2 weeks.
once again sorry.