I'll be there for you through it all

Chapter 6

Gerard’s POV

I awoke to the rising sun shining down on me. I shivered and opened my eyes to reveal a unfamiliar surroundings, looking around I remembered last night and walking out onto the roof of Bert’s flat, I must have fallen asleep here.

Standing up I walked down to Bert’s apartment and knocked on the door, within seconds he answered.

“Hey Gee where you go last night”
“I fell asleep on the roof, I feel like crap can I come in?”
“of course you can your staying here come in come in”
“cheers Bert got anything I can take?”
“yeah some Speed in the bathroom”

With that I walked to the bathroom and grabbed what I wanted, sitting down on the seat of the toilet and snorting all the Speed in the bag. Feeling satisfied with the chemicals starting to react in my brain I went and dialled Bob’s number.

“Heya Bobbieekins How’s be you”
“I am okay thanks Gerard, you?”
“I’m good too thanks Bobbiekins how be the band”
“They‘re worried about you”
“I will come see them which state you be in”
“We are in Arizona”
“Oooo that’s the last date in the tour sorry I can‘t sing on it”
“your not singing on the Arizona show?”
“Nope cant sorry. See you soon Bobbiekins”

Ah I smell, I must get a shower before getting in my car and driving to Arizona, but I am way to high to do anything so I decide to start driving the long way to Arizona.

Bob’s POV

Oh my Gerard I cannot believe he rang me high out his face and is going to come visit the band whilst intoxicated.
He does worry me, I can’t believe he is going to drive all the way to Arizona stoned out his face, I must tell the others cause if he turns up and I don’t tell them then they won’t forgive me.

“Mikey, Ray, Frank, come through here NOW” I screamed to the bus.
“what is it” they all said in unison running into the lounge area.
“Gerard… He is coming here, to Arizona to see us, but he is stoned out his face”
“you what!” Mikey said.
“I tried to talk him out of it but he won‘t listen and wants to see you all, specially you Mikey”

Mikey screamed and walked back into the bunk area. The others looked at me and I burst out crying, looking at me worried, Ray told Frank to go see Mikey and Ray walked over to me placing hand on my back soothing me.

“Bob what is going on, you keep crying, Gerard has ran away and got back onto drugs and drinking, Mikey is secluding himself and not telling any of us anything”

“I can‘t tell you it isn’t my place to, I know what is going on with Mikey he will be okay with time, and Gerard ran away because he thinks all of us hate him for going back to drugs, and he thinks I hate him for other reasons. I will be okay I think, just need some time to get used to the situation”

By now I had stopped crying and Ray said he would let me think about things and left to see how Mikey was.
The sound of Jimmy Eat World - The Middle came from my pocket,
I looked at my phone and realised I had a text from Mikey, why he texted me and didn’t just come and talk to me I don’t know.

Opening the text I noticed it was a few pages long and he must have not wanted the others to hear him talking so he texted me instead.

The message read…

Bob, I do not want to tell you this in person because I wouldn’t be able to get my words out properly. Well here it goes. I need your help in here in a second, without the others, I am in the bathroom and I just cut, its deep, really deep and I am scared. Just please don’t tell the others. I will explain now so I do not have to talk when you get here.
Well I got depressed and upset about Gerard he worries me to death and I am so scared for him. All this stress and pressure is all too much and there is a lot more stuff that none of the band know about that is getting me down, and I am just generally really depressed, I will explain more later, please just come help me I can feel myself getting weaker. LY Mikey xxx.

Running into the bathroom I realised I must have taken a while to read that text and Mikey was laying on the bathroom floor in a heap. I close the door and locked it trying to wake Mikey up, his eyes fluttered and I realised he was really weak, and I tried to clean his wombs and realised they were so deep, deeper than any cut I have ever seen before, I got some cloth and tied it around the womb to stop it bleeding.

I could not just leave him like this he needed a doctor, I phoned the nearest doctor and got him to come to the tour bus and help me sort Mikey out, I asked Ray and Frank to go out for a bit whilst he came keeping to Mikey’s wishes.

The doctor soon arrived and got Mikey into his bunk and on a drip, he told me after 24 hours Mikey would be awake and to take the drip out and throw it away, we would not see the doctor again but if we needed him to ring him otherwise just follow his instructions.

So Ray and Frank came back and I told them Mikey was asleep before trying to relax myself, I knew Gerard would arrive soon.
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=] Update =]